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Everything posted by Martinwars

  1. do you play republic? this game seems heavily biased against so that could explain things
  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=190855
  3. I don't like kick that much, 2 sec and fills the resolve - you get like half a hit on him while stunned thanks to GCD. CS x2 ftw!
  4. If target has low health, go SS If he NEEDS (??) to be stunned, use the knockdown I generally use Clairvoyant to get 2x and pop stuff -> project -> ss(with buff) -> execute
  5. Martinwars

    Report AFK

    yeah, that's how I'm doing it now
  6. Martinwars

    Report AFK

    Is there any plans of adding such a feature? I'm getting tired of people (especially in lower brackets) that just stands in a corner and get free xp while the team loses.
  7. I've had this several times before 1.1 on both my characters and I've reported it several times. It's being "looked into".
  8. Have anyone so far gone wrong with the "push left as much as possible on both" yet?
  9. piece of **** boss tbh We followed all guidelines and nothing worked. It either bugged completely or it wouldnt spin or anything. The "JUST SPAM LEFT" technique worked flawlessly tho.
  10. *bump* strange things.. parts of the rakata weapons are (51) which is fun since tionese are (52)
  11. what he said- it's usually best to try fixes that doesn't cost you any money if it doesn't help, hence me asking you to see if there are any companies with nice return policies around
  12. Yeah, I found it on some random russian pages while googling yesterday. The only interesting part is the 516w on the 3x 12v rails (43amp). I think the GTX570 recommends a psu capable of giving 35A+ so if going by numbers that PSU should work- Is there any store where you could buy a psu and then return it if it didn't change anything? if so, try that :-)
  13. Have you tried to more obvious things like updating your graphics driver?
  14. makes sense since it doesnt really buff tele throw - for sages its just +60% crit on direct force attacks
  15. overclock isnt that much different from original one in terms of power-usage, and your ram should be fine. I'm kinda against no-name parts in the computer, especially the psu and if you have the money or option to try a Corsair tx650w then I think it would solve your problem. If you plan to buy another gtx570 to go SLI in the future get a hx850 or higher. Those psus will power all your stuff without any problemos :-)
  16. old one was way better. you could see inbetween gcd what was available. Now you have to spam an ability for 5sec hoping its ready
  17. if your 670w is a crappy no-name power supply then that could cause issues. the gtx570 requires quite a bit of juice and a bad 670w might just not cut it. Go buy a corsair tx/hx 650 or higher and hopefully it'll help. Or borrow one if a friend has one.
  18. It helps jedi consular shadow, since their tele throw is only 10m unless buffed by potency.
  19. said yesterday I had 0 days left to play, and today it said "you need to pay more" on my account page. I could still log in and play, so it's probably not til tomorrow
  20. Stephen Hawking. It's very good at somethings, but not fully functioning.
  21. dont think that was possible since no one queued for bgs since you got lots more for doing less in ilum
  22. except I cant still remove my old quests. And I cant use this recipe I've got in my bank. And I couldn't loot the second boss in the new instance. AA was nice tho! And low-lvl pvp.
  23. I think it's more that they spent time doing something they like to gain something they want that now other players get while afking in ilum in 1/50th the time.
  24. ah allright, well atleast people seem to want to send them a message
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