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Everything posted by zerobounds

  1. They're not so useless that its worth changing immediately. I figure there will be changes in the future but probably nothing drastic.
  2. I was wondering the same thing. Never anything useful at the gathering trainers. Possibly there just for future use.
  3. Theres an excel chart for Cybertech on page 1 here right now, it doesnt contain *every* item though, I think it just has the Crew Skill Trainer items.
  4. Well I suppose if its impossible to craft Mod 25's then the best option would be to get the PvP gear, strip the mods, then mastercraft the armor you want with an Aug slot and use the PvP gear mods.
  5. 95% of the time I'm RE'ing something its for the upgrade. I guess if i was desperate for mats then buying items that contain those mats and RE'ing them for a chance at the mats would work but... Really? The frequency of that item being available on the GTN is as low as the material's rarity. If it returns materials it must have a recipe in some shape or form.. Just brainstorming here..
  6. Interesting... I wonder why it bothers to give resources on RE if there is no recipe then....
  7. Has anyone tried to RE purple items that you do not know the recipe for in an attempt to get that recipe?
  8. There's one on android, i think its more of a remote desktop thing though. I think its $1.49. Has good reviews. If you work on a computer just RD to your home pc and queue up!
  9. Never noticed this one. Queue has been reliable for me.
  10. Alright so I'm closing in on level 50 with my BH Cybertech and have come to a wall wondering about beyond the 49's and cant seem to find an answer. It seems like you get the schematics for the 49's (Mod Lv22) as a max from the Crew Skills Trainer but where do you get the level 50 (Mod Lv23, 24 &25) schematics? It looks lke the level 50 Mod 23 & 24 have schematics from HM drops (correct?) but I dont see a schematic for the Mod 25 ones. So if theres no schematic from a drop then can't you just farm the Mod 25's and RE them for a recipe? If so, where can you get the Mod 25's to RE them? This is the Mod 25 http://www.torhead.com/item/9FreOy8/advanced-nimble-mod-25 There is a recipe shown but it does not reflect the correct stats. Looks like a copy-paste error from Mod 24. http://www.torhead.com/schematic/eOqp8Kq/advanced-nimble-mod-25 http://www.torhead.com/item/9FreOy8/advanced-nimble-mod-25 http://www.torhead.com/schematic/5wSRfH3/advanced-nimble-mod-24
  11. this. i dunno about you guys, doesnt take me any more than 5 minutes to get from planetside A to planetside B, I guess you could say the time is "wasted" but i think the cool views and environment are worth it. I'd probably be more off'd if I could grind, then teleport exactly where i need to and continue grinding. I'd never get a second to walk around and check things out and take a break from the regular gameplay. If you pay attention to where you're at and where you're going instead of just "this door goes to here, then there, then there" its more fun. But, whatever. They're not going to change anything and I'm sure plenty of people are just gonna hate it no matter what.
  12. The only people complaining about Mercs are the ones that get spanked and have never played the class.
  13. Theres not much need for a PvE guide, put everything in the Arsenal tree and you'll be fine, do what you want after 40, its fairly minor improvements after that. PvP is a different story, there's quite a few variations available...
  14. Companion quests have level requirements because of progression speed, its intended to not be done until certain [general] time frames in the story. I got mako's affection maxed super early and was constantly waiting for access to a pivotal story quest, after doing it then would get a bunch of opportunities to talk to her in succession and then get access to a quest for her immediately that is 10 levels away. Until then she would never want to talk. It's just the way it was structured. The problem isn't there if you unlock the affection slowly, you'll get regular convo updates and such. I don't have any issue with Gault/Torian because I don't push their aff much so I get regular convo's with them.
  15. It seems like a system that does this would be fairly easy to implement. I don't really know what has been done in other games.. Just make a menu that lets you pick: 1) Create group/Seek group 2) Choose from a collapsible list (similar to quest list) that contains all of the unlocked flashpoints/ops you have and a list of all of your active quests. You pick one. 3) Choose a type filter of your class - Tank, DPS, Heal, Any. 4) Click ok. The group creator defaults to Any, so anybody is grouped if there are people LFG on the same quest/op/fp. If he wants something specific he can adjust the filter to Tank/DPS/Heal and get a more specific player. Seems like this would be simple enough to do.
  16. I'm a Merc, I can melt almost anybody in one cycle if I blow my heat bar up and do great damage spread across multiples. Problem is - I'm a glass cannon... Leap, stun, dead. Respawn. Pro's and Con's. Figure them out, deal with them.
  17. I don't see anything wrong with that picture... gear or otherwise...
  18. You are awarded no points. That post doesn't make any sense.
  19. It's kind of like solo'ing an elite mob 30 times and getting a drop that you already have, except you can't sell it. Or give it to a companion. Or anything useful.
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