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Everything posted by LordDeschain

  1. NO way, so i guess we should just remake every movie made years ago lol. Cant people just be happy with what we are given. Lets all get one thing clear, SW is a fictional world made up from in Hollywood and it was made back in the 70's. I know we all including myself absolutely love SW and hold it dear but lets not delude ourselves and start trying to remake it claiming that it dosent look futuristic enough lol. If anything and this will never happen perhaps more SW movies should be made for either post ROTJ or in the TOR time setting. But i dont want some terminatoresque droids running around, half of what makes SW what it is are those clunky looking droids.
  2. Great post OP! I feel the same way about the flow of the PT and all the machinations of it, yea it has some flaws, but dont all movies? I personally really love the ENTIRE SW saga episodes 1-6. Just think without the PT you never see Coruscant, the Jedi at their height of power, way more alien races, the list goes on.. And for those that complain about the CGI I say shove it! How else can you make some of those worlds come alive without it. Also the people who complain about lightsaber fights lol i mean cmon really, your going to complain about lightsaber fights lol always found that one amusing, what kind of SW fan dosent like lightsabers?
  3. The Plagueis books clears up a ton. To start Naboo prior to the PTM was sitting on a huge plasma deposit, which Plagueis manipulated into being controlled by the trade federation. Next him and sidious put into motion the Grand Plan to destroy the Jedi which included starting the Clone Wars. They get the trade federation run planets seats in the senate, naboo is at a rare opportunity being in the mid rim with its plasma. The sith then go and get the free trade zone to be taxed, and also get naboo to back out of the deal made with the trade federation decades prior too ( the book covers decades prior to the movies). There fore the federation sets up the blockade to protect the plasma investement they had there. As a result of all of this the worlds in the outer rim far from the core are greatly suffering due to the taxes and what happens with the trade federation. the sith now see dooku is a prime target to turn to the dark side and use as a figure head to therefore rally more separatists. Thus you get a bunch of disgruntled planets who feel the core worlds are treated better which sparks the civil war known as the clone wars. the point of all of this is simply to draw the jedi into a way and spread them thin plus get palpatine elected SC and in prime position to execute the grand plan and destroy the jedi and seat the sith in there rightful place. i may have missed a few points but that is pretty much a rough overview of what happens in the plagueis book which i HIGHLY recommend.
  4. Read Plaguies all of these questions and much more are answered
  5. Agreed man, remember people its called STAR WARS with an emphasis on the WARS part and guess what......people die in wars and yes the good guys die too. In reality the true war heros never even get the kind of recognition our beloved characters get. I love the EU's darker tone it makes it more believable in a sense. IMO NJO was phenomenal and actually tested our heros and OMG some died! It makes for good reading, builds suspense when you dont know who will live or die.
  6. With ya here, I love the EU! I've read over 60 books now, all of Zahn is great, NJO was awesome and epic for me the Vong IMO were a more menacing threat then Sidious' Empire, they literally wanted to enslave and kill everything the whole darn galaxy and almost accomplish that plus their resilience against the force made it an interesting fight for the jedi. I enjoyed legacy to me that was the fall to the dark side i didnt really get in the prequel trilogy, you can actually see Jacens slow decent from Star by Star when he watches his brother die all the way to when he kills Mara and becomes a Sith Lord. Great stuff IMO again. Fate I am currently 6 books deep and after I finish Plagueis which btw is probably one of the best EU books ever, i will then finish FOTJ. Bane trilogy was awesome, so far i like all the TOR related books. I have not yet really read to many Clone Wars books, only the one about Yoda and the Vader book. Look people things can be perfect, and SW is pretty much a giant canvas/sandbox for writers to get crazy with but all in all i think most of the books are rather enjoyable.
  7. My daughter is 16 months i already have her leia costume for halloween this year. I going to use your strat for not pushing it to hard and hopefully she likes it lol
  8. Darth Caedus for me! Funny how no one else here mentions him at all. His list of accomplishments goes on, and he is a character with real depth (read about 30+ books with him in it). Grandson of Vader Controlled the galaxy for a period of time, the only other Sith to have that kind of control over the galaxy was Sidious. Extremely strong in the force with some pretty amazing abilities such as but certainly not limited too: flow walking, battle meditation on a high level, amazing saber skills, shatterpoint (only other sith/jedi to do this was Windu) and much more. On top of his skills, as a character was interesting, was the hero of the Vong war as a Jedi, turns to the darkside, then basically destroys the galaxy himself. I mean cmon its Jacen Solo were talking about, the charisma of Han and the force power from his Skywalker lineage. I understand the popular choices of this thread though, this is after all a forum for the game, thus the majority of people here experience SW through mostly the movies and games not the books. If I had to pick others it would be Vader from the movies, and probably Malgus from the game! I have a new found respect for Malgus after reading the book about him "Decieved".
  9. I agree with the sentiment that playing or even doing too much of one thing can get boring. For me running my business, taking care or my one year old, and being a good husband leaves only a moderate amount of time to play. So therefore the burnt feeling isn't there, its actually the opposite I look forward to when I can drone out in the SW universe. I can however see how the hardcore gamers feel, just 6-7 years ago I was spending much more time gaming than nowadays and may be getting slightly bored, but that goes with saying for any game. I never played WOW or any other MMO for that fact, which I feel is a blessing, I don't have to sit here and constantly compare it like others seem to do. I came from the Final Fantasy RPG background of loving a story so even when I play a lot of solo its fun. But then I have the benefit of having a decent group of friends/family who also play so I can fully enjoy grouping, however I have had frustrations trying to find a group when I'm the only one on and see where people are coming from with that. issue At the end of the day though the game is rather new, and will get better, bugs will be worked out, new content for end game will routinely be added and given that its the SW universe they basically have an unlimited number of planets/races/species to choose from to continue adding to it. And I also have faith that Bio is listening to its customer base and will continue to tailor the game so that players don't want to leave. Remember they did this to make money and keeping subs is the only way to make money, so if they have any kind of smart business sense they will make their customers happy. Which they seem to be trying to do, the last video talking about all the coming updates the guy did say that this is "the players" game and they want to give us what we want. So for those of you burning out you have a few options: 1. Quit playing so darn much and take a break, I've had to take days off and then get excited when I can play. 2. Exercise a bit of patience, for the game is just over a month old. Ive heard the saying that the first 6 months of MMO's are pretty much paid beta anyway. Bug fixes, and all the other issues will be addressed but anyone who has had an ounce of experience in the business world knows things take some time, especially when they need to be done right. 3. Or simply just QUIT! No one is forcing you to play the game, and if the measly $15 a month is too much for you then stop paying and go back to WOW or whatever MMO you played before.
  10. Hile Gunslinger! Long days and pleasant nights
  11. just looked that game up, its from 98, and yea it looks crap, but sooo much has changed in SW lore in the last 14 years one day it will happen, SW is like pop culture crack ppl cant get enough of it
  12. Perhaps I crafted the post in a wrong manner, obviously the debates will never end, and I do enjoy them myself for the most part, they can get a bit redundant but nevertheless do serve a good way to kill a little time. But I think it would be just great to put all these iconic SW characters into a hardcore fighting game, God knows there are enough characters and locations to create one hell of a game. We have pretty much seen every other genre of video game in the SW universe except a fighting game, and the appearance of Vader and Yoda in Soul Caliber does not count lol.
  13. So I rather regularly browse this forum and mostly in the Lore sections of it because that's what I am mostly interested in and the main reason I play this game (new to MMO's). What I notice and it gets a little ridiculous after a while is all of these threads about who's more powerful or who would win in a fight ie: vader vs revan is a big one, sidious vs the sith emp from the game another big one, and I am sure there are many many more. SOOOO why not make a crazy mortal kombatesqe SW fighting game so we can explore these arguments in a much more fun environment. Gotta admit would be pretty fun, fighting in the emperors death star throne room, or above a sarlaac pit, or above the carbonite thing that froze Han in Empire. At this point we have an almost endless amount of both jedi, sith, bounty hunters and other sorts to make one hell of a fighting game and I am surprised no one in the gaming industry has developed it yet. Any one else have any thoughts? and please no nonsense trolling....
  14. Giving Roland the Force would be a bad idea!! There would def be no more long days or pleasant nights
  15. Yea heard about this too, but i also heard this was going to be mostly from a militaristic standpoint and involve none of the beloved characters from the OT. And that there would basically be no jedi/sith and IMO i would never want to watch anything SW if there is no force users at all in it. As far as the books, Ive read over 60 now! And I love them, the EU is pretty sweet, so if you craving SW action then start with the Timothy Zahn Thrawn Trilogy set 5 years after ROTJ. There are literally dozens of books from the from right after Endor up to 40 years later. Not to mention all the books based in other areas CW, TOR era, Banes era, they all have good stuff. Cant forget the new jedi order the Vong war IMO again is almost better than the any of the wars documented in the movies or even in this game. For those of you that have read it imagine if the Vong actually had the force!
  16. Exactly this irritates me to no end, read a book or two all you babbling morons and stop comparing movies from different generations! 25+ years is quite a long time in technology nowadays kiddies, Lucas specifically even said he waited as long as he did for the prequels so tech could catch up with his vision, hence why he never showed coruscant until Ep 1! Vader was a total ****** with and without the suit!
  17. Whaaaat Vader is in this game somehow? How is that possible, obviously it cant really be him so I guess just an NPC that looks very similar, and where is this Vader located?
  18. You know whoever put the Gunslinger class in there is a Dark Tower Fan! Especially after finding out that Bio was considering either using the Game of Thrones or Dark Tower as the set universe for this MMO if Lucas was a ***** and didnt give them the license.
  19. Dagobah unfortunately wont be in the game, GL has some rules against using it, maybe he plans to do some more story stuff with it in the future. Ziost= heard it mentioned in the game and it is a very dark side planet with many sith ruins. Myyrk= with force hungry vornskyrs, and ysalimari, would be cool. Naboo would be cool, but according to lore, from the Plaguesis book, Naboo was very isolated until right before the prequels, not engaging in the galactic community in any real way at all, may be kinda hard to fit it in canon wise, but i suppose is possible. Zonoma Sekot would be interesting, a living planet!
  20. You know what I say to this!! WHO CARES lol!!! Do you have fun watching the movies? Playing the games? Would you like to play TOR and have everyone running around with gas driven cars like us or something i mean *** who cares if the tech looks the same, its a frigging game set in a fiction universe. so i guess the OP would rather lucas said nope dont make this game, it dosent make sense to have the same tech 3k years later. Then you would have nothing to play. I LOVE SW ive read over 60 books, played numerous games over the years but i mean some ppl take it way to seriously, they get offended that TOR has the same tech that the movies do, if it didnt guess what, it wouldnt be star wars. Go play skyrim or something and stop belly aching about such a trivial thing.
  21. Thank You!!! Caedus was ridiculously powerful both as sith and jedi, the sad thing is most people on this forum pretty much judge this type of debate based on what the see in videogames and the movies, Id venture to say most people here have not read the Legacy of the Force series or the New Jedi Order because I never see Solo/Caedus on here at all. He had some pretty incredible abilities not to mention he was in control of the GA (Republic) for a few years, only other sith to rule the republic was Sidious after years of enacting his Grand Plan. Caedus flow walked, effectively used sith battle meditation which few can do, master with a lightsaber, could make himself undetectable in the force even to Luke, among many other crazy powers i cannot recall from the top of my head havent read a book with him in it for a few years. Not to mention he had all he deceptiveness that would of tickled Bane pink. Then talking about him as a Jedi, he almost single handedly saved the republic and Jedi from the Vong, which if anyone actually read all 19 books of the series would have to agree that they are probably the single craziest menace the galaxy has ever seen and made all the sith empires look like childs play. I know im probably going to have a million reven fanboys (and btw i love revan too) not to mention all the kids who only play games come screaming at me for saying all this but whatever its the truth.
  22. I dont think anyone truly knows vitiats fate yet, i think thats something that you will have to find out from the game, perhaps in an expansion years from now lol hes too important of a character to the whole old republic plotline to simply kill right now. i finished the revan book and am only lvl 30 sith mararder so havent found out yet his deal. on wookiepedia it says after let the dark council run the empire which was already known prior to the game. so i guess we will have to wait and see his final fate.
  23. Spot On! I think both emperors are awesome and def two of the strongest force users in all of SW Canon. But the argument above crushes that of the OP's for vitiate!
  24. hit the nail on the head here! people please stop comparing the power luke, vader and company had in the origianl trilogy which is over 30 years old now! lucas had no clue at the time of making the OT that his universe would become this living breathing thing with tons of writers, books, games, ect. its sooo stupid to sit here and say oh revan was more powerful than the movie vader and so forth. just think for a second lol all the EU as awesome as it is, is all well after the movies, SW has evolved greatly overtime. If anything if you want to compare characters powers from the OT to EU characters than you have to delve into the EU and see how powerful Luke becomes and how many other powers vader has, but please stop comparing the crazy stuff reven or anyone else does in a darn videogame to the magic lucas made on screen 3 decades ago, its reallly a stupid argument i would see 6th graders having during recess!
  25. waaay to hard to pick just one after having read almost 60! Loved the NJO if I had to pick one from the series its Star by Star, something about a major SW hero sacrificing himself and pretty nuts to see Coruscant completely taken over. The Bane Trilogy is awesome along with ALL things Zahn. Also enjoyed both LOTF and FOTJ, among others. Looking forward to reading Revan and Plaugesis very soon, that is of course if I can squeeze in time from playing this wonderfully awesome game
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