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  1. The issue is the tracer missile 4% armor reduction per stack is not being applied. The heat sigs are working right wih respect to heatseeker missile (if armor reduction doesnt stack with heat sig bonus damage). Use PVP training droid on ship fire off missile blast to get base line damage. Now fire off 3X tracer missile then missile blast you will see a 4% increase in damage of your missile blast instead of a 20%. If you go 3x tracer 1x heatseeker you will see a 25% increase in damage.
  2. Here is a couple of suggestion that helped me. 1) go to microsoft site download dx9 drivers (latest June 2010) install them even if you thing you are up to date. Increased my frame rate ~50% 2) turn off aa in game and if you want the quality run from AMD catalyst software (force override) ~20% increase. (running 4xEQ) Evil
  3. PVP appears to be getting worse. Here are some problems I id'ed. 1. Way too many imbalanced games. The min # of players to start a game is set too low. So on a side with 4 players alot of time there is just enough joins and drops to keep the game going but in fact one side remains unbalanced the whole match. In addition to cross server pvp one way to help reduce the problem is to scale the sides. Instead of allowing all players up to the max to join on both sides. if only 4 join from one, only allow 5 (of say 10 availiable players) to join from the other when more join during game keep adding to both sides. You dont ever subtract players but you can at least early game cap the imbalance. This should make it more competitive. 2. Too many bots PVPing now 3. OP Skills -leave this for a future post Just venting some frustrations and hopefully providing some solutions, Doc
  4. Good news looks like at this pace all of Nov. will be in today. Dec will start tomorrow and Sat. Dec is the biggest month. Eville
  5. Happy Birthday but I'm sure you won't be able to enjoy your cake for another week. Eville
  6. I believed they did it to give everyone at least 2 days early access. Last week Nov.+Dec sales large group (Fri/Sat) Eville
  7. Anyone get an invite? It's 8 am some where right. Eville
  8. I also heard they are going wipe all the servers Friday and start the early access again in reverse order to make sure they are fair and PO everyone. Eville
  9. Now for the bad news. If you ordered a physical copy of the game and don't receive it by the 19th. You won't be able to enter the serial access code and you will not be able to continue to play the game after the 20th. Eville
  10. Lets not beat each other up. It's the Europeans fault If Bioware didn't launch in Europe we could have fired up more servers in the US and we would be playing. Go now and punch your Foreign room mate and make us all feel better:D Eville
  11. IMO it's a PC thing. They are acually giving access to 400-500,000/day worldwide. 200-250 US. They could have rolled out the US in 2-3 days but they would have had to delay Europe launch. Eville
  12. Everyone should protest by canceling their preorders Now! Don't put up with this nonsense. I know you are ask how will we know what Bioware's reaction is. I'll volunteer to say behind and tell you what happens:D Your Friend, Eville
  13. Might be saving to buy a 6pk of Nattie Light to impress the ladies, give him a break LOL
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