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Everything posted by GBlues

  1. Well, after having played a little while longer with my Sentinel now...and having gotten many upgrades to my armor. It does seem, that if you are geared properly, the Sentinel most certainly can hold his own. I think that coming from a game like Guild Wars, to this game was big change in how you play....for me anyways. It took me a little bit of time to figure out how I needed to play. I listened to everyone else, instead of just doing what I felt was right. For me, and it's only for me. I have found that once I invested some time putting alot of Endurance mods on my sent....I can hang with just about anything I want to take on. People were telling me Strength, and telling me Crit....and blah, blah. At the end of the day, I needed Endurance, and Crit mods. Mods that had both, and that made a lot of difference for me. I know other Sents run there characters differently. I do still think some of the skills are pretty well useless. Unless, like with Guarded by the force, you have Doc with you. Cutting your health down by 50% to be protected is a huge risk, and you need to be very, very good, to cause maximum amount of damage in the absolute shortest amount of time when facing a gold elite or some other high end boss. But yeah, it can be very useful. Force Camo, I still rarely use, and now that I have reached level 50 and I am geared properly, I don't really see much need for it, at all. Usually. Sentinel IS a good class. It does take practice, and you have to get the gear you need for the way you play. Yeah, it's a dps class, but you can play that class a lot of different ways. For myself, I like to charge in attack and kill everything. I probably should have been a guardian, it probably would have saved me a lot of headache, and problems early on. That being said though....I can do that now with my Sent...I got no complaints anymore. I must concede to the other posters, Sentinel is not broken. I still think a force push would come in handy every now and then, but, you know, you use what you got, and make it work. Cause it does.
  2. Well, you may think I am clueless, and you can say anything you want. THe simple fact of the matter is this. YOu get into a situation where you are surrounded, by enemies, and you can't get them off of you, for whatever reason, bad tank, soloing a class quest alone, whatever, and you need to push the mob off of you, so that you can concentrate on the one that your dealing with at the moment...yes that means you would push them back to force leap on them, but it gives you distance, space, a break, just for a moment, of not taking damage! To kill the one opponent that your working on at that moment. Sentinel does not have great aoe skills, period. Doesn't matter if I have Blade Storm and can hit five guys in front of me, if there are six behind me! Furthermore I will go so far as to say this. Because I have seen it with my own two eyes. Time and time again, I see people telling me or others, "I soloed this quest over here alone. NO help!" And all I can think of is, "Really? YOu did? Cause you asked for my help and I came and helped you beat that quest." It's alright, to say that your Sentinel class is great, and wonderful and to defend it. I get it, I like the idea of having two sabers too. Really I do. I dig it. But....time and time again...I see people struggling with this class, even on there solo missions. And I use every single skill! And have since I started playing. I don't just 1 button spam. I do understand what a lot of my skills do, some I think are absolutely worthless....others are ok. As an example I think Force Camoflauge simply is a worthless skill and doesn't do a lot to get the damage off of me. It can and has in those rare moments gotten me out of a fight...but two seconds is just almost not even worth having it. Bottom line, all I am saying really is, give me a way to push the guys off of me when I'm in a position that is screwed from the word go, so I can continue to work on the one I was fighting to begin with. Thats all. If I get pulled off of my speeder, and I have a large group on me, it would be nice, to push them off of me, so I could get my feet under me and target a npc, and go to work. Buys me time. I could care less about PVP, but even there a force wave would be nice for those moments when you have muptiple opponents on you, and have to get some damage off of you. Push them back and leap on your opponent....would help much? Maybe not, but it will help. ANd I don't believe a Sentinel is going to take a Guardian on either side of the equation. Whether they be republic or Sith. Not equally matched. There armor is heavy number one, so it protects them better, an they have WAY! More health points. ALong with force push. The leap on you, push you back, your on your ***, and then they leap on you again. It's a hard fight against a Guardian. I aint asking to be better or be given better than another class. I am asking to have the playing field leveled, and it just to me doesn't feel that way. ANd I hear it a lot in game. ALOT! Maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't see it, when I meet people in game that are telling me the same things that I see. I just don't see it. Sorry guys.
  3. RIght...but really all I am saying...is that Sentinel needs a pushback. That's it. And as far as all of the other skills...right...they are more of a passive force skill than they are an actual force ability. In what star wars anything....are jedi's unable to use force push? Oh, right only in this game are only one class of jedi unable to use force push.....Yeah.....yeah.....that makes so much sense.....So...again...mr. Guardian...appparently you didn't realize that sentinels don't have a force push like the guardians do, and they have pretty much all of the same skills I do...but they hit way harder! So thanks....but you fail. WHich begs the next question why do I have two...saber throws? Saber throw, which throws the offhand saber....and Dispatch which throws the main hand saber from the same hand that the freaking saber throw is thrown FROM!?!?!?! One wasn't good enough? NOw if you could activate them both...at the same time...that would be sweet! I mean sentinel is a dual wield class, but even that was not thought well enough to say, "Oh they have two saber throws? ANd two sabers? WHy not throw them both at the same time?" Yeah cause....even that would have gave us something to help with some added umph! In a drawn out battle for causing a serious hurt to the bad guy! Plus you know the cool factor on that again would have lead tons of people to wanting to be sentinels...right...BIO-WARE!!!!! Nobody wants to play the sentinel anymore...you can fix them now...
  4. You know....I did just recently respec into the Focus tree, and it was much better at level 50 than it was at say....23 or 30 even. However.....I cause way more continuous damage in the watchman tree. As well as force sweep not being that great still. It's still not an AOE. Regardless of what people may think. The only thing it does is knock low level npc's senseless, allowing you a split second to figure out what it is that your going to do, and it had better be good, and you had better have enough focus to use that next skill or you are FUBARed. Period. Your causing 3.5k damage to multiple targets with a skill that is specifically designed to attack a single target? I call B.S., and I would even go so far as to say that your not playing a sentinel....AT ALL! Trust me when I tell you. WHen I literally can take on bosses at level 27 with my shadow...or my smuggler....that I Couldn't even touch with my sentinel....THEN THE SENTINEL IS UNDERPOWERED! IT doesn't take a brain surgeon to see it. All you have to do is play any other class, even for a freaking hour to see that the sentinel is a total waste. If it hadn't been for the amount of time that I had already spent on my sent. I would have deleted him and gone guardian or some other class. Cause flat out...they SUCK! I have seen some amazing sentinels do some amazing things, even to include killing bosses 4 levels higher than them solo. But this is not the norm. It is the exception. And to say it's because people aren't playing the class right is sheer crap. There is only one way to play the sentinel. Cause as much damage as is humanly possible! That means you jump on the target you wish and start whacking his brains out until they are splayed out all over the floor. It's kind of his job! As far as another poster posting that the sentinel has CC, hog wash! Force Camoflauge??? Really? Try that crap on ILUM! You'll get whacked while you run away to try and recuperate. To tell you the truth, the people that I see the most, saying learn your class, are the Guardians. They are constantly trying to tell me how to play my class, and have no clue what is going on with the sentinel class. So unless you actually play a sentinel, i would respectfully ask that you keep your mouth shut, and your opinions to yourself. You have no clue! Your class is completely different than ours in every aspect but story. And you keep saying that the sentinel class isn't broken because right now....NO sentinel stands a living chance in hell of taking a guardian of the same level. NONE! I beat a level 34 guardian with my 24 shadow! Both of us were full health. Yeah...sentinel is broke, cause I have no chance matched level for level, and health for health against any class. So go feed your crap to somebody else. We ain't buying those golden cow turds here dude.
  5. I have actually been saying this for awhile now. Truthfully, every single class, except for the sentinel/Marauder have some kind of a pushback. ALL OF THEM. THe guardian is the guy who is supposed to be taking all of the aggro, and all of the damage, so that well....the sentinel can kill everything around them. The problem arises in two places. 1. Soloing your quests alone. 2. Any instance where you have a bad tank! HERES WHY The sentinel has NO and I do mean, NO area of affect abilities. And yes, I know your going to say, "Well, you have 'Force Sweep', and it's AWESOME!" Well, to tell you the truth, your wrong if you say that. I have had Guardian players tell me there force sweep is cranking out 3k plus damage. Well that's great, but I am a sentinel, and mine doesn't. THe other problem with it is this. It does not get anyone off of you. I am a DPS class. NOt a TANK! I can't take sustained damage from multiple targets for very long. I can't attack multiple targets at ALL So, if I am doing more damage than my tank, or my Companion, I am taking all of the aggro. I am taking all of the damage. So yeah, I have knocked a few guys senseless I get to ding them with pommel strike, and once I do, I have five targets attacking me from everywhere again. I am surrounded. It's a lost battle from the word go. If my force sweep, actually pushed them back, I could get a break from the damage, and force leap onto one target buying me maybe enough time to finish off an attacker, and then maybe push them back again or even heal. As it stands right now. For all of the Jedi classes....The sentinel doesn't have ANY real force powers. I may as well be a smuggler with two glow rods. The sentinel is not a Jedi....he's a wanna be Robin Hood. In a universe full of people that have him outmatched, and outgunned. It has already been noted on this forum in several places where the Sentinel was 'NERFED' before the game even launched, because Bio-Ware didn't want a ton of sentinels running around! YOu play any other class, and the difference is night and day! Literally. WHen a smuggler's survival odds are ten to one better than a Jedi's something is wrong. I have had smugglers push me away, Juggernaughts push me away, bounty hunters push me away, consulars push me away, OPERATIVES, Commandos! Sentinel, nah, they got two sabers and Force SWeep....F'EM! Sentinel IS way underpowered. All they need to put them on par with everyone else, is a force wave. Easy enough to add to the force sweep. You just got to get the damage off of you. THe other skills are great, but they just don't work long enough, or even reliably enough to count on. They take too long to cool down. Rebuke, Saber Ward, they are awesome. But they wear off too fast, and during a sustained engagement, you just can't get them back up fast enough. It really is a class that is all bark and no bite.
  6. So...I have a scoundrel/gunslinger alt as well. I have a shadow alt.....a juggernaught alt.....an imperial agent...blah, blah. Sentinel is hard to play. However.....I started out focusing on the Combat tree, the Ataru form tree. IT was nice ,and worked for awhile. I died but it wasn't too overly bad. Then when that stopped working I thought ok, I must not be lasting long enough. Shi-Cho gives you defense bonuses, I'll work off of that tree then. Respecced.....and it worked for a few levels, and a planet or two maybe. But then I started dying, and dying, and dying. Couldn't stay a live. Respecced into the watchman tree and WHAT A DIFFERENCE! Groups I couldn't kill before now I am mowing DOWN! It's a learning curve. You have to play to your characters skills and weaknesses. So far...yeah every other class feels WAY OP! However....I am finding that when I play my sentinel correctly I feel just as OP! And my guildies have heard me cuss and rant and just generally be in a fowl mood over my sentinel. THus the other alts....but I like the sentinel...he's 41...and I want to complete the game with his story line. THe other classes have cool story lines as well, but I started with the sentinel, and now that i am in watchman tree...I at least feel like I can be effective. Just a few thoughts and personal experiences with the Sentinel class. I like it....could be a little more user friendly, definitely could use a good AOE. That actually works. But other than that. I like it.
  7. What was there to look forward to? More digging of ditches? Catching more fish? Doing something ungodfully boring, just to have something to do? Really? OR maybe you wanted to have a house on a planet that looks a lot like Tattooine, and work on that and have water evaporators, and farming equipment, and paying of maintenance and rent, and having to put furniture in your new house, and on your star ship...blah, blah, blah, blah. You could look forward to those things....or. Or you could look forward to the next mission, the next character story, the class, and actually go out and save a GALAXY! Far far away...or you know live another life in a game where your character does what you do for a living....yeah, yeah...that is so much fun....no not really. SW:TOR, has thus far a) gotten me to buy the game. b) gotten me to pay them a monthly subscription, which the other games I have played I absolutely would not do, and c) actually made all of it, fun. In trouble? Nope, not in my mind.
  8. huh...I complained a lot about how many people that were actually on at night. It would go from about 75, to 195 people just on one planet. So....wher you figure that there are zones with less than a 100 people....at time yes. Mostly not. I would like to stop having to wait for crap I need to respawn, because somebody ran up ahead who is not in my party and got what I needed while I was busy fighting. That's crap! Truthfully....I really do not want to see other people doing the same mission that I am doing, unless they are in my group! It makes absolutely no sense...why did I get the mission if 5,000 other people have it too....you think all 5,000 will fail, and thus me the 1 other guy is the one that will complete this super hard mission? Get REal! UGH..... Very reminiscent SWG....That's why there is over 200 hours of game time...not because of the videos, not because of the content, but because like every other MMO on the freaking planet you have to wait for this jerk off to respawn. Awesome. It's a very slow paced game. Really. I like it, I enjoy it...but come on...
  9. This poster actually hit the nail right on the head. What these 'Grey' people want is a myriad of choices. Imagine if you will.... "So I want you to kill this man!" Choices "Kill the man" "Kill the man that ordered you to kill the man" "KIll them both" "Kill the man that ordered you to kill the man, but hide his body too." "Kill them both, and put blasters in both of there hands to cover your dirty deed" "Don't kill the man and let the man that ordered you do it." "Turn tale and run" "Do nothing." "Crap your pants in fear" "Kill the man as grotesquely as possible" and on and on, and on, to infinity! It's a game guys. ANd unfortunately, it has perameters. It has classes that you can choose to be. You can choose to either play your character accordingly to that class or you can try to be a "GOOD SITH" who just works for the really bad "Sith" and the "Empire" Come on. THis conversation had been brought up before, and it's still just as lame as the first one that I read. I don't understand why I can't keep my red lightsaber, because I have LS points. I must pretend to be a dutiful sith,(which I am) but I want to be good, and fake everyone out. It's crap. It's a reason to complain. THe reality is this. Even in the real world. You have right choices and wrong choices. SOme choices have greater consequences and some have lesser. THere is no grey. It is either right or wrong, and it's that simple. If you choose to be a Good guy, and be light sided, you will apparently be rewarded for that at the end of the game with a relic. Great. Vice Versa if you choose to be a bad guy. The choice is yours. But you have to deal with the consequences of your actions. Personally for all of you LS Sith I would like to see an option for you to completely leave the Sith Order all together. Where your LS choices become more and more in line with a Jedi. SO that your superiors see it, and you have to make a choice to either leave and join the Jedi, or your character dies forever. I think that would be awesome. You know why? Because playing a LS Bad guy is a pipe dream at best. You can't be evil, and just be a little bit. You either are or you are not. Evil is different than bad. Bottom line, in my mind, again, play your character according to the class that you have chosen. Empire=EVIL(not bad) Bad( yep it goes right here. The guy who doesn't know what he stands for because he can't tell the difference between right and wrong. Good luck and good gaming.) Republic-GOOD(not bad) Bad is the fence. ANd evil built it. For those that don't know, you build your fence 6 inches on your property line. Ergo, grey or bad, or sitting on the fence, your still not good. YOur 6 inches on Evil's side. So why not just be evil? Your already there. OR you could get off of the fence, and stand up for something and join the Republic and fight for good. HAHA! Nuff said.
  10. Really? I just read the Thread about the ques times, and it's already closed? Oh well, whatever. Bottom line it isn't the wait times that irritate me so much, as I can deal with the 5 minutes that I have had to wait, it's the LAG! I logged on this morning for a few minutes and at 9 o'clock in the morning the server that I am on is full!! FULL! SO at night, I get about an hour or two of no lag, and then bam! I can't even turn in my missions because I keep running into the walls. And I know that I am not the only person that has this problem with the lag. Because the gentleman that I met and have been grouping with has the same issue. LAg. Lag will kill you, your character, and the freaking game faster than a turd ball going down the toilet. Feel me Bio-Ware? Gots to do something about the lag. That it that's all. Thanks for listening.
  11. 1. Why should I have to rely on an entertainer? What possible thing can they do for a combat person? Nothing. THey aren't there when you need them, when the buff runs out, now you have to make another side trip to a cantina to get one. Most of the entertainers weren't that good anyways. Took forever to get a buff. 2.Most of the stuff that the crafters made you couldn't afford to buy anyways, if you were new so it was pointless for the beginners. Which again...why do you need them if you can't afford to buy there stuff? 3. Housing- ONe good reason for no housing, is the JERKS, that always put there house on the little flag that you have a mission for, and you can't do it, because he isn't home, and he has to invite you inside. That's a great reason right there! How's about when it's laggy, and the entire countryside is riddled with houses, and you run into every single one of them??? Housing is dull, and it's something that you have to do in real life anyways. Why do you want to do something in a game that you have to do in real life? That's not fun in my book. Here dig a ditch all day....If I am a ditch digger, that is going to seriously irritate me. SWG=Sucked, and fail. Just my personal opinion....but I wasn't happy with it. Period.
  12. The Princess....or did you not catch that she was Lukes sister, either in the original episodes 4-6 or in the subsequent prequels 1-3, where the both of them are born? ANd it is not specified as to whether Yoda is the last of his kind or not. Most certainly the last of the Master Jedi's during Lukes era to be sure.
  13. My understanding of the game was like this..... You have 4 base classes. Each one has 4 story lines. Off of those 4 characters each one has 2 Advanced Classes. Of those 2 advanced classes each CLASS has it's own story line. That was my understanding. Secondly how do you know that both AC's have the same exact story line unless you've already played through the entire game with 2 AC's? Just asking, and I may have misunderstood, but that was my understanding. Each AC has a story line all it's own. Period. And regardless even if they don't, I chose my class, and I'm very happy with it. I've didn't play any of the beta days. I have never played before until Friday. Yet, I don't think I've made a bad choice. I die more often than I would like, but that's my fault, and some lag, but not biowares. THey didn't choose my class. If I don't like it, I have to create a new character.....Of course there are at least 7 other slots for characters...so I guess conceivably I could create 7 other characters....it says I can. Why not play them all? Gonna be playing it a long time it looks like to me....enjoy it. One last thing. Are you not happy with the AC, or the rate at which your able to level that AC? I see a lot of people just banging out the levels. Hell, I've been playing for two days, and I'm only level 11. But I am having fun and enjoying the game. Jus a thought.
  14. Well the server I was on tonight, DID NOT feel lonely. We had a 169 people playing the same server, and it was so freaking laggy! So bad that I had to quit. Since I started on Friday, it has not been that bad at all. Tonight, everyone and there mother was playing, and it was terrible. SO don't complain too much about it being underpopulated. Because then it will become over populated and it will FLAT out suck!!!
  15. I personally haven't found this to be a problem. One guy, he wasn't happy with how fast we weren't going....we kicked him out of the group. Then he cried a little bit, we let him back in, and he started shooting his mouth off. Kicked him. DOne. Go troll some place else. It's really that simple. Funny thing is, he was a lower level, and hadn't done the missions yet, so I was helping him and another. I needed help on the later missions. So he got booted, and the girl, (who by the way, is going to be a freaking AWESOME! Tank), got her lightsaber when another higher level buddy joined up. Had a great time. Personally I like the cut scenes, I like to watch other peoples responses to the same scenes I've already done. I play a male character, so not only is it different, for light vs. dark, but the girls have different responses than the men characters. It's really cool for that. So long and short of it, come play with me if you like the cut scenes. Or other people that do. Boot the jerks that don't. They can go do there thing, an then wonder why everybody enjoys the game more than they do. Traditionally from my perspective MMO's always seemed to be about just levelling. To be the top dog. There really never seemed to be much story behind them. Here you have tons of story, and for the Power Levellers, it's not going to be as much fun, they are too busy power levelling. They are losing out on a HUGE part of the game. Don't worry about them. It's there loss not yours. Roll on. If they don't like it, kick them or leave the group and find another one. Nuff said.
  16. So I am now a Level 11 Jedi Knight! FReaking sweet! Man I had so much fun last night, I couldn't wait to get on and play some more when I woke up. Today I had a great time, I played ALL day long. I can't remember when the last time was that I did that. LOL! Awesome. But inevitably came the night time, and memories of SWG came flooding back to me. As much as I didn't care for that game, I must admit a large part of it had to do with the LAG! So much lag. Tonight, on the planet Coruscant, my team mate kept thinking that I left him because I was lagging so bad! SO BAD! It was just terrible. I had to quit before I wanted to. It gave me a freaking headache, and lag always does. It's jus a lot of people on one map, all on one server. That aside, still a great game, and for the most part again I had a great time. If your on the fence on this game, I would recommend it. I know bioware is checking out the servers and hopefully they will adjust accordingly, or I will have to. Either way, it's just a good game. Ok update over with, oh, and the crafting system is awesome. I like having a droid or a companion do them. Makes things easy.
  17. Disclaimer: Wall of TEXT! So I know some people have had long waits for servers, etc, etc. I just wanted to share my experience with this game. First, no waiting. I came home from work, didn't even check my e-mail just started the launcher, and it up pops the User Agreement, etc. And then it says Play. Awesome. CHose my server and started making a character. It worked smoothly for me. I had no lag, and then I hit some lag. Asked a if anybody else was, and got a quick, "No, turn off your shadows." I did so, and the lag went away. My computer is not the best one. It's a compaq laptop, pretty bare bones. THe only upgrades I've done to it since I bought it last year was up the RAM, from 2 to 8, and the graphics can't be the high end top of the line graphics card, but my graphics are pretty durned good. I did see a few glitches, in some of the cinematic scenes, nothing major or deal breaking. Hey it's not even the first week of launch, and it looks damn good. Couple of things right off of the bat that I do like. Transportation! That is freaking sweet. Did the first 6 levels by myself, and then I had to join up with somebody. Had a great time. I stopped dying so much. LOL! All in all, I personally am very pleased with the game. Yes there are the side quests of go here, do this and yes it like every other MMO, in the fact that they are kind of lame quests. Fins this guys dad, do this, do that. blah, blah. However, they aren't like that too. Because there is a cinema scene and an actual feeling of a reason for that quest, that ties back into the main quest. It's not, here is a flag, go kill everyone around it to level up. It doesn't feel like that, becuse of the effort that BW has put into the game. It really is a great MMO. It feels like an RPG enough that you can be satisfied with it, and at times at least for me, it feels like a classic MMO. I am thrilled with it. Although the ability to heal with the force during a fight with all of the Jedi classes would have been nice, because being intorspective is nice and all, but it doesn't help you much when someone is trying to stab you to death. Med packs are a little on the expensive side for me, and they are hard to get. ON the other hand I have been getting them more often now, that I have reached at least level 6. I've been looking forward to this game for a long time, and I am pleased with it thus far. Enough that I will break my own rule, and pay the 15 dollars a month to play it. It's that good. It's worth the money for the game, and the monthly service fee. At least to me so far. IF that changes, which I seriously doubt. I will update it accordingly. But so far lots of quests to do, and lots of cool graphics. Very, very nice. I say well done. Thanks for listening everybody, I hope that your experience is at least half as enjoyable as mine, and if you've been around these longer than me, it's probably more so. GBlues OUT!
  18. Well, I pre-ordered with Best Buy, and it took, a full week, to get my pre-order code. I was pissed to say the least. 6 customer service representatives, a whole lot of yelling towards the end, and I finally got it, two hours after I talked to the last person. I was seriously disappointed with Best Buy. However, I did get an e-mail today, stating that my package is in the mail. SO, 's all around.
  19. The link worked fine for me. It recommended the class that I was wanting to play as. Jedi Sentinel, Human species. Pretty cool. THanks.
  20. I waited 2 days too late for the CE, but did order the SE, and got an e-mail about an hour ago, that it's in the mail. Besides the hard time getting my pre-order codes, Best Buy has done very well by me. As is usual with them. I read a post earlier, that Wal-Mart cancelled all pre-orders. There are going to be some pissed off people if that truly be the case.
  21. Nope. I bought from Best Buy, the games in the mail. SOrry to hear about Wal-mart, they suck though. ALways have always will.
  22. I think that if they gave a vote option, that would satisfy everyone. Those that didn't get to see it yet, don't vote to skip, you get to watch it. The next time that you go through it with your buds, vote to skip the cutscene, you all get to skip it. GW does it that way, and it seems to work. Course there is always one or two guys that have seen it a million times, and don't care that you haven't, but who cares, it's your game. Right? I think a vote skip is a good idea, for those die hards who want to do the instances a million times. Why not?
  23. So basically. THose people that really liked SWG, liked it because.....because....IT WAS LIKE LIVING ANOTHER LIFE IN A GAME???? Really? That's why you liked SWG? Was for the building of a house? Decorating it? Paying maintenance on it? All of that is what you liked? Well, crap, I thought a game was for escaping reality once in awhile, not living it by proxy through a video game. I'm glad it's gone, I'm glad it's dead, may it rest in peace. I hated that game. A total waste of time and life.
  24. Bah! NO EMOTION, means NO EMOTION! Period. Jedi, don't fall in love, Jedi don't know fear, Jedi don't feel hatred, or anger, or anything for that matter. It's a part of what it means to be a Jedi. Emotions cloud your judgement, they get in the way. THe sith are emotional killers, the Jedi, emotionless sith killers. Nuff said.
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