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Posts posted by MitchPB

  1. if people used all their tools and knew how to play their classes correctly, this wouldnt be an issue, There are a few classes that have trauma which decreases healing done to the person you put it on. Also there are stuns, interrupts, and....you ready for this.... focus firing. If you focus fire, most of the time you can bring someone down before the healer has a chance to react.


    ^ Even if you don't kill the healer your still forcing him to heal himself and not other team mates.

  2. My Sorc was DPS since I made him a year ago and only healed once pre 2.0 hated never went back. Until a week ago when I talked myself into it. I was shocked at how easy it was, someone who only healed a few matches months ago can do 500K healing on the first try.
  3. Expertise should be tied to Valor. 22 points per level: 2200 Expertise at level 100.


    For once a decent suggestion, may want to modify that though otherwise everytime you roll a new alt your back to square 1.


    Maybe combined with this?


    Too bad that they don't make Valor tied to our Legacy. We may be playing an alt, but we are the same people playing.
  4. You form groups so it wouldnt be all that random, there are ignore lists, friends list, etc. Its a lot like an IM client with voice.


    Ah my mistake. Misread your OP as they could jump into your group at free will

  5. Also from the Harbinger, WZ's have been relatively even (during my time slot) but as others have states it comes down to 2 things.


    1. Incompetent players who **** it up for everyone else (e.g loosing a node)

    2. Whoever has the best premade is probably gonna win (but still not a guarantee)


    Note: Making long term judgments about PVP on any server right now is a bad idea with the augment exploit and the piece of garbage BW calls Bolster.

  6. You know, this is a really easy issue to fix. Why don't all the Republic PvPers reroll to the Empire side? That way, the Imperial 55 players will only be rolling the Imperial 55 players. Everybody wins! Except those who are Imperial players that keep losing.


    Think about it, we will really simplify the problem. Instead of comparing factions we'd compare guilds, then people will eventually complain about that so we'll disband all guilds. Once that happens we'll blame certain advanced classes, like say Snipers so then we ban the Sniper advanced class. Repeat this process until it is only Arsenal Mercenary versus Arsenal Mercenary Warzones and only then we can start pinning blame on an individual skill and not the collective group as everyone would be at a relatively even playing field.


    I'll take my Nobel Peace Prize now.


    Eventually we'll all be fighting naked whacking each other with rubber sticks :p

  7. No idea why the cap is so low, would be more sensible to raise the caps to something around the 12k-13k mark.


    Stupid limitation, once you have full partisan which are purchased using WZ comms, RWZ comms take longer to gain if you don't play in ranked WZ, so you literally waste WZ comms which could be used to gear up alts for PVP.


    WZ comms cap = 2750

    RWZ comms cap = 4500


    Full set of Partisan gear = 12475


    So while i'm grinding away for full conq gear i'll be wasting a hell of a lot of WZ comms (unless i purchase early and pull mods early for legacy gear transfers). Let's face it, the PVP dailies / weekly doesn't give you enough credits to do that. They could always remove the costs incurred in pulling mods with expertise so it's a viable option. Anything is better than the cap limitation there is right now.


    Are you saying your not converting regular coms into ranked?

  8. I'm currently wearing all Campaign/Blackhole gear with my Sorcerer, except I'm missing the chest piece. I'm currently building classic coms for the campaign version, but I was curious which flashpoint drops the chest so I can try to do it once a day after my dailies.




    Don't quote me on this but pretty sure its FE. Just guessing since the Columi chest dropped there pre 2.0

  9. So since i can walk into a WZ in lvl 10 greens and have the same stats as someone in full conq can we have a bolster for PVE as well?


    Or you could be sensible and remove this garbage system because it is a complete slap in the face to players who put time and effort into PVP.


    Stop listening to the crying carebares BW.

  10. You got it bub! (In all honesty people have been clamoring for them to increase the amount of quests you can retain in your quest log from 25 to 50 quests but based on a BW response they said they could not up the amount of quests you can have as active due to the fact that it would affect performance in term of lag so I assume the same thing applies to the Friends list.)


    Makes sense why there isnt an account wide friends list or having friends from the opposing faction.

  11. Lol, so many butthurt people because they can't pick on the easy targets anymore. Taking it out of rateds is fine, but for normal pvp, just learn how to be good and stop whining.


    Its not about easy targets, still get plenty of those. We have nothing to work towards that acctually improves our performance.


    As someone said above, 0/10 go play somewhere else.

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