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Posts posted by stineo

  1. I agree with the OP. It costs 600 cartel coins for a subscriber to unlock the Cathar. As a subscriber I only get 550 per month. They are forcing me to either subscribe for 3 months, wait 2 months, or buy extra cartel coins. As a subscriber from the beginning, I'm very... very disappointed in this.[/QUOte]


    Hmmm, you can buy the cathar unlock for 150k in credits on the market :p

  2. The biggest problem with Guild Ships/Halls/WhateverYouCallThem is that it isolates that guild to their Ship and whatever instance they queue for.


    It strengthens guild relationships but it tends to hurt overall server community


    I actually prefer that over having 200+ on the fleet that lag the hell of me.

  3. So i know that we get cartel coins every month, but i figured i would at least be able to play the new race for free....you know since im paying monthly for this game.. thoughts?


    All the MMOs I played introduced new races via expansions which cost a hell of a lot more then 6 bucks (600 CC averages about that cost). And I remember being subbed to all those games.

  4. Please note this is not a post about whether or not certain things should or shouldn't be in the Cartel Market, or if they cost the right amount of coins. Rather, this post is about a critical factor that rabid Bioware shills do not seem to realize about the CC stipend they get for "free," and why it is a dubious position to justify every new CM release on the grounds that subscribers get it for "nothing."


    Although very few of you seem to realize it, the subscriber CC stipend is not "free." This takes a bit of thinking before you can understand it, because to many of you if you don't pay anything additional, then that means there's no cost involved. But in fact, CC stipends are not free. Rather, they represent compensation for lost value.


    Originally, to play the game you had to pay $15/mo. But SWTOR failed as a subscription model game. That is not in dispute. It failed. Fortunately for those of us who like the game, EA came up with a new model that saved SWTOR. Now, F2P is not perfect (far from it), but I'd rather play a less-than-perfect game than no game at all.


    However, when F2P came out, the value of a subscription was instantly diminished because much of the content was accessible for free, but subscribers were still paying $15/mo. Cartel Coin stipends are how EA compensates subscribers for the diminution in value.


    Recall that even before F2P, SWTOR was clearly not seen as worth $15/mo, as proven by the plummeting subscriber numbers. If accessing all SWTOR content was not worth $15, then clearly accessing that portion of the content denied or limited to F2Pers clearly cannot be worth $15.


    Make no mistake. EA's subscription price points takes your 600 "free" coins into consideration. They could have simply reduced the price of subscribing once they made much of the game away, but "free" coins cost them nothing, and in fact probably lead to more people purchasing additional coins (in rather the same way that the first hit on the crack pipe is free).


    In conclusion, let me just restate that this isn't about the CC pricing policies or the wisdom of making virtually all new content CM restricted. Rather, it is to address the common, but incorrect, assertion that the CC stipend is "free."




    This is your just your opinion. My opinion is SWTOR from the beginning was well worth its 15 dollar monthly sub. And a lot of people thought the same thing however once people that rushed to hit 50th level they found the end game lacking. This is not a problem that is solely found in SWTOR, but other MMOs can relate to this. All these new "WoW-Killers" start out great from the start. People rush to max level then hit the where is the end-game content wall. So people usually go back to WoW where they started and do their dailies and do the same thing they did before any new MMO came out.


    Now SWTOR is very high maint. because of it's voice acting and the way it was created from other MMOs. So it takes A LOT more time to create actual new content. New races need or new companions, voice acting etc takes way more resources then any other MMO out there. But it's much easier to produce fluff content through the CM, which then produces more resources to pay developers to pay artists, voice actors, etc.

  5. Since buying unlocks on a weekly basis would add up to far more than my monthly sub price I would just quit the game if they ever did this.


    Yep that would make me quit this game too. I love the game but not enough to pay to play. These people are having a cow over fluff, imagine if people had to pay for important game content.!

  6. What if they just total remove a monthly sub fee and go with a F2P like they do now and have the option to buy with cc's on what we want to unlock. It would be a custom game to your style.


    Are people that upset about a fluff feature that much that they would want to pay even more money for a total F2P option?! 500 CC = $5 on average so if you sub now you A LOT of features that sub offers now plus an extra 500+ CC per month. So you want to just give all that up because you have to pay a little extra to change your hair color?!! Seriously?!

  7. Also people think that a simple subscription alone should be enough to develop major content like adding playable races, new lands, new levels, etc.. Well think of it this way, when any other MMO out there wants to add a new race, new levels, land, then they offer its players an expansion which usually goes from 40-100 dollars (Collectors Edition).


    However, in SWTOR I like to how they are developing new content. Want a new race, here pay a fraction of the price for a totally optional playable race. Don't like the new race, then don't buy it. It will not affect your game play one bit. Same thing with Makeb, for 10 dollars you get a new planet and 5 more levels.


    I am liking this new a la carte content instead of paying 40+ dollars for stuff I would probably not even use.

  8. I did think it was odd that they sold 3 hairstyles separately. Should have just been added to the normal list and simply cost to change to them.


    But I guess that's just the way the game is going.


    I actually love the way they are doing it. I personally don't play chiss, so not going to buy that package. I don't want to pay a huge amount of CC for a bundle that I will not be using. This way I can pick and choose what I want at a fraction of the price.

  9. i don't think ppl are unsubbing solely because of dye pack gambling. personally, i am frustrated with how bad the nickel and diming has gotten. a few coins here and a few more coins there. it adds up quickly.


    All of the best looking gear and dyes are cartel market only.


    Well if EA/Bioware depended solely on subs to keep this game alive I bet there would be NO SWTOR. There was a reason why it went F2P, cause subs alone can't keep this game going.


    If you want to play SWTOR then you have to live with the CM.

  10. To use the term 'free' coins already makes no sense. In order ot receive them one must pay. Period. Whether it's directly for them, or through a bundle and thus get awarded 500+ a month. Moreso, direct purchase of 500 coins costs 4 EUR, with larger sums getting discounts. So you can take the 4 EUR mark as the 'baseline price' for cartel coins. So technically, you don't get free coins. you pay 11 bucks subscription and 4 EUR cartel Coins.


    Also, Again, Nowhere in my post did I say I cannot afford it. This isn't a 'whiny' topic about how 'I can't afford cartel items, this **** sucks' but it's simply a wake up call over the fact that this newly implemented system, as it is, asks a bit too much in an overall barely justifiable, but justifiable system nonethenless. Infact, If I 'felt like it', I could easily purchase the highest Cartel Coin pack on a whim, considering I earn my own living.


    In the end, just take it by face value.


    Some people do not like to spend their money lightly on things. I am one of them. Whether you now wish to see Cartel Coins as 'gifted', paid for, or tokens from the cherry sky doesn't matter. At the end of the day you pay for it, at the end of the day you have certain expecations for that money you're supposed to pay.


    Well people do ask what they get for their 15 dollars, well you get 500 extra CC. That is 500 more then a F2P player. I bet that some F2P players probably pay more then 15 dollars a month.


    As I said before think of these new features as a la carte system. So instead of spending 40-60+ on an expansion to get to play a new race, in a new land, added levels and items like the rest of the MMOs out there. Here at least you get to choose to either spend your money on the the things you like or not waste your money on what you don't like.. I got the expansion but I am not buying the cathar race because I don't like the way it looks. I like that you can pick and choose what you want to pay for.

  11. I read my post again and I think I wrote it wrong, I meant the Cathar only, not any ONE customization.


    I never played an MMO that offered a new race or class without an expansion that cost at least 40+ dollars. Here you get option of an "ALA carte menu" of picking a race for a fraction of the price. Just be lucky that if you sub, you get free CC to get the new race.


    Some people think that coding and development of an MMO is an overnight thing and people work for free.

  12. what I want...




    Well that cash goes to development and progress to the game. I remember when this game was pure monthly sub and it took months to get a patch. Content comes a lot faster now that it went F2P because of the added resources.


    No one works for free, this game takes a lot of cash just to keep running and that doesn't include the development cost and paying employees that make new content.


    Now if content was slow to come by then I might be little pissed . And if I didn't see any progression then II would just walk away and play another MMO instead of getting upset on the forums.

  13. I like the way they made armor dyes. I know some people wanted a slider to pick whatever color they wanted but I can make a real good guess that most people will just pick black or white, which in turn makes it a big joke. Now at least if you have a cool color like those, then you know it is a rare combo and not have an army that look like clones of each other.
  14. 1) Imperial Agent - Best all around story from beginning to end.

    2) Sith Inquisitor - You start off as a slave and become a sith. That alone deserves praise. I also loved the power struggle within the sith empire. The story involves a lot of power plays with a dark and ruthless touch.

    3) Sith warrior - To me the first chapter of this story is the best of them all. It's so great that the rest of the story , which is good as well, just can't compete with chapter 1.

  15. So its OK to take away features from sub as long as you updating the pages that tell us we get said features. Since this is the case let me guess at the next few updates.


    2.2 Sub will get 20 WZ and FP anymore and you'll have to buy a pass off the CM. Its OK we updated the listed for sub features and who really needs to do more then 20 WZ or FP a week.


    2.3 New OP but Sub will have to buy a pass week pass for it. Its OK we update list of what Sub get. You already have an Op you can run.


    So Eric how long before you take away all "benefits" of being sub?


    Let's put it in its simplest form. Without funds there is no game. Since this game is F2P, most NEW features should cost money. No one works for free, unless it's a kid playing off his parents credit card can't comprehend that fact.

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