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Posts posted by Rialth

  1. Well put OP.


    Devs, if you want a better perspective then just the people who post on the forums opinion, you need to implement a login polling system where you can occasionally have people offer their opinions when they login to the game.


    Wonderful game so far.


    Even though I don't think BioWare needs to do anything until the first 31 days are up. Once the "trying the game, it sucks because" crew leave. This would be the best way to poll your community and see what we all really want.


    No one that posts on these forums speaks for the majority...no one.

  2. Started playing MMO's in 1999 with EQ, been playing one game or another since then.


    Graphics: 7/10

    Lack of AA (even basic) draw distance bugs me no end.


    Sound: 8/10

    Lack of ambient background world noises and crowd chatter.


    Gameplay: 6/10

    UI needs work and GTN is a mess.


    Story: 9/10

    Love the stories, Empire seems better but maybe that's just me.


    Really like the game over all and will be around for a while.

  3. Yes I have to admit this really did surprise me. I thought you would be able to sit on chairs, benches, ect. Maybe it'll be added in later.


    Not to derail the thread but the other nit-picky thing that bothered me is the way the instances are. I think a door instead of a green/red force field would have been better. It's just a little strange to be looking at the force field and someone walks into it and disappears. If it was a solid door with a red/green light on the front you wouldn't be able to see that from the inside.

  4. I never saw this happen in all of my beta time (since July). Admittedly, I did not get to the second SW or BH companion, but I did (and beyond) with a few other classes. I don't think it is supposed to work like that.


    I'd bug it.


    Yeah I was thinking it was a bug, your companions shouldn't be wearing the same outfit. It's a bit disturbing actually.

  5. Same thing happens with Gault and Mako. I had a friend try it with a different outfit on Mako and Gault comes wearing the same thing Mako was.


    It's sort of by design so that you don't spend all your time getting good armor for a companion and then getting one that has crap for armor. So it just copies over what you worked on and puts it on your new companion.


    Admirable, sure, but oddly disconcerning when the two meet face to face on your **** and they're like "One of us is gonna have to go change."


    So the armor goes from being Medium to say Heavy depending on the companion but has the same stats and look?


    Is this correct?

  6. I wish they had stretched out the wait. Too many people playing, too few servers.



    This would have happened either way I believe. Hindsight being 20/20 the Early Access was a mistake. If everyone would have been let in on the 13th we would have been right here 3 days ago and this mess could have been sorted with more leeway before launch.

  7. It's 2:30pm Pacific Time, and Begeren Colony is already showing a heavy load (it's a west coast US RP-PvE server). I acknowledge that it's the weekend. I don't blame this on kids (who should still be in school), or adults, I just blame it on early launch. It isn't "prime time" yet. I'll be getting home from work during prime time.


    It's Friday, the weekend is coming, and buttloads of people are coming in. I anticipate queues when I get home this evening.


    I can handle queues for the early access, though I won't be very happy. I'll become extraordinarily unhappy, however, if I start seeing hour-long queues (or even 10-minute queues) after December 20. At that point, ignoring the first free month for dropping $60 on the game, I'm paying. If I'm paying, there shouldn't be login queues. It's my hope BioWare has the issue worked out by then.


    I'm really hoping they add another PvE and PvP RP server for West Coast soon....ok today before I get home.:o

  8. Uhm, you asked if the EGA made you look like a 5 year old child. I answered your question.


    As to the rest, you are stating what you think the EGA was for and then saying it didn't accomplish those things.


    Let me rebut then oh wise guru of logic with a question of my own and there's only one really.


    Did the EGA let people access the game early?


    I'm sure you can't handle the raw logic of this being the only question needed...so let me help by abbreviating EGA.




    Mission accomplished. ****.


    Did the EGA let people access the game early? No it did not, the community if divided, not everyone got in day one. Like I said before I ordered late so I'm fine with this, I don't have a guild or friends playing. But for those who do it's a failure for a MMO to segregate them. The only reason I posted what I did is to let Bio-Ware, if they read this, know that this was not a good idea and should not be repeated. You of course are entitled to your opinion.


    Last post I will make, have a good day my friends.

  9. Cant argue with that, but its still better then any other mmo launch to date.


    I am still totally looking forward to playing this game, I wouldn't have ordered it after the beta if I hate it.


    But there is a reason that all MMO companies previous to this launch haven't tried to reinvent the wheel. It works...not prefectlly I admit, but getting your future customer base in the game as soon as possible is a must. You'll only keep so many people playing of storyline, PvP and raiding. An MMO is about community and to quote Yoda..."This is why you failed."

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