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  1. That's what happens if you misinterpret what KBN says in his posts. While PTs do take a little more damage on average that effect is kind of cancelled out by the amount and qualitiy of the PT's defensive cooldowns and his dps/aggro. On top of that PTs tanks have the best utilities out of all of the tanks for current content, making PTs the BEST tanks for current heroic content. So if you have experience with PT tanks and there is a raid slot available in your guild, tell them they should take you and don't read too much into KBN's mean mitigation chart.
  2. to be honest, the raids and hc fps aren't really harder than they used to be. I still remember the time when brontes sm was considered unkillable in a PuG. However what IS different is that it's new content, meaning noone knows the tactics and once he or she has figured them out doesn't want to wipe again to carry less experienced players. On top of that a lot of players are still wearing df/dp hc gear which is sufficient to clear sm but not sufficient for every player to clear sm If you give it another month or two I assure you both Rav and ToS will be easily puggable. Concerning the "dps" problem: have you considered transferring servers? I know that on my server it is really not an issue for dps to get into a raid group at all. it's a little bit more difficult, but not nearly as impossible as you describe it. on top of that, you can always build your own pug and be one of the 4 dps. introducing "dps only" raids would hurt the game more than it would help it, the introduction of tacticals was bad enough because even people that want to tank or heal while leveling won't get into those roles anymore because it's simply not required which is a shame. imo that's the main reason why so many healers struggle to heal in the new heroics. however, the amount of UC in the game is just right, it shouldn't be too easy to get that gear. there are still enough ults in current content so that you can by a new piece every week or two. I just gotta say it, you're playing an mmorpg. if you don't want to talk to and work and play with other players, go play tetris. you can't play Sims and complain that you can't make the houses dance either.
  3. just tell your tank to mass taunt one side, then charge/sprint to the other side an single taunt the 3rd add followed by using his aggro nukes on the forth add... 6s with only damage on the tank should be more than enough time for the dps to get the adds so low that they won't need any additional heal killing it, so basically you only have to heal yourself and the tank. oh yeah, and avoid standing in the voids It's not too much damage, it's the players playing the boss wrong. if you don't follow the mechanics you either need a good healer or a good tank to keep the group alive.
  4. what are you complaining about? the damage nerf? pt tank damage was too much anyways. "style"? well I guess I can live without those blaster animations as well... this change makes our rotation a lot less of a pain in the *** ("umm will I need to move in next 20 seconds or can I maybe start channeling unload?")
  5. if you need logs I can provide logs for pretty much every single heroic mode as a pt tank. I also have some older logs as a juggernaut tank though it's only gonna be from the first 8 bosses.
  6. ich verstehe ehrlich gesagt die ganze aufregung nicht. erstens ist das ulti gear für fast jeden außer tanks relativ schlecht, warum genau wird sich aufgeregt dass mans nicht mehr so einfach farmen kann? zweitens wäre es ganz schön, wenn die Spieler anstatt sich auf den alten content zu fokussieren mal langsam mit dem neuen content anfreunden würden. sowohl tempel als auch wüter sollte mittlerweile mit randoms möglich sein (soweit man ein bisschen vorselektiert), vor allem jetzt da underlurker mehr oder weniger funktioniert. zeit also für alle fleißig sm zu laufen und die mh zu farmen, alles was nachm underlurker kommt ist eh n witz auf sm. diejenigen, die darauf bestehen ulti marken farmen zu wollen, haben immer noch die möglichkeit mit randoms hc zu laufen, auch da sollten die ersten 2-3 bosse (sparky, malaphar und bulo) legbar sein, soweit man die richtigen mitspieler erwischt. wäre echt wünschenswert, wenn auf t3 mal mehr gehen würde als "wüter sm e+e", aber die angst ein bisschen im tempel zu wipen ist einfach zu groß, stattdessen verziehen sich die leute lieber ins forum und weinen rum dass sie keine ultis mehr sonst wohin geschoben bekommen. black talon normal könnte ja eigtl auch ultis geben oder?^^ wer gutes gear haben will kommt halt nicht drumrum sich eine gilde zu suchen die hc raidet. und bei der schwieriegkeit des aktuellen contents sollte zumindest 7/10 in einer halbwegs organisierten raidgruppe prenerf machbar sein, erst blaster verlangt wirklich viel koordination. aber das verlangt halt wiederum dass man sich mit neuen, unbekannten bossmechaniken und der eigenen klasse auseinandersetzt und mehr als 2k dps/hps auf die reihe bekommt. wie sagt man so schön... erst die arbeit, dann das vergnügen.
  7. not trying to sound like a douche here, but you could just try handling the "bugs" like everyone else has been for the last couple of weeks. Yes I know it can be frustrating at times, but looking at it as part of the fight mechanic actually gives a lot of bosses some... "flavor". All bosses that are getting reported as buggy are easily killable even with those bugs and you generally only wipe because of personal fails rather than bugs. I kinda don't like SWToR's players' tendency to always accuse bugs and not to try to figure out fight mechanics properly. It's a lot less RNG than everyone makes it out to be. That said... It's still really said that Bioware can't manage to release bug free content though
  8. Ran it as well and seems to be working as intended on heroic mode. Gotta say it though: was easily killable before as well
  9. I have to disagree with you: In current content, endurance is actually quite a good stat to have a little bit of. The two hardest bosses in heroic do a lot of elemental/internal damage, spiking up to 80% in some phases. The second reason is that a lot of the bosses seem to have way more damage spikes than the bosses in the previous content. having another 5 to 10k life actually really makes a difference because it gives the healers an additional second or two to get you back to safety. That said, I am currently having a stat budget of 3.7k and roughly 55k health. Of course stacking health to absurde levels isn't the way to go either but b-mods and comms implants + earpiece is a solid way to gear up for revan or coratanni. WIth health being a more desirable stat than it used to be it might even be feasible to put comms enhancements into your gear IF they're of a higher item level than your sturdiness/immunity enhancements,
  10. Endurance is a stat you get a lot from comms gear, which normally means that most tanks that have a lot of life either have very bad (186 comms) or very good (HM) gear. However, it is a stat that generally doesn't do too much for you, so don't worry about it for now, having around 50k life is totally fine if you have 3500+ def stats. As far as shield goes: I assume most of your items are from the commodation vendor, which tend to have a lot more shield rating compared to def/absorb than ops gear. The more OP gear you get the more def stats you'll acquire and by the time you're in full storymode gear you should be able to hit KBN's numbers fairly easily. tl:dr: don't worry about endurance and get started doing OPs for more def stats
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