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10 Good
  1. Haven't seriously try out healing in release, did a bit of healing in beta...which sucks. Take wow for example, healing take more than simply clicking non stop to be efficient (except for LK where 1 button spamming ftw...so stupid) The reason your healer failing might not have anything to do with add on at all...its just they simply suck and dont know how to play their class properly. Add on might make things less challenging to a certain extent but healing manually in a OP group is just messy...it is doable but just not efficient and cant make use of the full capacity of the healer because we spent too much time clicking on targets
  2. I found this list useful http://www.swtorface.com/p/swtor-companion-list.html and if you can be bothered. go check your missions on torhead...they have listed companion affection gain on decision on half (just a guess) of the missions
  3. I would be grateful even for a revised version of the LFG tool in place atm. The comment column is so short you can't see what people is looking for past the first 2 words. Maybe a tool similar to WOW LFG before the LFD appears. It is not that much more than the SWTOR /who but then you could flag yourself for specific instance you wanna join and for those who are already in a party and LFM you can whisper the leader and ask if they would need you. I power leveled to 50 and skipped most of my Heroic 4+ missions since I am in AU I play at odd times where max there would be like 10 people online on a planet when I play. And since I have a lot of time in my hands I out level all my friends who started playing at the same time. And now all I do is missions on Ilum and stay of the fleet spam and watch hoping for a HM FP.
  4. Yes doing the class quests only will bring you to every single planet (except the starting area for example. I am sith inquisitor and I will not have quests leading me to hutta)
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