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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Narfirill

  1. Bioware seriously:

    After your big changes at 1.2. you messed up balance and TTK of classes that now appear massively OP.


    Master strike solution to all problems and QQ that going around?


    Restore half the values cuts on expertise defence.... take measurements.

    Then if problem still exist do the same with expertise healing... take measurements.


    Analyse and min max accordingly. Saying that you might made a mistake will be ok and welcomed by community.


    Now before you even think fixing pre made ques and or opening ranked WZ fix the hacker problem or the hate will be uncontrollable.

    Till then fix the prises for the War hero stuff and save us from grind


    A paying customer of yours that cant take any more QQ

  2. sent /maras are too durable at the moment... way too durable...

    their defences must be rebalanced..

    As a mm sniper pre 1.2. i was LOLing when a sent/mara coming for me. except he was a talented one or got me without my cool downs he was dead. now maras with 5% HP are gunning for me and they dispatch me 2 out of 4 times easy. same tactics same situations. i don't want to be a ***** but enjoy as long as it lasts, this high and wild god mode wont last for long.

  3. To get clear

    My game is quite good actually thank you very much, as is my situational awareness.

    I don't complain, but in a thread that discus sentinels i say that their current defences are too good. 50% , 99% damage mitigation 25% damage mitigation and avoidance are to good. In comparison snipers you get 20% damage mitigation +20 with area shield. and the shield probe that does some mitigation for 1-1,5k. and then you have to be creative with push backs and routs/mini stuns... it takes practise but you learn it... but the effectiveness is situational and not granted as in maras/sents.

    If you read my very first post you will see that in a thread that discus sents/maras i say they dps OK but their defences are a bit too effective now.

    now we can discus the subject correctly i hope.

    And when you post on forums attack other guys ideas not them personally.

  4. In all honesty they don't have that much durability. 5s bubble (90s cooldown) might let them stim (and if they're Annihilation specced, maybe regain an additional 16% health) so that alone doesn't help since most classes can deal 30% of a maras HP with a burst cycle in 4-6s. Cloak of Pain is the primary defensive CD, but maras are still squishier than heavy armor wearers and tankassins/shadows with it up (against energy/kinetic damage). Saber Ward lasts 12s (3m cooldown) and is employed situationally. Yes, maras/sents are tough to kill for a brief window of duration if they can use all 3 defensive cooldowns, but once they're gone, the marauder is squishy and their only true means of survival actually comes from killing quickly. Furthermore, you can usually kill them outright if you don't fill their resolve and save your stun for when they're at ~35% health - this gives enough time to burst them down to death. If a Mara/Sent DOES get their bubble up or happens to pop cloak of pain + sabre ward, simply use a stun followed by a mez or a long root if you have one (stun alone is sufficient in forcing cloak of pain to burn off if noone hits them and they don't stun-break). Stun time or long roots cause the bubble to go wasted. Recognizing a marauder's spec + buffs are vital to make ANY class more successful against marauders. Hell, I'm yet to lose to a marauder/sentinel of any spec in a proper 1v1 as a Sorcerer (which happens to be the easiest class for maras/sents to kill).


    well i primarily play MM sniper (yea i know I'm a sadist /masochist) and their shields are devastating my attacks and last too long. its a personal view as i said. now of coarse every one will kill anyone if his defencive cool downs are gone. So i think if you come back and read your post will agree with me. they are dps and should dps as one but their durability is of the charts because i they are to good and too long .... see the ones of a sniper which suppose to be the range mirror. we just bust our mitigation not avoid attacks all together or throw damage done, by any attack, out of the window juts because. imagine a sniper with such defence cool downs ... cheat personified. :)

  5. no if you read what i say you will find that i propose a nerf to their durability not their dps...

    i would like BW to redesign the other classes not to make them more powerful, as mara/sents are now but as sollid, comprehensive and user friendly as they are now

  6. I was tempted to say sent/mars need nerf.

    Well now i think they don't.

    Their class just receive an overhaul that make it easier to play. Yea im quite frustrated about them going around nuking people (im one of their favorite target playing a sniper) but truth is their damage is big but still i parameters.

    To those that say l2p and stun/KB/mez/avoid i have to say there is not so many abilities in one class to interrupt all your devastating attacks.... but still those attacks are not the real problem.

    Observing how mars/sents attacking in wz i saw pre 1.2 that they were trying to single out targets, scouting around and looking for a cut off one.

    Now they just attack anybody . Most of the time i have less than 50% guys jumping on me, or some skilled ones on groups of 2-3 players and killing one or 2 easy before either killed or stealth and run.

    My personal conclusion is that they are to durable... their survivability was boosted way to much when all others with the def decrease from expertise went down.

    I think now they are one of the most well build classes with well laid out trees and BW should do the same job to all other classes.

    till then just make them bit more vulnerable.

  7. i was hearing about hacks but since open beta didn't encounter a case...

    yesterday i saw my first speed hacker... the idiot forced speed his way from the ball pedestal in the mid all the way to the goal line ...

    usually o don't notice those guys being a sniper an minding my cool downs helping others but this guy i was in a excellent vantage point and aiming him in order to leg shoot him even before he took possession of the ball...

    hack is real for me since yesterday.

    BW you were boasting about your telemetry data acquisition...

    make a nice program loop with a speeder. place the normal speed conditions for the specific AC and an if condition do ban the IP / account of the speed freaks... so dam easy for pro programmers.

  8. after 1.2 i get a white noise type of environmental sound every time I'm entering/exiting war zones.

    some times also when just traveling or entering exiting areas.

    I'm using an on board sound card on a laptop

    Realtek ALC268 @ Intel 82801HBM ICH8M - High Definition Audio Controller

    before 1.2 no problems at all

    Does anyone else have sound problems after 1.2?

    Developers can you fix it?

  9. well at beginnings i want to say that none under 50 should say anything about pvp

    1-49 pvp we dominate coze none has all his skills and defences which we get fairly ahead of them in order to survive (even though with difficulty) on pve solo which is a huge pain in the rear.

    after 50 the scenery at pvp change and its bleak for the class if you dont have reliable team and very good gear.

    pve endgame is quite good for us.

    the class suffers from underexposure at films and PR.

    unpolished game play (cover, conflicting skills and abilities etc.)

    true sniper feeling due necessary game mechanics

    very steep learning curve and severe punishment by game mechanics if you are not perfect during your gaming.

    wrong rotation, mistake during rotation, bad reaction time? you are dead or struggling for life were other AC are more forgiving and have reliable escape mechanics, you don't.

    lack of mobility scare and alienate many players also.

    and we are not that flashy well except that orbital strike were we are far to flashy.

    dont get me wrong that helps a lot coze so far that we were not many at list in my server (LoL) we manage to go unnoticed in pvp but not anymore.

    people play Force users for sabers and lightning BH/T for missiles/huge guns/heavy armor and then we are there with...???

    if you add that we get the list attention from devs in our forums and we are known for survivability issues then you get a good picture for why so few.


    IMO we were developed at haste so we are unfinished and basically i think the devs don't really know what to do with us. that's why we haven't see the nerf hummer so far (except the Operatives which were the first also typical of unpolished class mechanics) but half heart attempts to give us something here and there that fixes problems but not a nice meaningful overhaul like the sets/maras got and make many things for them better

  10. well if you think that sent/maras should have for pvp damage imunity that lasts as long an average pvp encounter the why not i, as a sniper dont have a similar imunity. i could blast your arse to oblivion like nowone alse, heck i could take a team of you and hold you of till reenforcement come to kill you....

    ohh w8 maras do that already if some one alse do it it would be OP espesialy if they are DPS! coze thats a tanks job

    yea i see that now... hell just nerf operatives and those no-nerf-for-us-yet snipers

  11. she is perfect for a spy

    liar, anarchist and casual.

    she can take lies and you must expect lies from her and spies are all about lies.

    have a corect dose of anarchism needed for a spy that must not have regit morals to do his job and must always distrusts his superiors in order to survive, at some point wthey will sell him out if that is in their advantage (espesialy as an imperial)

    and then she is casual at all... she stays cool at all times she doest not have any problem with temporary relationships you have sedusing targets

    and she is clear from the start as long she remains curius and have fun she will be game.

    its hard if think of yourself a principaled moral loyal guy. but then wake up you are nothing of sort as an agent that do the dirtiest of the dirty missions there are around.

    at the end she proves to be more reliable and good fun than any other companion....

    well if you forgo the game play isues :p

  12. so there are others with the same experience.

    how come and this thing is hapening.

    i mean so far 3/4 wz played ,dispite if any team had leavers, were good games and half of them could go both ways.

    and now almost all game are steam rolls.


    is this hapening because of bad team balance class wise or because something else?

  13. snipers just rule at under 40 wz... our burst is just on a shock and awe lvl

    as you progress you will find that others die harder because of better defences and biger health pools.

    when you hit 50 you will find whatexactly is our roll in wz and were we are balanced... well when you are geared and you stop being sark bait :p

  14. Ok im a sniper and an experienced one.

    I play since open beta and so far when going to wz some were bad (one time was dominating) some were badly mached up and most were good fun (close score, or just better skilled but you could fight it).

    after 1.2 inceasingly the bad maches became the rule.

    i have, at list, 2-3 days now to play in a wz that the game would not be steam rolled either by my team or the other.

    Is it bad luck (a truck load of it) or is generaly objerved fact?

    gime your POV

  15. sents / maras are just rediculus nowdays!


    god dam guys with 5-10% health attacking 2-3 person teams and they get 1-2 kills!?!

    what the hell ... i am a sniper they always homing on me and if i dont have all cooldowns and time to deploy them 2/3 of the times just kill me!


    so yea you like pvp and want to reroll?

    just go that way to have some lolz

    1 v 1

    as a sniper i have consistantly 5-10% health sents/maras homing on me.

    and you know what? if i dont have all my cooldowns and havent see him in time to deploy them they kill me 75% of the times. FFS i see those low health guys attacking and making a mess on 2-3 persons teams usualy killing 1 or 2.

    seriusly what the ****.... no one AC so far when it was that low was even remotly thinking take me on or worse teams exept he was kamikaze -ing!

  16. ok guys....


    War hero level of PvP here so i think i can toss a dime here.


    flash bang and particularly the leg shot are awsome... under the conditions that no idiot in the team will brake the first with aoe and some other will assist you to get down the the ball carrier fast half a meter from the goal line.


    cc and routs wise we are good and tent to agree that we have us much as batman i would like the rout from the pulse to be unbreakable for its duration and to activate it outside cover to but thats the only prob in this area.


    damage wise we F!#$!$ suck.


    we need armor enetration and for MM maybe a smal bust on pure damage numbers...

    also cuts on raw damage would be welcomed IF and only IF the damage prodused would be tech and no white stuff... that would solve in a master move all our dps problems with bubles armor and shields.


    would be nice if the shield prob we got wasent so useless. that could help as survive and if they boost its mitigated damage.


    some guys cry for range at 40 meters... it would feel a bit more sniperish but would either unbalance the class or make others cry NERF!


    so all rifle base skills should have range our current maximum...


    curently the only problems i see is that we die horibly if we dont have the needed cooldowns. other classes do beter far beter in same position.


    the hole problem is that every penalty for mistake or lack of adaptability and skill (ability) to use is penalized with a maul when others have a slap on their hand...


    its a class that you must play it perfectly all the time every time or you die / have to depend to team mates to bale you out of tight spot

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