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Posts posted by Narfirill

  1. i had done almost a 100 test duels with 2 tank friends (him in both equal and lower quality gear than me) trying to find a way for me to deal with tanks. results? equal gear no way to kill him. much worse gear than me 50/50 chance.


    one was a bh and the other was sin.


    jugs i have not run any test with them but form my 80 lvl pure wz valour i found that they are a bit softer but still if he is fair and take his time with you, he will kill you. if he try to rush and blow his CD or he is not geard then you might kill him. they also seem that they are moving me about a lot easyer than ther tanks and can destroy my casts. generay i expect them to be the same dificulty with the BH tanks.


    tanks annihilate our damage potential. all basic skills get deflected and when not, mitigated to ground by insufficient AP and damage reduction skills. so you are left with CorDart, probe and Orbital. if he is an idiot he will enter orbital to hit you (you drop it on your position) and you might have the opportunity to hold him in the area for full 4 tiks but when def relics and CDs kick in and just doesn't feel your attacks and you must hope you have all your def CDs to slow him down.


    What you say about armoured dps i find them easy to deal with. just pop your defs and burst them to oblivion throw a accuracy debuff and see their toon run in fear. really no prob except they get a lucky crit string. almost no skill required to kill them.

  2. i have never ever agro a npc that i shouldn't agro, on the contrary i must say.

    re spawn problems exist at some area but its mostly ability to kill fast and positioning problem. and i have leved a sniper and a sentinel on 1.1 version. most probably you confuse that there are teams of npc that in some places like the high lvl areas of nar shada are quite spread out and don't look like a team at first look

    death is part of the game no you will not walk in mordor naked and survive.

    i have always "power leveled" friends (and received the same love) that needed help no problems there in any part of the game

    customer service have problems but a dam call fixes everything.... and a disrespect? whats that ghetto rules? when you have a prob you call them and they help you if you don't do that don't wine.

    define conventional way of advancement.

    finally do not suggest that me and a healthy number of players do not enjoy the game could be better but is still enjoyable

  3. mara and proud / feel good thread.

    If we total the misreading on stats... and possibly your complete lack of understanding of other class mechanics, then we have a mara that tries to absolve his class and retain its demi god mode (demi god just because one of your trees are not such effective )

    Also do not mistranslated the luck of mentioning form BW side of any change coming your way.

    For once just a tinkering in core mechanics can get you back to were you belong (on par with others).

    usually no one advertise nerfs. also if others have a buff and you don't then you were effectively nerfed.

    Take you teenage mind out of forums that need useful threads and not feel good BS.

    or at list move it to class forums were no one cares

  4. would like prob fix

    better AP or some shield penetration.

    for mms some tech damage to skills (as a persentage of the curent amount of damage).

    or skills like lets say ambush or FT to become tech damage even if their over all damage decrease.

    the 3 second avoidance to become invisibility so we can havean "of some sorts" reliable exit move

  5. There is no way to kill 1v1 a competent tank with mms. period.


    i use mms and in my opinion the most effective thing you can do about tanks is to entrench or generally position yourself in areas that cant reach you with out either separate themselves from main combat or will be exposed for to long under your fire. the first works coze the like to stay in the thick coze they are more effective there and there is their jobs, and both coze if they separate from main combat they will probably loose heal support.

    If you need to face them and they are well geared the only way to win is if you have heal support or lead him in 1v2 situation in general. You can also make a test run on them and see how good they are geared and played, many times are awful and you can kill them like the rest, the remaining just avoid and trap them.


    If you want to kill tanks solo you must re spec. Personally i like to lead them in traps or to keep them out of the way of the rest of my team for long time kiting delaying them. Sniper and mms in particular is a support class that help other team members to win fast their engagements.(to paraphrase some other guy that put it spot on) our burst is ideal for finishing off already damaged targets.

  6. despite what is their view i see all the above posters that agree that hack in swtor exist.

    With the rated wz coming this will multiply and will create big problems for a community that can not take another fail from the developers. PvP in this game goes from bat to worse to non existent (eventually if we keep on that track), and a extensive hack problem on rated wz will lead it there.

    The higher incentive to cheat coze of the top dog rating, will create a norm that the non cheating team will never achieve high score in the game despite skill.


    So BW please fix the gaps in you coding that permits such cheats or at list police wz a lot better.


    for once my poor machine can not handle constant recording of wz and i can not report with evidence the few so far hackers that i see on my server.

  7. i will agree

    cross server only for the ranked ones... better community interaction for new biger servers.

    i would probably go over the top and say only for top 20 teams per server the rest need to work on it harder to be worthy in cross server competition wich could be also like an elite legue....

    food for thought

  8. I have seen ad felt 3 types of hacks.

    1 the infamous speed hack aka moving almost 50% faster than it is possible for your class even with other classes speed buff applied. something like first fire hazard to end line in 3-4 secs (via low bridge).


    2 invisibility capping or bomb planting im still not sure if my graphics were failing or not but couldn't target then in any way.


    3 and most disturbing no global cool down. operatives and sorcs mainly that burst down me (a sniper) or even some tank friends of mine with extremly rapid rotations in 5 seconds with no gap in between skill activations...


    BW please do something about hackers before 1.3. or you will face another PvP Waterloo, (class balances, ilum mega fail, crap team matcher) and seriously the community can not take another one and will go out in mass exodus and only pve will persist.

  9. i hope that the changes will be:

    first stream line it, like what they did with the maras/sents.

    second some more tech damage and if we have to loose some damage volume for better damage "quality" so be it.

    third fix some almost useless abilities (shield probe etc.)

    last i hope that they wont mess up the character and "skill requirement" of the class

  10. under 49 snipers get big numbers because most of the classes do not have all of their defence CD yet. or just their white damage defense is not good enough yet. at the same time they get their burst skills with very good damage in order to survive at lvling. with the tide of buff hunters i think it became quite aparent since sniper population more than triple.

    snipers were always low lvl pvp kings. at 50s the story change

  11. well

    bad positions of natural cover ... too far or too to the major fight areas.

    other players also raid those positions so you wont stay were you know you will not have a chance to be ignored.


    no significant benefit over portable. in fact portable at list give you a 360 degree protection and natural only a 60-90 degree arch in front of you.


    communication with server for engagement of natural cover make it slower as a reaction. portable is deployed instantly.


    and those are without thinking much about it

  12. less q time that even to my high population server started to feel a bit long, no stress for win, no quiters, everybody seem to try to fight, good bad teams as usual, and more solo healers....

    all in all F great.

  13. I like it, it was a good idea. It rewards those of us who never get a good PUG and almost always lose. Did you know that I have 3 pieces of WH gear without completing a single pvp daily? I have to wait on average 45 min to get a WZ during prime time which makes getting 6 warzones completed difficult but more possible than actually winning three.


    Please stop being an elitist.


    K how the hell you get wh without doing any pvp daily? i must e doing something wrong.

  14. Oh yes.

    What BW was saying:

    WoW type game with full VO and more story driven, we want to bring a 4th pillar in the genre.

    They deliver exactly that.

    What most people expected:

    the second coming, a flawless sandbox game with BW story and VO.


    And they get the BW promised game + a buggy engine and some new strange mechanics (cover, no absolute roles for class). Above all they expect a fully finished product. How will you get a flawless product when it isn't fully tested by million users that will find all possible bugs? Your sell phones come out with bugs and problems and they get new firmware constantly to fix them, and they are made by companies with experience on the item.

    BW was experienced on singe players not mmos and that became visible fast.


    Yes most of people expect to much and many, many times different things from what the company was promising.


    BUT for one thing they are right to complain PvP. they promise to much and deliver to little mainly because of wrong and insufficient testing

  15. lets don't derail this into an omg the sents are op// my class is perfectly fine.


    (My point with sents is that i dint have a problem facing them pre 1.2 except the good ones, but after 1.2 most of the time kill me with out braking a sweat. And since the majority of outcry are complains against them i see the solution at partially undoing what is different now.)


    focus on a simple way to limit at list the constant complaining. (and yes i know that is something of a second nature for gamers)


    there are bugs that still have to be addressed like the resent BH over crits. but those are not the problem.

    Personally i would like a bit longer TTK. maybe that's why i see the solution there.

  16. god mode is figure of speech meaning that they have way better defences than they should have.

    5 sec of invulnerability in a 30 sec fight was ok, but now in a 15 sec fight means that 1/3 of the time they cant be harmed . and with their dps off the charts they are a demolition ball going around.

    in my opinion healers are in good position but they say that they would like a bit solo survivability in order to go more places. they claim that cant go in the fight ad heal. personally i say BS but they might get the illusion of their former glory that way and focus on cooperating with tanks and put out healing. I have to see solo wzning healer for more than a week now (empire side) this might give them the incentive to do it

  17. once more the collective idiocy rules the forums.

    every one that posses it or every troll in existence are attacking from what they imagine my childhood was or my signature (by the way the one who has intelligence prepare for all eventualities and if preparation fail "makes his luck" and doesn't depend on her)

    instead of expressing any criticism in the proposed idea... but this is for grown ups.

    Now to remind you instead of the wild nerf that or the other or buff me or the other i propose a partial restoration of expertise values in order to see the magnitude of the changes that 1.2 brought in the system... in my opinion many good changes happened, but overshadowed by the change in expertise and the resulting sorter TTK. all classes and their balance was designed for long combat. that type of combat no longer exist and the result is that some are benefiting from this and other suffer. prolonging combat a bit will restore some of this difference will not bring nerf or buff reactions and will give time to revamp the AC for sorter combat times (like sent/maras were). Many other quality issues would be able to be address with those class revamps. Also truly massive data would provide the exact picture and fine tuning will be easier and less bumpy.

    Now again comment on proposals and not on personalities like a spoiled, idiotic child. (preferably with arguments)


    would not address again any reply with no meaning to the attempted conversation. that for not believing yourself so good that shut me up.

  18. come out of dream land . wow you spent 1/2 health so you say that at 15% health that you going to die you spent 7% health and effectively mitigate 20-30% HP damage (conservative estimation) and you either gain 35% health from stim and do dps that will kill your target or just dps your target with your heavy hitters till its dead and you cry about 1/2 current health lost? are you that kind of an idiot that you pop that at 100% health? then go a lobotomise yourself. if not just use your lethargic brain and dont compose that kind of BS.


    in general your def skills were not much of a problem coze fight were longer 5 secs in a 30 sec fight was ok but 5 secs in an 15 sec fight currently is god mode.

    and all that courtesy of lowering expertise def... expertise might work as intented but the blanket cover it offered for many problems is now lifted.

  19. well

    balance is not better than ever...

    maras/sents have god mode and everybody complain about it... route of the problem? expertise def rescaling that made their previously ok def skills extremely good. UR especially and not only for them but jugs too


    BH that are critting like mad or over dps. and every one complain about it (BH included for other reason of course) but if there was a better expertise defence it would e negligible as it was till now.


    Healers no longer have their ludicrous survivability they had and now reroling (have to see healer in my wz teams for 3 days). problem they luck their expertise ratings... healing should not considered at first but def would give them what they need .


    Range dps are complaining they are melting now. snipers coze they dont have enough time to cast others cause they dont have time to channel. and granted most complains of them might be lack of skill but they never said that so far and the game design was for casuals not for HC.


    All in all and if you dont wan to nerf damage globally, or classes individually then you roll a bit back your DR curves on expertise def and most of the problems are mitigated, till better solutions conceived


    also go cry for your PVE balance somewhere else. They are to many PVE skills only that could be used to balance pve, and do not forget it is a team pvp oriented game. not a PVE only oriented game as per company's statement

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