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Everything posted by viatuxedo

  1. Why is your group clumping up to allow them to aoe? Like they tell Army recruits in training "SPREAD OUT!"
  2. HEY YOU'RE ON MY SERVER!! :3 Now that I got that out of the way. This is Vasili (OP healer) and even tho I could barely watch the stream (got real laggy) I've noticed that you were off dpsing. Not enough OP medics do this and knowing when to put pressure on targets is crucial. What spec are you using? I HIGHLY suggest you go as far into concel to get infiltrator, the 15% increase is a jewel for kiting melee and making your healing more mobile. Other than my personal preference I like what I see, keep it up.
  3. Vasili, ya know that ****** Russian sniper. Maybe a bit glorified but still awesome
  4. I'm an OP healer and from personal experience blinds, slows, force choke, and terror are some examples that can be dispelled. Maybe even stuns from sorc/sage... /shurg
  5. I've just got done with a Huttball with this happening to me, I would spam the keybind and even try to click it, but to no avail. My other abilities would work aswell but not CS.
  6. So I pre-ordered back in the beginning of November and didn't get in yet. I would imagine a delay compared to earlier orders but ppl who just got in ordered theirs in December. Should I be worried? D:
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