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Posts posted by Zachajariah

  1. There can't be anyone that made this change actually playing the game. It's ridiculous.


    Maybe with abilities that have cooldowns of 5 or 15 seconds it works, but for any abilities with a minute or more, you have no way of telling if it's 10 seconds or 1 second left before the CD is up, and you wind up getting spammed with "Not ready yet" when you try to use your abilities!


    I had zero problem with the change. You should learn to adjust. Also, timing your abilities in your head helps too.

  2. Yur argument is somewhat invalid. PvP is about team work, no matter where the environment. Example:


    Last night a guildie and I engaged in some world PvP in a questing area. Started out 2v2, no competition. Ended up being 6 v 2, they had 2 healers and we had zero. They never scratched us.


    Edit: but I agree. PvP on a large scale basis should be more goal oriented. Not just a Zerg fest!

  3. Nice biased original post. Not regularly updated. Because its obvious why its not needed.


    One mile long thread of a bunch of varied topics and combined discussions from both sides of every fence in the yard, is never a good and helpful method to get information across. Bioware made the entire Suggestion Box Forum so each specific idea/suggestion can be made into a single thread to be discussed.


    I won't even read through the fifty pages of tangent thoughts in this thread. :rolleyes:


    Ok........? Grats.

  4. OK. I'm a subscriber. I also bought 2 months on a gametime card. After a week I'm wanting to unsubscribe. I want to like it but just feel it isn't Star Wars or anywhere near it. I love action and a deep story thread. My problems that make me want to quit are as such.:


    1. Travelling & Pathfinding Need to be better and FASTER. I still haven't got my speeder yet so fast walk is still a pain and slow walk for over 10 levels was a real turn off.


    2. Getting stuck unable to complete a quest. Boosters don't help and I found myself often stuck not being able to move the story on because I couldn't kill a mob I was supposed to at my level. This is an MMO but people are not always free or available so I couldn't move on and logged off for days until I found someone eventually to help. Now I'm at another quest where I can't complete without help so I logged off for another few days and played another MMO. It looks like some solo quests expect you to be 3 levels above the quest requirements to complete or beat it. A hell of a lot of boring grinding. When I'm questing and improving and not getting lost or stuck not being able to complete a quest and the story moves on smoothly I enjoy it but stopping and starting ruins the IMMERSION factor.


    3. Vendors. I got a security key but at the vendor all I saw were things like dancers shoes. No weapons no exclusive stuff. Besides that I haven't yet found anything much worth buying from a vendor. They're pretty useless except for repairs.


    4. Is this Star Wars? Maybe I'm wrong but Star Wars had the Force which you could use to pick up and throw your opponents or objects at them. So far it's just light sabers/guns hack and slash. Very basic and boring after a while. Also Where are the ALIEN RACES? This IS a Star Wars game isn't it? There's just no atmosphere or immersion even with the voice acting .


    5. Too simple not enough variety and customisations. All Jedis seem to look alike wearing the same clothes with the same looking companion as I have!! I want to feel unique not like one of a thousand identical clones!! No diversity in races, clothes or even worlds.


    Apart from the initial hype it has not recreated the Star Wars Saga faithfully. Where are the alien races here? It's just a mess. All environments look the same.


    As I said I could persevere with it if I could solo my quests but I often get stuck not being able to progress because the boss is way above my level and I can't find anyone to help so I log off. A companion is fine if they get you through the solo but if they keep dying too then what's the point? I then have to try and remember or find a place to grind. And if I can't find a place to grind I'm stuck again. I play for continuity not having to stop and start.


    I love Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 2 and have ordered Mass Effect 3 but the gameplay in SWTOR for me especially where I need to solo is hopeless if I meet a boss. Grinding or finding a place with toons high enough lvl to grind is not always easy. And lack of variety in races makes me feel I'm playing on earth all the time no matter what world I travel to. Lack of variety and customisations is killing it for me. Combat should include using the Force to throw people and objects. Not just a light saber. Oh well maybe someone else will come up with a true Star Wars MMO in the future but this is not it.


    You're posting in the wrong thread. Please go to general for non constructive critism posts.

  5. They have different teams that do different things. Do you really expect the art designers who bring you new planets, etc.. To be able to fix bugs? No. Very simple minded padawan, you are.
  6. Another thing to note is that you can give players incentive to defend bases by putting a cantina at each node. Combine this post with the cantina LFG, and mini games posts like pazaak, etc. pod racing in tatooine is my favorite idea so far but ya, make the NPC's respond to an attack and it can be a really amazing experience while people do their thing in a cantina. More immersion ftw!


    Edit: I'm surprised not many responses! In for the free bump!

  7. Made a suggestion like this on another thread. It's an amazing idea. However, I think more could be added to it. Maybe every planet has these similar objectives and are allowed to be faction controlled. When one faction controls all nodes I feel like a capital ship or some type of world boss opens up? In my class story, the capital ships were always the most fun.


    I'm not nearly as creative as you do I will let you ponder my idea and build on it.


    Great post!

  8. One thing to add:


    Please don't ever integrate an LFR(aid) system.


    I quit WoW right before firelands and came back right when Deathwing was released. Well, I think around 4.3 with LFR. First time I did the new raids I was in full season 10 PvP gear on my priest, specced disc. Also note, I was highly intoxicated! The 2 new raids took about half an hour / 45 minutes each to complete. Deathwing included. I topped the healing charts in full PvP gear.... Kinda sad.


    This experience, while neat, was absolutely pathetic. It felt like a regular dungeon( not heroic ) with 25 players. It completely took away from the immersion and just overall raiding experience. The ADHD generation of gamers was listened to by Blizzard and I REALLY don't want Bioware to go in this direction.

  9. I'm not against an LFD tool, I just feel it will take away from the immersion. At least this is what I used to think.


    Having a tool that would save time gives players time to do other things like world PvP, guild ship or even ( hopefully ) cantina mini-games, etc. IMO the best option would be to make more mini games, that way people can gather in those places and just say ( with chat bubbles integrated /face palm ) "hey anybody wanna do a heroic?". Instead of everybody standing around twiddling their thumbs while we wait for a queue.


    P.s. NEVER add x-server ANYTHING, please!

  10. Yes please, and no, I don't see my ship as housing. Even a Hangar on Dromund Kaas looks more homely and comfy than that!


    What's definitely needed:


    SHARED apartment floors on the Capital Cities, and maybe on some other (neutral) planets like Nar Shaddaa. As a player, you can rent one apartment on a floor, but each floor holds multiple apartments. The door to each specific apartment can be locked by the person who rents it (weekly rent!), but the floors are always accessible through a shared communal area by everyone. On the neutral planets, even to players of the opposite faction. Just the apartments themselves can be locked, the floors and communal areas are open to everyone.


    Non rented apartments are always open, so people can look through them to see whether they like it.


    Each apartment is customizable, from wall paper to furniture and furniture placement.


    Guilds can rent entire floors, and when they do, get to customize their communal area as well. In this case, they can assign apartments to members, or even turn one apartment into a guildvault and assign which members have access.


    Within the apartments, players are still linked to the planets' chat channels.


    Access to each instance floor can be achieved through some elevator system.


    Apartments could come in a variety of sizes, bigger size = higher weekly rent.


    Apartments could be shared between alts and with friends.


    I support this, other than the fact of it being apartments. Too much restriction in movement space. A city with houses, IMO!

  11. Take away the instancing on our ships, add customization, and a seperate place on every planet for us to land, then sure.. Ships will do fine as a housing substitute.


    Somebody in an earlier post stated we needed an Ironforge and Org of Sw. I can guarantee you if you make a city or planet to house our ships, that will be out hang out spot. AND promote world PvP.

  12. I like you, wanna make out?


    Seriously though, great post. These are exactly the reason world PvP was so prosperous in WoW. Especially how it used to be where we would all run to the instances. Blizzard has spoiled the MMO community by giving them insta queue everything. Nobody wants to look for groups anymore, let alone run to the flashpoint. I'll probably be trolled for bringing up such rediculous ideas, but hey.. It's the truth! I'm not sure that with what Blizzard has done, the community is motivated to do things the old fashioned way? That and this ADD infested generation with 2 second attention spans.


    That being said, I feel like world PvP wont be an option unless they come up with something great. Which is highly disappointing. I did however, see my first imperial the other night, on Hoth! He just ran away into his instanced class area... Such disappointment.


    Edit: if we get flying mounts in this game, me and my guildies are quitting.

  13. In WoW, Paladins were a class where advancing down a specific path literally changed your entire role and gameplay -- you could be a main tank, main DPS, or main healer. Other classes didn't have this wide of a choice, but you could SWITCH TO ANYTHING YOUR CLASS had available.





    Am I expected to play through the entire BH story line again because I want to go Powertech instead of Mercenary? When an expansion pack comes out in a year and I've been a 50 Merc for a year -- maybe I'd want to switch it up and be a tank for this new expansion pack. Am I / should I really be expected to play through to level cap with the same class again because I want to play a different AC??


    If the story was different per Adv Class I would 100% agree "NO AC CHANGES" -- but these are indeed "Advanced" classes, that build upon the actual class of "Bounty Hunter", "Sith Warrior", or "Smuggler". Allowing a Adv Class respec is logical (even taking WoW as an example out of the mix).


    Maybe make it really expensive. Make it a quest. Make it on a weekly or monthly CD so people don't / can't swap ACs so easily if "class balance" is that big of a concern, but at least allow us the option. Really, I see no reason to not allow this.



    PS: Please do not suggest to "just go play your class equivalent on the opposing faction side if you wanna be a different AC". That argument/statement misses the entire point I'm attempting to make.


    You're trying to use paladins as argument?


    In SWTOR they do in fact have this option:

    1. My Jedi shadow can be a tank, and I can respec to do 2 different types of DPS.


    2. My Jedi sage can be a healer, and I can respec to be a Mage type class.


    3. My smuggler can be a gunslinger, or I can respec to heal on this class just like my sage.


    How is this ANY different than your paladin association? One thing I would argue is cheaper respec costs.

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