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Everything posted by fatduck

  1. Hard to say with no log but I suspect shield spec is capable of higher sustained dps due to stock strike cd resets and ammo mgmt. tactics has a better passive ammo buff but energy blast tips the scales. However tactics will have better burst damage with fire pulse and autocrit HIBs.
  2. Man mmo players are the worst "I don't like class A! You're FORCING me to be class B! How dare you have a class I don't like playing?!"
  3. there are only two classes, empire and republic, what are you talking about
  4. just curious do you think the sage should have no abilities besides heals or what? because all i'm hearing is SOMEONE DID SOMETHING THAT WAS EFFECTIVE, NERF ITTTTT
  5. while technically correct, your phrasing is a little misleading. if an attack crits, it will not be shielded, no matter how high your shield % is. the way you said it makes it sound like a shield proc can turn a crit into a normal hit.
  6. so someone told you that you suck at pvp because you're level 15. so what? people are dumb.
  7. i've never seen a republic player. i think you're lying. ps i play republic.
  8. sounds like you were busy timing their gcd with your stopwatch
  9. they were called battlegrounds in daoc although they were persistent, not instanced and they were awesome
  10. shock doesn't stun in pvp, but it still does damage! shoulder slam is literally unusable in any way at all in pvp!
  11. let's just forget the whole shock misunderstanding let me try to make this as clear as possible you are trying to compare SHOCK, an ability that SORCERORS AND ASSASSINS can use to do DAMAGE to ANY TARGET, INCLUDING PLAYERS, from level 1 with an ability that BOUNTY HUNTERS can use to do DAMAGE to ONLY STANDARD/WEAK MOBS, and ONLY IF THEY ARE STUNNED/MEZZED, and NEVER AGAINST PLAYERS
  12. you're starting to blow your cover i'd recommend ignoring my posts and trolling others
  13. don't get me wrong - shadows still need to open from stealth to do their largest burst damage. my point was that the 31 pt talent for rogue-like scoundrels is a huge boost to their stealth-opener cycle which can give them massive burst from stealth. the shadow's 31 pt talent greatly improves their out-of-stealth dps with clairvoyant strike/project.
  14. maybe you should have picked an advanced class instead of playing jedi consular to 50?
  15. do you play swtor? force lightning = telekinetic throw shock = project electrocute = force stun
  16. you realize that if the sage can tick for 900 then so can a sorc?
  17. broad difference: scoundrel has healing spec, shadow has tank spec. scoundrels are a little more bursty, and can do more frontloaded damage with flechette round, but shadows's dps is more predictable and less reliant on a stealth-backstab opener w/ clairvoyant strike.
  18. shock = project for consulars you get it at level 1 it works on everything you can't possibly be this dumb
  19. shock works against all targets - and it stuns standard/weak mobs shoulder slam only works against stunned standard/weak mobs your trolling needs work
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