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Everything posted by ENVISIONocity

  1. That's because that is my perception as I've been visiting this forum, from the numerous posts that have voiced dissent over the inability to run some part of the game to garner a specific component in their gear. But I suppose the overall subject is technically the "end-game" which, again, I as a solo player who reads the forum, keep getting the impression that it all hinges on gearing one's self to the maximum. At least if the loudest posts are truly reflective of the majority of those who play far, far more than I do. Of those who hold that "end-game" is all about gearing to gain the best stats to be able to do this part of the game or that, my question was, okay, so they are given exactly what they are shouting out for, and get max-stat gear. But then what? Personally, I just don't see how "RNG" impacts my game time, as I have a much different notion of what "end-game" is: playing through the storyline and sidequests, and then anticipate the next expansion the same as I would await the next book in a great series, or a follow-up movie to one I particularly enjoyed (John Wick 2, anyone?). The end is when either the story is completed (Lord of the Rings, The Thomas Covenant books, The Wheel of Time series, for example), or the story is abandoned or unlikely EVER to be completed (George R.R. Martin, I'm looking at you). As much as I'm a bungling player, I must have gear and stats appropriate enough to carry me through all of the story (solo) aspects of the game, not to mention companions who have demonstrated remarkable consistency in keeping me alive in spite of myself! So why should I care if I get a crate that has various items in it to take or disintegrate? It doesn't seem to matter, and hasn't detracted from my looking forward to every opportunity to play. The only factor that has stung is the switch in conversation style, removing the immersion for me that I've enjoyed the past 5 years. Hardly a game-breaker, since there is so much else to still do. So, once I finish the current storyline (KOTET), what then? Well, I'll run two more alts through it, one as a fully light-side, and one as an on-the-fence character. What then, after I do that? Well, by then, I suspect that there will be another expansion, and I'll have 3 alts devoted to the GC system, along with my 46 or 47 Classic SWTOR alts who will remain in the Classic story. Occasionally, I'll "reboot" one of them to run them through the Classic SWTOR, since many of them I've been away for so long that I can't really remember their personality and attitudes and such. Because great stories are meant to be enjoyed over and over! I can't seem to bring myself to racing to the last page, preferring to savor the journey.
  2. I don't believe I have an opinion one way or another, as I don't fully understand it since it doesn't seem to impact my time in SWTOR, but I have seen MANY posts by others about it. I do know that the gear I picked up through Classic SWTOR has been more than sufficient to help me through to where I am in the second expansion right now. Oh, I'll be the first to admit I'd be terrified to even entertain the idea of running the nightmare content, lol! It took me this long to really venture into the GC expansions beyond the first few chapters of KOTFE. I can't imagine how long it will take before I explore the other aspects of the game: PVP, Operations, etc. But it IS great to hear that there are those players who are willing to help nurture newer players through those facets of SWTOR until they, too, find their footing and can run with the ball! No, I've been enjoying all these responses, actually. I'm only trying to understand and appreciate better the controversy and the reasonings behind each side, since I don't feel like I've personally been impacted by more than the missing character voice acting under the new conversation system, which I miss terribly! It's why I'm holding off on the alliance alerts at this point, and focusing on the primary storyline.
  3. I'll begin by saying that I don't really understand the RNG debate and its relationship with gearing for those players who consider gearing an essential part of their SWTOR experience. However, the one question I have wanted to ask goes something like this: Let's, for the sake of argument, say that Bioware makes the changes which would allow players to work toward the gear they feel would complete their gearing experience. And let's say that this allows the average Joe to get fully geared with the highest tier in, oh, let's say 3-4 months; if there are 3 tiers, then figure a tier of gear in a month's time. So, the players are now fully geared to whatever the current max stats are— now what? I mean, what happens after you're fully geared along with hundreds or thousands of other players all striving to max out their armor, etc.? Where does one go after they've maxxed? At that point, you're pretty much the same as everyone else, apart from subtle reflex speeds and ability rotations, so wouldn't the complaints that I read everyday on here go from RNG to demanding more something else to once again raise the bar-- and then people maxxing out again, and rinse, repeat? Disclaimer: Anyone who has seen my thread on "SWTOR in the life of a casual" will know that I'm quite happy with my SWTOR experience (enough to have remained a subscriber since the beginning), but I'm not so delusional as to think that my casual play is the only way to play, either, so I really am just curious as to what players do when everyone they match up with is max geared like they are, and everyone is statistically in a cookie-cutter environment where the differences are in personal choices of look for their character and respective armoring. I'm not even sure I'm wording what I'm trying to say/ask accurately here, so I'll defer to those who respond in wording things better. I'm just wondering, really.
  4. I am at a disadvantage here, as my story experience doesn't or hasn't seemed impacted with the RNG aspects I see continuously raised. I'm not sure what "rank" I even am right now, beyond being level 70 class-wise. My current gear has been more than sufficient to see me through the primary storyline of GC to this point, although I did receive a better set of boots than I've had stats-wise since I was back in the 50s or late 40s, so I swapped it out. I also received a relic that offers the equivalent value as my current relic, but with Alacrity, so I'm just holding onto it. The parts and other miscellany I've disintegrated for the CXP all along because, well, I don't really "get" the GC ranking stuff. But then, I don't do Operations or PVP, I don't craft because I wouldn't even know how to begin (much less figure out what I'm doing!). I haven't done any Uprisings, and this first time through I'm focusing solely on the primary storyline of GC's expansions--and will be going back to the alerts or whatever they are called, even though it may throw continuity out the window. That's because I want to judge each aspect separately, and this first time especially. Later, I can mingle the two. About all I understand, given my playing style and interests, is that the RNG element seems to be impacting others' enjoyment of the same game I try to play in my few spare down-times, and that's sad to hear since I've been thoroughly enjoying this noobish play-through. And yes, although I don't really "get" the whole GC thing, it'd be nice if I could have more in-game time to enjoy this huge CXP increase! I've seen people complain that no matter how much they boost CXP, it's still RNG-- but to my way of thinking, it's the difference between someone giving you 100 lottery tickets and someone giving you 350 of them (oversimplification, but it's just an illustration). Every ticket might be a losing scratch-off, but at least I have better odds of landing a winning scratch-off! Or is that better probability of landing a winning scratch-off? Did I mention it's all over my head?
  5. Hi there, craggy! Yep, I'm still working my way through the "new" content offered by the GC expansion. There have been some fantastic moments, and I'm looking forward to bringing a Republic alt through it to cover the light side, as well as a character who will tend to play both sides at their own convenience. Not sure yet what classes either will be, so I am open to suggestions to consider (no spoilers, please!). My current character just finished one of the two puzzzle segments of the story that had me pretty puzzled for a while there, but it was nice to have my brains tested instead of my button-mashing reflexes. Okay, I used the Hint ability all the way through it, and am pretty sure I might never have did things in the sequence they needed to. Thank you for the Hints button, Bioware, or I'd have gotten too discouraged... and for making the hints just vague enough that I still needed to figure some things out. The way I figure it, the time it's taking me as a casual player who also happens to be a Founder who's been solidly subscribing since SWTOR began, I will forget most of the adventure I've been on with the expansions so my next two runs will be new, lol! (Apart from the significant moments, of course, which serve as pivotal moments— and yes, there are some choices I look forward to choosing differently on my next play-through, as I've stuck to dark side choices for this first play-through.
  6. I don't think there is a way to do what you are describing, but I'm with you— if someone knows how to do this, I want to know, too! The closest solution I know of is that we are able to setup a secondary tier of commands on one of the primary toolbars. The one I'm referring to has tiny up-down triangles at the right of it, and you can switch between (1) and (2) on that toolbar.
  7. Sounds like you were there for who needed you, t_euclidus, and that SWTOR was there for you, as well. I wish it had been under better circumstances, but the Force works in mysterious ways sometimes, doesn't it? Your sharing of the "harrowing process" helps make the point that us SWTORians are flesh and blood people complete with entanglements and struggles— and that we are people who appreciate those few precious minutes of release and escape that bolsters us so we can continue to fight another day. It's probably why I find myself often looking forward to that evening fix of SWTOR after a full-on workday, although my workplace drama isn't even in the same Galaxy as what you had dropped into your lap over what's supposed to be one of the most joyful times of the year. A tip of my helmet out of respect, and a bowed head of thankfulness that you shared your goings-on with the rest of us, t_euclidus! This really is becoming my favorite place on the forum— such amazing and fully-dimensional people, all of you!
  8. Well, I crossed over yesterday and the Galaxy didn't come to an unexpected end. In fact, I got as far as Chapter VI, the pacing was so spot-on! I only progressed as far as Chapter 9 the last time I played the KOTFE SWTORyline, in fact, so everything will be fresh and new beyond that point. I also appear to be well-geared for the content. Not to mention the near-constant obligatory target practice on Skytroopers to make sure my mad skillz with button mashing and mouse clicking are good and ready, lol! I didn't have a love interest to open KOTFE with, but chose Vette as my go-to gal for a significant early conversation before everything really began to hit the fan. Also had the pleasure of briefly chatting with one of our esteemed Casuals here in the new CasualCorner channel that was started up by a fellow SWTORian. And how were your holidays? Did you have any time spent playing the SWTORy?
  9. Oh wow! What motivated you to start playing the game "properly," Parane? And what server are you on? Several of us are Shadowlanders, it seems. And how does one define "properly" anyhow?
  10. Can I get a witness?!! !! Me too! In fact, I already have my next alt all set up and rar'ing to go; but I have to be good. If I switch, I won't be back to this one. I may say that I will. Someday. But it will never happen, and I have a starship full of alts as proof. No, I'm going to stick this through, get a feel for the story as a whole just to experience it in context. I can't really see me crossing over more than one other alt, though. A Pub for the counter, even though the stories are definitely less open world and more linear, I've noticed since Rise of the Hutt Cartel. Which I'm okay with because Classic is just my pace as a casual, and offers enough diversity in activities and goals to keep me busy for a long time to go in a galaxy far, far away.
  11. Cool! My very first SWTOR character was a Jedi Consular who healed. My second was a DPS Sith Marauder and I guess I never looked back after that. Fell in love with being able to beat down my foes with a light saber, up close and personal. It's one thing to be responsible for keeping a companion alive, but a whole group of people? Wow! I have nothing short of full respect for those whom the Force calls to fill that need across the Galaxy! We look forward to your triumphs, Jacob_Cora! And if you ever figure out how to be a healer and NOT pull aggro, would you please let me know? Seemed to be a regular thing during my freshman introduction to a healing class. PS, I sure gave myself some laughs as I kept inadvertently healing the baddies who were attacking my companion, Qyzen Fess (I'm Soooooo sorry, Qyzen!). But come on, wasn't it bad enough that I was healing them? Why did they have to come over and beat on me after that?!
  12. The odd thing is, I must've done Rishi, Manaan, and Yavin IV at least once before now, because I remembered several parts of it as I moved through those planets. And it must've been before the level sync was added, because I remember it being a LOT more difficult. It also reminded me of one other thing: I only progressed alts to the max level. So, on my earliest alts which I still have, they never went past level 55. Later, 65 became my stopping point. After all, what was the point of doing missions if I already achieved maximum level? So, I set those alts aside until the level cap would be increased to take advantage of the XP earned. Which brings me to the Command XP topic. I hit L70 sometime very early into Shadow of Revan, I think. Now, I'm under the CXP system it seems, earning 25 CXP per solo mission (well, 28, since I have been using the CXP buff, too). I'm Rank 7 now that I'm at the send of the solo missions of Oricon and back on my ship awaiting the fatal moment of crossover. I don't notice any issues or problems with the earning rate. The bar moves across at a decent rate for me, and I'm only interested in being able to do the solo SWTORyline anyhow. RNG. Well, considering that there has been RNG in the game from the moment of inception, I guess that's another area I don't see any big deals to go on about from this straight-through. I did have a main hand weapon drop back around Corellia that was so well-stacked that I couldn't top it with anything until I reached level 70. The rest of the drops have been primarily wrist pieces, and a belt or two, and they get swapped out when they offer better stats--but none of them have been as remarkable as that main hand weapon. Overall, everything is random anyhow from what I can tell. But that's only my opinion as a person who plays casually outside of this 2-week vacation. I'll likely never have a fully-complete stat-buffed outfit, nor do I seem myself needing one for the solo content at this point. Now, will I go back and do some heroics to see if anything interesting drops? Probably, but it's not very high on my priority list at the moment. I'm just trying to brace myself for the crossover, which I will begin today.
  13. Good afternoon and may your new year be a happy one! Well, I sure did take advantage of my vacation, having progressed my Sith Marauder all the way through to the first Ops mission of Oricon— which is as far as I'll be able to go with the solo SWTORyline I guess. That means that my next move is Prelude: Knights of the Fallen Empire, which means that I am at the moment of truth, when, out of some 60-70 alts over these last 5 years, I finally cross one over to Galactic Command's system. Admittedly, I'm hesitant to do so, because there will be no take-backs, no turning-backs. There's also the small matter of what I was expecting to see: Is there anything specific I should think about doing before I take the plunge once and for all?
  14. Yep. Deactivated, and yet apparently not needed anymore due to adjustments and tuning— if this old casual player being able to progress through Makeb is any indication.
  15. That's awesome to hear, djungelvraaal! I'm nowhere remotely even resembling any sort of readiness to give PVP a go, but my helm's off to those that can. Me, I think I might be nearing the last missions of Makeb. Last night I came across the ONE mission that continues to be my least-liked mission out of all of them I've played from Classic to KOTFE's Chapter 9— Tonight was my 5th or 6th time running the mission, now with my current alt, and it finally clicked or something with me, so I managed to get through in what must have been a record time (for me)!! I will add that I think I'm pretty overpowered for Makeb from how I remember my last visits there. And back then, I had to check in at a special station to get the planetary buff (am I remembering this right?) and then the rest was just playthrough. Several of the fights that I expected to be long were unexpectedly over before I even found a "rotation" in combat. Not that I mind, as it has been helping me through the Makeb SWTORyline at a much better pace than I recall from previous visits. I am currently level 69, of course, while I'm being synced back to level 56. But the overpower feeling is more noticeable on Makeb than it was in previous planets where I was typically ten levels ahead of the planetary max. Anyhoo...
  16. I wanted to take a few moments to update my fellow casuals and other interested readers that I am in the process of completing the Ilum SWTORYline, which, I think, will complete the Classic SWTORy before I move on to Rise of the Hutt Cartel. I'm presently at a total playtime of just over 2 Days, 22 hours, and 19mins. Being on vacation has helped shorten that up, because normally I'm able to get in an hour or so of SWTOR a day, and I've been playing around 2-3 hours per day. I have been sticking with the Class SWTORy and the Planetary Arcs, with a smattering of Heroic Missions during the progression to 50 or so, and landed some remarkable greens that I couldn't improve on until I just yesterday reached level 65 gear. I passed on better gear when it meant that I would be wearing a different chest or leg piece, and made up the difference with the stab buffs. After gearing up with 65 armor modifications, I proceeded to muck up my hotbar commands and ended up wasting most of Ilum trying to put things back where they were. I still haven't got it right for my muscle memory, but I think I've managed to at least find something that vaguely resembles what it was. Duh me!! I'm progressing through Ilum in Story Mode, I guess it's called. I am able to summon a Terminobot to act like two more companions rolled into one. It feels long, but I wonder if that's because it has been so long (no pun intended) since I ran Ilum. Sort of the "Are we there yet?" conundrum when driving someplace new feels the longest that first drive there. I mean, it's definitely been a long time since I've been to Ilum. Like waaaaaaay back. My usual modus operandi is to run an alt through their Class story, and stop there, only going on into Rise of the Hutt and Shadow or Revan, what? twice, maybe? I wish I could explain why I am so satisfied with everything in Classic SWTOR, or why I've been disinclined to go the full distance. Classic just has everything I enjoy in an online game, I guess. I don't group with others, but always find it interesting to have all these players running around me as I progress through the Star Wars galaxy— throwing a haphazard buff where I can get lucky enough to click on a person. But back to the task on-hand: Ilum, as I watch this alt become the first to go to the end of the available SWTORy. We now return you to your regularly-scheduled program.
  17. Back when I started playing 5 years back, I picked up a copy of a book called "Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide" and it's an amazingly thorough reference work complete with maps and points of interest. You might want to pick up what has to be the closest to an "official" game guide for the Classic SWTORy when it comes to areas. This will not be a class guide or specific mission guide, and certain NPCs are now no longer where they are listed in the book, but don't let this discourage you from checking it-- especially for the price it goes for now. It's proven its worth many times for me over the last 5 years. (I removed the "tracking" and "referral" part of the URL above so you can have a clean link.) May the Force be with you!
  18. Hmm. Usually, when you're progressing through the areas of the SWTORy, and obtaining your Class and Planetary missions, you'll be taken through the entire map save for a few spots. Side missions should be spotted where you are getting your primary missions. Some players focus on the class and planet missions, though— especially during double-xp events. The other thing you might want to check is: open your map and look in the upper right for "Exploration Missions" to see if that box is unchecked. I believe that when Bioware revamped XP earnings, they defaulted exploration missions (side missions) OFF because they aren't necessary for leveling. Instead, they provide additional SWTORies that take you into areas you now will usually miss out on. Personally, I tend to do more side- and Exploration Missions with my stealthies since they need a small boost in earnings from sneaking past far more mobs than my non-stealth classes, such as my current Marauder. Let me know if that helps. Otherwise, one of our fellow casuals may weigh in on this with more helpful info.
  19. No better time than this season of giving to ask my kindred solos and fellow casuals what tops your list so far in quality-of-life adjustments or additions from SWTOR's developers? And since I asked, I'll go first and say there have been a couple things: 1) The reduction of time to near zero for transport (went from a 30-minute cooldown down to like 10 seconds); 2) (This one is more of an embarrassingly recent discovery for me personally) Finding out that for a pittance (IMO) of CM credits, I was able to purchase legacy-wide rights to purchases off the Cartel Market. I shudder to think of the amount of money I spent before that single everyone-but-me-knew-this facet with repeated purchases of outfits and mounts, especially. I'm sure some of you will mention other QOL improvements which you have appreciated that will have me going "Yeah! THAT!!!!"
  20. Oh no, not that section! Last time I dared enter into that woeful chamber of deep, dark secrets, I left nearly blinded by all the zero percentages.
  21. Awww, thank you, SerraShar! May yours be filled with pleasant memories, wonderful times, and better tomorrows!
  22. Oh wow! I completely forgot about the "False Emperor" Flashpoint! But I can't remember if I ever did either "Hammer Station" (seems like I have) or "Mandalorean Raiders" (can't recall at all). Grabs notepad and pen, jots those down on my handy-dandy Iwanna Do list.
  23. A kindred solo after my own heart!! I typically have about an hour each evening after work (job demands 50-60 hrs per week) to give to reading/playing the SWTORy myself, although right now I'm on the last half of my annual 2-week vay-cay and am devoting probably more time playing than I should be. Your mentioning that even when you die "a shameful death" you still have fun (me, too!) reminds me of a recent conversation my Marauder had with a mission objective that was wickedly humorous and unexpected: Rather priceless! Can't believe I've never had that conversation a single time in the five years I've played so far!! Welcome to the Discussion, Jacob_Cora!!
  24. Good evening, everyone! As you may remember, I'm currently progressing my very first (in around 60-65 different alts over the last five years, including later deleteds) full-dark alt through the entire SWTORy right now (GC included), and have found the story both refreshing and unexpectedly entertaining! I put the wraps on Hoth and am now on Belsavis with a newfound mission and motivation, and am actually eager for my next opportunity to log back in and see what happens next. I don't agree with everything she's saying and/or doing, but am finding her twisted just enough to keep me looking forward to what she's going to say or do next.
  25. I appreciated you taking the time to explain more about what you're experiencing as a SWTOR player, Tsillah, and can actually understand in a limited way why you are feeling like you've gone as far as you reasonably can, given the current state of the game. Not because I've even made it to endgame content and experienced what it's like to earn GCp, but because in similar ways, I've had the same experience. A real-world example: I gave up on cable TV and satellite TV years ago and haven't subscribed since. It wasn't for lack of content, that's for sure. Just not the content *I* was looking for, and I couldn't keep justifying paying out the ever-increasing costs of keeping it when I had no interest in what I was getting for my money. If that ever changes, maybe I'll return to the television-viewing mob. If a person is playing SWTOR for the endgame, it seems to me like it has to achieve critical mass at some point. Maybe that's what people refer to as the "grind" itself. What I mean is that with Classic, you have the added diversity of 8 different class stories that you could play through to get to the endgame. With Galactic Command (KOTFE/KOTET), you have a single story which— in spite of the three or four choices you can make with each step in a conversation— bottlenecks things from an altoholic's (like me) point of view. Gone is the option to switch to another class story when you get worn out from grinding away on a given class. In all fairness, that's a pretty unavoidable distinction. At the risk of repeating myself: Under Classic, I have 40 alts and 8 different stories to progress through. Under GC, I have 40 alts and ONE story to progress for every single one of them. Now factor in the game weariness that comes from doing endtime content again and again and again and ... well, those who are here for the endgame know already how it feels. I'm particularly looking forward to seeing/hearing more about what Bioware will do regarding Legacy and GCp to make the process more "alt-friendly," even though I never play endgame content. I care for the players who subscribe specifically for endgame. I just don't see how an endgame-based play is sustainable any more than the drive for rising profits in the business world— at some point, you go as far as you're going to with profits. At some point, end game will give all it can and then what? Raise the level cap, rinse, repeat? Too, this is a new system for SWTOR, and I would expect to see Bioware continue to tweak the system in the months ahead as they see (and hear back) how it has been working outside of theorycrafting (if that's the right term to use here) in a room of developers. Right now we're into the new system all of a month so far— not nearly enough time to collect and collate the data spooling in from across the servers, in my opinion. If, after, oh, six months maybe? Bioware hasn't done anything to help the quality-of-life aspects for those who are here for the endgame content, this becomes a much different conversation (again, in my own opinion). Does this imply my encouraging you to stick with the current situation, stay subscribed, and hang in there because everything will get better— please don't take it that way. If you are not getting a decent return on your investment, it only makes sense to stop that investment unless you're so well-off financially that you can hemorrhage money. As ChristienB mentioned above, and I concur, take the break. Go enjoy the sights and gain some new perspective on things. You may find another online game to be a better investment for your hard-earned money, but you will never forget your time here, or that feeling of swinging a lightsaber for the first time. Among other amazing memories you've built during your time here, and the friendships you've enjoyed. Better to step away while you still think of SWTOR fondly, than to allow disappointment turn to discontent, and discontent to bitterness, and finally the persistence of that bitterness ruining all of those great memories you've accumulated. And although I cannot truly say that I can fully relate to your plight (because I lack the discipline to even make it to endgame, doh!), I can appreciate the frustration and the reaching for a reason that will get you over this obstacle in your path to enjoying SWTOR. I wish there was something I could say that would help bolster you, because SWTOR needs you and others like you out there on the front line of the Galaxy, like I said before, pushing the game engine and system to its limits so that the rest of us have a smoother game for your efforts. And I hope the Developers appreciate that aspect as I do. All the best for you, Tsillah, and others in the same place as you right now. PS (Just previewed this post, and see that I better issue another apology for yet another long-winded post.)
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