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Everything posted by Azantro

  1. Azantro

    50 wz queue

    I'm guessing you cant read because nobody said anything in this forum about killing lowbies, its the same **** with my server we don't have enough 50's for pvp yet.
  2. I agree I just did illum and it took me forever, if you have to farm for the daily 30 is a little high given the amount of boxes, and since I'm on a lower pop server we dont have very many 50 republic so its basically a farm the boxes and hope a few republic are around to kill.
  3. Azantro

    10-49 bracket

    You clearly haven't had a assassin on you mauling away I've had 2.5k+ hits from maul
  4. Ya that's what I'm saying its not unheard of, and ya I'm a sorc I can stand up against 4-5 enemy players healing my self and stay alive if they don't interrupt me and I agree I don't count anything other then 50's I just did it in illum. I don't normally run unless I know I will die. The sad part is getting my 1v1 medal in WZ's is annoying because most people run from me. But, they need to fix some of the **** to balance the healers I know ops have a hard time managing energy, not too sure about merc heals I haven't seen them on my server I'm beginning to think they don't exist on my server.
  5. Actually I see this all the time, I am a healer in mostly champ plus a few pieces of nightmare gear, I'm not to sure if people on my server are just horrible but I have had alot of times 4v1 where they are too stupid to interrupt me which in that case you can easily keep yourself up, I wouldn't say he is lying there are alot of bad pvpers that don't know any better and let a healer free cast. And being a known healer sucks because your basically stuck in that position in pvp because you go dps you end up getting rolled because they all still think you heal.
  6. I wouldn't call them the most immobile class but interrupt tracer missile, point, and then laugh at them.
  7. Don't you know math is hard Sio, it doesn't really matter we will just have to roll alts and own in lower level WZ's again like we did before we all had 50's and the crying started.
  8. I have a simple question do you even have a 50, I'm really not trying to be a dick but I pvp with Xurge all the time and I have seen him die from either my own guild or some of the better republic players, he is not invincible what you are saying I have never seen him do, the times where it seems like he will not die why don't you look around to see the healer standing near him, no character can kill an entire republic or empire team unless it is comprised of all level 20 and below. He does do alot of damage but he also knows how to play very well. None of it is intended it is a new game still if you haven't noticed look at wow how ever many years they have been around and pvp still isn't balanced. When you get to 50 and get some gear the classes feel more balanced even against Xurge, and other players that hit stupidly hard in this game its not just him.
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