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Posts posted by Kellindell

  1. What to afriad to face equal ppl or need the geared ppl to carry you?


    Which is it


    No he is probably afraid of the already super long queu times getting even longer.


    On my server between midnight and 2am pvp just flat out dies for the 50 bracket. Do this and what will happen is those entry level 50s will NEVER get queus, and thus will never get the valor needed to get the gear to go into the next bracket.


    So what will happen is, entry level 50s wont have enough entry level 50s to pop queus so they can grind gear, so they never advance to the next bracket, get frustrated and roll an alt to do 1-49.


    All the people in the upper tier bracket never get queus because the entry level 50s cant get queus to move into the higher bracket. They get frustrated and roll alts.


    Everyone hits 50, and the people from the higher level tier get excited and go back to their main.


    The entry level 50s get no queus, get frustrated and.....


    Do you see the pattern?

  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=101553


    Pretty much a bunch of things that favor Sith + the devs themselves spouting a bunch of pro sith comments pre launch and admitting to playing sith.


    When the devs didnt comment pre launch, alot of people realized that Sith would be favored, and rolled sith, and you are now experiencing the after math.


    Add the no valor rollback for sith squeezing illum dry, the silence on the issue, the continuance of Devs in interviews admitting to play Sith and the fact they are adding MORE same faction warzones instead of cross server WZs so that Sith dont have such long queu times...


    And the end result is a very obvious finger pointing in the direction of Sith favoritism.


    This exact same thing happened in WoW. Horde had the dismount tower in AV among other things, they had and still have the best racials (original will of the forsaken, warstomp, AoE silence etc...) and several WoW devs admitted to playing horde. It caused a huge debacle, and I know on the servers I played on (pvp) it caused several players and even entire PvP guilds to faction switch, making the disparity even larger.


    Despite this being an awful blow to the game they claim they are copying but working the kinks out of, despite several warnings pre launch (I myself had a huge thread started about this on the pre launch forums) they just went ahead and did it anyway.

  3. Title says it all. Allowing one faction to essentially gear itself, and suffer no drawbacks for being grossly overpopulated are the reasons the factions are imbalanced as they are. Make this one change and I bet you'll see a lot of rerolls just for the lower queue time alone.


    Devs said they are making more same faction warzones....


    So dont count on this.


    They are extremely pro sith, its obvious. And they have no ear to the ground with what is going on in their own game.

  4. Most cc in this game can be countered with the intelligent use of resolve. When one uses a hard cc like a stun or a blind they still need to invest a cd into it's use for little to no damage.


    Knockbacks cannot be countered by resolve and will not be interrupted by using one's cc breaker. Knockbacks can situationaly be used as a one hit kill by knocking people off of a bridge, one cd and your enemy is dead.


    Bioware please fix. Please give all classes a knockback or a way to intelligently counterplay them.


    Not only do I agree with this, I will add something to this issue.


    The one thing that might counter a knockback is a charge ability, like the Knights force leap.


    If you force leap while in mid air from a knock back, you waste the knock back but dont fly back to your target.


    In WoW if you were knocked off a ledge you could leap right back to the opponent.


    Id be ok with it if I simply couldnt use the ability. Its dumb but whatever.


    The fact that It gets wasted so I cant even leap back to them after the fact is dumb founding.


    I also think the issue is too many classes have an AOE knockback. More classes should have gotten a knockback like the Jedi knight.


    Playing huttball as melee is mind numbing, its a constant rinse repeat of chasing an enemy only to get knocked back. My favorite is also getting knocked back to another enemy, who in turn knocks you back and you feel like a rag doll.

  5. word - i like the diversity in animations, but the technical bits should be equal


    glad they fixed the slow on jedi knights to move up to 9 seconds... just don't know why it took a month into release to realize this


    3/4 balance team

    1/4 beta testers


    Like I said, its nice they brought these things in line (Flashbang and Freezing Force). But it illustrates a bigger issue. They still have only addressed and changed things that had a hard number problem.


    They still are not addressing any of these "Hidden issue"


    The only hidden issue they addressed was the one thing republic had in favor of sith, the extra initial tick on Salvation. That was already addressed and fixed to bring it in line with Sith, yet all of these funky animation and other problems still persist, and we are at 80 pages and no dev response.

  6. Thanks for getting to it before me. I love people who come in and just spout off a bunch of hate with no proof, claiming we have no proof despite having a ton of it.


    "Everything ive seen..." if you watched the videos in this thread alone that statement wouldnt hold true.

  7. lmao you must be pulling my ******, it cannot be total cap, what sense is there in that?


    do these people get paid, actually paid to come up with this stuff.


    Alot of people kind of feel that way.


    The whole "lets copy WoW" ideology the devs are using would work if they did it right. They copied the cap they put on Wintergrasp and Tol Barad, but they forgot to script in a 1:1 ratio. Or maybe they didnt forget, maybe it was done purposefully.



  8. I'm sure it's been said, but Electrocute most certainly does suffer from LoS, facing, and Resolve.


    I will remove it from the OP then, i have no evidence either way, but at this point I havent re-experienced my problems with it that I had in beta or the games beginning, so maybe it was broken and got fixed, maybe it was a resolve issue, I dont know.

    But a few empire players have said its not like that, and I have reduplicated the moment in at least 2 weeks.

  9. One thing that people forget is that my post has multiple purposes.


    One of them is showing the actual discrepancies between the factions which are so overly glaring its unreal.


    One of the other functions is to show the devs the perception they have created through action, inaction, and pro empire comments made in interviews. Top that off with the silence in this thread, and you get the quotes I added to the bottom of the post.


    Those quotes serve a very specific function.

  10. The extra 'large' heal at the beginning of Salvation was always unintended, and was removed as part of this fix. The 'double' tick at the beginning was corrected but still appears visually. This issue will be further corrected in an upcoming patch which should make the ticks read much more clearly and be more evenly spaced out.


    The design intent of this ability is 11 ticks of healing over a 10 second period to all applicable taregts within the area (Which is also how Revivification works). Hope this helps clarify!


    Since this issue was the only thing that gave Republic an advantage over imperials and you were able to reply to this post after only 3 pages, you think maybe a dev could wander on over to my 80 page thread and give a little comment on it?



  11. What is a "select group"?


    How does one make the cut?


    Im not sure who is in your PR department, but when you say it like that it sounds like you are padding the questions to be asked to create ill gotten positive feedback. And those kinds of comments are flying around the forums and in general chat.


    Im not saying you are, but alot of the Dev posts put a really bad taste in the players mouth, and this one is no different.

  12. This should be on first page constantly!


    Thank you.


    Dont forget to rate it for 5 stars though, alot of people reply and dont do that. Even I didnt know about that function.


    You can only do it once per thread, but its still important to do to get that 5th star.

  13. You think leveling in a LARP is something new? I havent seen a LARP that didnt have levels and experience to spend in some form.


    Also, if you use rubber band guns, how will people wearing clothing know they got hit? IE im running away from you, you rubber band gun me in the back, I dont feel it. You start yelling "DUDE I HIT YOU" then we have search for the rubber band in the grass to see if it fell somewhere to be indicative of hitting me.


    Sounds like a poor rules choice.


    Also...I doubt you will find a skilled enough wood work to make a star wars worthy wooden gun.


    Why not just make "shoot" a skill that cost a very minimal amount of points and let is be used up to 30 feet with no packet or rubber band? Then make the more powerful or longer range abilities require a spell packet?



    And one last question...do you have licensing rights for this? Even if its non profit, Lucas does not like people using star wars in unsanctioned events.


    And when you say "LARP" do you mean like vampire the masquerade sitting in a hotel live roleplaying and using rock paper scissor for combat? Or do you mean real LARPing where you go somewhere away from civvies and actually play out the story for a weekend using live combat?


    Also, how do you intend to do decent lightsaber combat? I cant imagine away that allows you to do it but still sheath a lightsaber blade-less as you can in true canon.

  14. not a class mirror issue but anyone used a republic fleet pass vs an imperial one and see where you end up? republic ends up out by the shuttles on the docks and the imperial ends up nicely in the middle of the fleet by the cargo hold in the middle near the cantina.


    Anyone confirm deny this?


    if so it just one more little thing to throw on the pile.

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