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Posts posted by Kellindell

  1. Guess they never heard of TK Throw which ticks right away and therefore interupts right away.

    If it was as severe as the OP claims Republic wouldn't win anything.


    TK throw roots you...so if you are trying to interrupt the person with the most cast time as you run to PBAOE on the bomb/turret you cannot because you stopped to TK that one guy.



    Again, your second sentence has zero meaning. Their are people in this world who dont have legs from the knees down, but are still faster then you.


    Does that lessen the fact they are missing both legs from the knee down?




    Think about the battle of thermopylae or any other time in history when the underdog mustered everything it could.


    To many factors go into those wins. Maybe those wins only happen when statistically speaking all the republic are good and the sith are bad. We cant possibly deal in conjecture like that, even with metrics we couldnt figure it out because too many participant variables exist.


    What we deal with in this thread are facts. And the fact is, these skills (regardless of who gets the advantage) are not the same, and need to be.


    Have I spun this pro republic/anti sith? Yes. Will people argue that is not a fact? Sure they will. But the fact is, the overwhelming majority of republic players feel Sith is favored by the devs. And you dont need to do anything more then spend a few hours browsing these forums, and you will have all the research you need.


    If you want more proof, go look at forums of non official sites where people arent censored and dont have threads torn down, see how they feel.

  2. And yet out of my last 20 Warzones on Republic side I won about 12 or 13. Clearly the imbalances are so great that Republic cannot win a single game. :rolleyes:


    1) Learn science. You find no statistical significance in one persons subjective experience. Lets ignore the fact you are one person, and lets ignore the fact you could be completely making that fact up purposefully or unintentionally.


    Lets think about the amount of servers, amount of players across the entire game. I wont crunch hypothetical numbers, just think about over the course of a day how many warzones you think get run. Then multiply that by 7 for the amount of days in a week.


    Now try to imagine what marginal percentage 13 warzones are in that grand picture. Try playing odds like that in vegas and see how you do.


    You also didnt mention your bracket, the type of server, what time of the day you play etc...

  3. This is a good post and should be stickied until all issues are balance between factions. This needs to be addressed in the next patch by the entire dev team. Everything else should be put on hold until all damage is applied at the same time for all skills on both sides. Stuff like this killed warhammer which was really a fun game. I would hate to see the huge loss of subs here as there.


    Im not sure how to get something stickied, but feel free to campaign for it.


    Since this post is essentially about alot of bad stuff bioware did, I doubt a BW representative will sticky it, but maybe ill be surprised. To be honest, at the rate they remove anti BW posts, I thought this was going to get deleted.

  4. Thats true. I kind of figured the trooper mirror ability would be the same, but I don't even know.


    Another thing to note on sorc vs sage is how highly visible everything the sorc does. Draws great attention compared to how subtle the sage spells are. I wanted to go republic when the game came out, still do, but my guild chose empire. Some of the supposed disadvantages listed, are in actuality, advantageous.


    Have I pointed out the fact that this stuff favors Empire?




    But the name of the post is still Make Mirrors actual Mirrors, and in the thread I have said I dont care if they nerf sith or buff republic to bring them in line. Its about making it equal, regardless of how they do it.

  5. Should also be noted that the PURPLE crystal is not obtainable for Republic yet.



    Yes, the MAGENTA is, but not purple.


    What's even more upsetting is the fact that the only person known to have the Purple crystal was a Jedi. U_U


    Yeah, that is what bothers me. They cant chalk this up to lore, lore states that Sith just happened to have geographical access to red crystal caves, and after a while it stuck. Nothing mentioned about purple. Only Windu had the purple lightsaber, which is why its always rare in star wars games.


    Apparently Windu looted it off the long lost descendant of a sith PvPer.

  6. I dont want to sound like a D bag but im pretty good. Im not in the Gaming league or live stream and have people drool over me, but I know at the very least im good enough to pull off watchman. And I have been for a couple weeks now.


    Like I said, from the outside looking in, focus looks not only more fun, but more suited for me as it focuses on all the abilities I "like".


    It is kind of annoying to not have that +30% to force sweep and cooldown reducing talent guardians get though.


    Whatever, we have the only healing debuff in the game.

  7. Thats a tough debate, and I guess it depends on team play.


    In a pug its everyones responsibility to watch the doors.


    But in team play, or premades id say if you are the class most efficient at killing healers, thats what you should do because then in turn everyone else dies. But if the healer stays up and so does everyone else, your team will keep rez waving which will lead to them capping the door.


    But if you kill them, and they have to keep rezzing, your team gets a respite here and their which can go a long way.


    So are people saying focus isnt as good at taking out healers as watchman? Because right now its what I mainly do in PvP, I even mark myself so people can follow the healing debuff and focus targets down and it seems to be really effective if my team will listen.

  8. WoW started out with different skills and classes on each side and realized it didnt work when your doing ranked matches. Now if you notice you can be a paladin on Horde and a Shaman on Alliance.


    Why SWTOR didnt learn from Blizzards mistakes ill never know.


    Rookie mistake now that a billion dollar company has paved the way for them essentially.


    What really astounds me is, they keep saying the key to success in an MMO is copying WoW. What kills me is, the copy WoW from 4 years ago, and dont implement any of the changes WoW made after learning from their own mistakes.


    Like how to properly population cap Wintergrasp/Illum.


    If you are going to copy them, copy the learning process as well or a bunch of people are just going to jump ship to the game that is exactly the same but with more polish. Or make your own game, which is what people wanted all along.

  9. odd i had the exact opposite experience from playing both


    Look at the stuff he said, like more ammo. How can you say your experience is the opposite? We have shown proof that Mercs indeed have more resource, their attacks are better etc...


    I think what you mean is, other subjective factors went into you having an opposite experience like a tank was guarding you, or someone else was doing something, or the opposing team was worse (which would explain your opposite experience).


    Showing no evidence, no video and not spitting out more then a single sentence offers no insight into your "opposite experience". So you either let confound variables come into your assessment without recognizing them, or you are just trying to detract from the points so your beloved faction doesnt get brought into line with the republic.

  10. sounds like he had guard on. the tank is squishier than the person guarded. take him out.


    Yeah, im not saying commando healers arent rediculous but it sounds like you need to switch targets. Get a Sent/Maurader debuff on the target and just push them down. Then all the defensive CDs of the commando dont matter.


    Now if that guy is solo guarding a node and you dont have another target, yeah that can be annoying because even if you do kill him he will take the speeder back and mortar volley you before you cap.

  11. The getting knocked back thing is so annoying, I cant even begin to explain the aggravation of activating a force sweep, getting knocked back and watching myself do it mid air.


    Whats even more annoying is, you cant charge in mid air to get back to the fray right away. and if you do charge mid air, you waist the charge but dont move.


    I actually never realized how much more powerful a Guard/Jug focus build is is compared to a Sent Maurader. Its kind of messed up since the tree is supposed to be "shared" but its obviously lop sided for what AC.


    What they need to do is make force sweep attack with both lightsabers if you are a sent/maurader. This should even it out.


    We have two lightsabers, but I just feel like we dont use it enough in our key skills (especially the shared tree) to justify the loss of survivability a guardian gets.

  12. I know guardians use focus alot, not sure if alot of sentinels do. Ive been playing for a while, and ive tried watchman and combat. But when I read the focus talents, it affects all the skills I like, Stasis, bladestorm, force leap etc... I like alot of the combinations it builds up, and I wouldnt mind having a 10 meter slow that does damage over time. I also really like the shi choo Zen.


    The only thing I dont like is that im told it builds centering the slowest, and i really like bringing those team buffs to the table.


    Right now im playing watchman because it seems thats what most PvPers are doing. I am effective, but I dont really enjoy the rotation, but I do enjoy winning.


    Is focus good for Sents? Anyone pvpers who have extensively used focus as a sentinel who could weigh in, id appreciate it.



  13. So anything with the word Force in it? including Force kick?


    That is odd because everyone said watchman had the fastest CD on forcekick with the reduction of 2 seconds.


    According to you Zephyr reduces force kick by 3 seconds...



    Can anyone give me an actual solid list of what skills this reduces the cooldown on?

  14. I find watchman to be great against golds and even silvers. But against standard mobs its awful. If you are with someone its even worse.


    In PvP it felt not so great until 25. At that point you can Overload saber X3, cauterize, and force stasis and just watch the health go down while they sit and do nothing. Drop a heal debuff on them as the stasis ends and finish them off with another rotation.


    My only problem with watchman is (and I guess its because I dont have merciless slash yet) the rotation feels clunky. Overload, Zealous, cauterize, strike to get the third Overload on them, and then I have nothing to do thats worth while. I have alot of stuff I can use, but none of it is effected by my talents, and that seems really odd to me.


    Combat for leveling was amazing, simply amazing, but focus is cool too because you open up with an auto crit force sweep on AOE mobs and when your centering builds up to blow Zen and murder people with 6 slashes.


    All the high level sents on my server SWEAR by watchmen for PvP. I see its effectiveness, but isnt fun to me. The rotation seems odd, and It doesnt have any fun tricks or combos, its just running around applying dots and a healing debuff and doing it all over again.


    With combat you root with your healing debuff, you still can use slash as a focus dump, or get decent damage from blade storm. I feel like combat and focus have more fluid rotations, and more fun tricks you can do.


    Watchman may ignore alot of your basic JK attacks as far as talents go, like stasis and blade storm, but you cant ignore what it can do in PvP. Your damage will always be high top3 even in bad gear. And the pressure you can put on someone if you stick to them in undeniable. If you find killing the most fun thing in PvP, go watchman. If you like to play around with skills more, try focus or combat.



    I firmly beleive that watchman is the wrong way to go for levelling.


    The reasoning is that the majority of fights you do is standard mobs or 1 strong and 1-2 standard.


    you want to burst down the standard mobs fast and then take the strong one solo, watchman does not have good burst, especially compared to combat.


    Watchman is more viable at 50, since it excells in sustained damage, but doing having a spec based on applying 6 seconds dots on mobs you wanna kill in 2 secs makes it a pure waste.


    The best levelling spec is the spec that takes the 2 standard mobs down the fastest, and thats combat especially from level 33.


    Charge one, blade rush, zealus strike / blade rush - movs to other mob and hit with the 100% crit Blade storm that tends to oneshot the next standard mob, and then both mobs are down in less than and then you go and take down the strong mob.


    With watchman you can charge, apply cauterize, zealus strike and strike (and then hope that its enough for the dot) and then movs to next mob to merciless slash/strike - since you kinda have to save the overload saber for the strong mob since its your bread and butter as well as relying on cauterise is open.


    Combat is by far superior in levelling, and i actually beleive that focus is better as well for taking the classic one strong 2 standard spawns.



  15. I guess that is becouse the Empire side wasent the one that benefited from it


    That is the point im making.


    Pointed out on forums (something that favors republic) WHAM fixed immediately and gets a dev response.


    80 page thread clearly and concisely pointing out the enormous amount of things favoring imperials...


    No dice.

  16. empire keeps winning wz, repub just sucks too bad, not enough geared compared to imps


    Exactly. All the sith got to squeeze illum dry and get awesome gear, so the reps who were queing got frustrated and made alts.


    When i do 1-49 pvp on my server the reps crush the imps id say 50% of the time, and 30% of the time we win but its close.


    At level 50, all I hear are horror stories, and illum wasnt that bad on my server. But we were super victim to imps leveling to 50 in a couple days and just farming low levels all the way to top valor. So really its always been bad on my server we didnt need illum.


    The reps on my server are good, they are just sick of all the unfair garbage so they stay in the 1-49 bracket where its fair.

  17. yeah because noone would ever abuse those buttons....



    Ok pettition to give be a button to boot severly undergeared players from WZ's.


    A button to boot afkers


    A button to boot player standing in fire to heal themselves to get 500k medal


    Il take longer que to make teh matches we play on even footing


    It helps the lesser geared and gearing up, they wont be crying when a geared Champion or BM ***** them sideways.


    And it gets rid of BM's hunting lowers for easy medals


    And it makes the 1 wz worthwhile instead of wading thru 4 or 5 matchs looking at ppl sighing cause no way can they be an asset. They are not even a meat shield all they do is waste the other teams 3 GCD and cant even get to the door or turret to stop a cap or plant. God forbid when they grab the huttball 1 sec infront of you.

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