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10 Good
  1. Biggest design sin in the world is overcomplicating something that doesn't need to be complicated. An ability has two states - ready or not. Grey it out if it's not ready/available and color it in if it is. I realize that there is a cooldown element to be considered, both GCD and ability cooldown, but that is factored into whether the button is grey or colored. If people want some visual indication of timing for when the ability will be ready, do what Warcraft does and make it very subtle, start with a totally gray button and then instead of using the blue haze, just drag the curtain down the button, adding color as the cooldown expires. WoW uses what looks like a clockwise "refilling" of color, you can do a vertical one, just to be different. Either way, the blue haze is a mess. The blue flash of light is also terrible. I'm either looking at my bar or not and if I am, I know when the ability is ready. Finally, you really need to allow the community to mod the UI so that this is less of an issue for you. It's a MASSIVE oversight that you haven't allowed for this in a franchise you want to last a decade. If I'm on the biz end of BioWare or EA, I am going to the lead designer and demanding that be put in the next few iterations. I'm really enjoying the storytelling, unique crafting, and smaller grouping requirements. Great job! Agile FTW. PS - Fix the GTN, it's almost unbearable.
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