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Everything posted by Vankris

  1. if i recall correctly, mass effect had 5 difficulty levels (casual, normal, veteran, hardcore and insanity) though
  2. what i would like is to have an open minded conversation, but you are so set in aggressively defending the game, you are completely closed other people point of view. The OP asked what i would want to see in SWTOR endgame. A fair question. i just answer honestly what i would, personnaly, want to see. And then i am being attack, being told that my desire are stupid and i am being to to go away. so i have a question of my own. Why would you ask what people want if it's only to crucify any answer that you don't like? I mean, you don't really want to know what i want after all?
  3. the want new games, new adventures, new settings. But the model is sound, has proven itself across time and works. That's why. It's like a FPS, RTS, plateform game etc... some formulae, some game design are just good, works well thus many game use it but bring their own twist. in an MMO genre, design to keep player playing for month or even years, you need some sort of content at max level. you don't want players quiting after reaching max level, after finishing the story, llike most of us after beating a single player game.
  4. people are quitting, only silently, because if you are not subbed, you can't post here. What confuses me however, is how people can be satisfied with so little content for the price of a subscription. Wouldn't you like to have more? is there a reason to not want more content? Why is no new operation, no new flashpoint, no new warzone, not even new heroic mission or new daily hub has become acceptable?
  5. population in MMO goes up and down. World of Warcraft is an old game and people want something new. It's not the model that is responsible for wow loss in population, but the game itself, is getting quite old. If anything, it's that very model of rich endgame that made the success of wow.
  6. i'll be blunt, and most people would hate me but hey, i want what World of Warcraft is delivering. I really like SWTOR, like the setting, like the emphasis on story, like the class and their gameplay, but boy, the game is lacking end game wise. I want a tiers that has at least 10 bosses, up to 14 or 15 was with wow. I want a new tier about every 6 month. I want all 3 difficulty available at the release on the tier, don't want to wait 6 month for the release of nightmare mode. I want at least 5 new flashpoints per expansion. and that's a minimum. Some alternate way to gear progress, but SWTOR is doing ok on that front, with PVP, crafting, data crystals. So here you go, i said it, flame me, hate me, i want for SWTOR what World of Warcraft have.
  7. yes, MMO has to appeal to a wide audiance, so current difficulty would be fine for the most casual player. I don't really care about reward. If i play bioshock infinte, and complete it in the highest difficulty mode (1999), i did it for the fun. All i got from it is a steam achievement nobody ever cared about. But i had fun doing it. In a setting like SWTOR, you would have to debuff the player, because you can't really buff the mob accessible for every players. Another idea would be to buff the story zone (the green portal you cross) because the instance is then yours, no other player can interact with it.
  8. and you'd be wrong. At least as an option. WoW introduced mythic difficulty for raid and dungeon. and challenge mode for time attack. Another exemple, skyrim players have requested harder and harder difficulty in skyrim, and bethesda provided the legendary difficulty. Once you have been through the game, any game, and understand the mechanics, you'd want to test yourself with higher difficulty. This is exactly why most game ship with different difficulty level. You would tell me that Skyrim is not an MMO, but the again everyone on the forum here tell me that SWTOR isn't as well, it's KOTOR 3.
  9. were you 2-maning a tactical? it can be tricky, the content is made for 4-man party.
  10. sucks to be bioware then. Because the lack of new engame will cost them costumers, a lot of them. The kotFE story and the alliance grind can retain costumer only for so long. But don't worry about me, like most avid PC gamer, i haven't played even half of my steam library, i'll get by ^^
  11. People are free to their opinion, in the free world that is. 2 person having opposing view on the game can be both right, because that's how they feel about the game. If you truly love the game, you can't force other to like it. That being said, the game is what it is now, i have come, i have seen and i have made my own opinion about the game. I did unsub because i don't find compelling argument to stay. the story is interesting but it's over now, i've seen it, i don't need to stay sub. Beside, i am free to see it again, since i've unlocked KotFE. I'll resub one month once all chapter are out. the alliance grind does not interest me. Call me old school, i prefer good ol' gear progression and raid progression. The gameplay (and no, gameplay isn't just about rotation, it's about encounter design, difficulty level, everything that has to do with playing the game) isn't enough fun to keep me paying. and there is a lot of concurrence on the mmo scene (and single RPG scene since SWTOR seems to be headed this way) So Bioware have decided on a game design, i hope for the people that enjoy the game it will be sustainable (sincerely, i do), but i am skeptical.
  12. let's not forget the theater play fro karazhan run away little girl, run away!
  13. games already too easy and you want to nerf it even more? tactical are fine, when you see a red circle under your feet, just move away and you will be fine.
  14. it's not so much that guilds don't want to help other player to progress. It's the opposite. There are player that will refuse to even consider learning a bit more about their own class, team gameplay. How many time have you heard "Don't tell me how to play my class, i play the way i want to play". But let's give the matter a rest. There is one more negative impact of having far too easy game. It's player retention and more specifically, subscription retention. This, we will never know. Only Bioware will see their revenue increase or decrease, and will probably not share with us. But i'm willing to bet that, without compelling gameplay, without new operation or flashpoint, without endgame grind of some kind, there would be nothing to keep most player sub. All of the story is accessible for the F2P players, only require one month sub.
  15. one probeme with how the game is easy right now, is the brutal reality check of group content, tactical and hard mode flashpoint for instance. yes tactical flashpoint are easy, some really easy. But, player are so used to the faceroll of single player, they get a wake up call in tactical and find it too hard, badly tune in fact, like i said, tactical are fine, maybe a little too easy, but already the casual demand tactical to be nerfed. then the hardmode flashpoint will follow. That is the drawback of having a ridiculously easy leveling. players will hit a wall at the endgame.
  16. tactical are a walk in the park. You must not have tried HM flashpoint.
  17. seemed you have a string of bad luck. i don't know what to say, i find the tactical flashpoint quite easy, but then, i'm an experienced MMO player and i'd like to think myself as a good team player. Ex nightmare raider on swtor, mythic raider on WoW, my offensive and defensive cooldown are rarely off cooldown, i interrupt, stun and CC as needed and being a tank at heart, i have excellent situational awareness. I'm probably above the average player, maybe that's why i find them easy. you'd say that tactical flashpoint aren't aim for me, but i do enjoy the very short queue time compared to HM, especially as DPS.
  18. aside from the fact that getting into a tactical flashpoint take only seconds, and operation, a bit longer. That being said, if you are only after loot and reward, then yes, do operation instead. I play for fun. i just complete a false emperor run with 4 DPS (30,40,50 and me 65). No wipe, some death, run about 35 minutes. all fun. So it really depends what you after, rewards, or simply play the game.
  19. i'm sniper 65, and i haven't yet enter a tactical flashpoint i couldn't finish under an hour. i have wiped a few times obviously and even had many member of the group quitting and getting new ones. But if you are not short on patience and know your toon well enough, they all are doable
  20. except maybe, crazy idea here, for... fun i know right, mind blowing KABOOM. People are actually having fun while not roflstomping content, with eye closed and both handed tied behind their back. What a bunch of absolute lunatic. Game were not made for fun, who ever got that idea.
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