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Everything posted by HoneyBoy

  1. It's not my fault people chose to ignore it either, now how about a better system!
  2. Having everyone sit in the fleet and queue for dungeons would be a vast improvement over the current status quo of sit in the fleet and spam general. Maybe that's just my opinion though.
  3. Walking around has worked since before history, but I'd much rather prefer other means of transportation. Sorry if that made no sense, I'm like the spotted tree frog of analogies :3
  4. I don't think it's a good reflection on you to call the game community at large that you choose to associate with as "idiots". Thank you though for stating that it's common knowledge now, I'm sure all players now know about it.
  5. Just knowing you're on a different server than me being instantly teleported to the flashpoint instead of manually walking there really irks me and destroys my immersion of this game. *MUMBLES SOMETHING INCOHERENTLY ABOUT LAZINESS* Edit: It'll also destroy the community, when it was implemented on WoW my server community was destroyed and I experienced a 800% increase of jerks, so did all my friends.
  6. Don't have an aneurysm over people asking for enhanced and more intuitive LFG tool(s) please!
  7. I think the problem is a bit deeper than people not using the LFG, which is another problem in itself. Faction populations, varying playtimes, needing specific roles to fill out party. Now you have to deal with all the people who aren't visiting this forum post and who don't understand the current LFG tool, or simply don't use it because they'd rather spam fleet chat. Or as you say don't even know it exists.
  8. Maybe some people don't want to "befriend" someone under the pragmatic guise that they may utilize them for a group run later down the line? Maybe people genuinely befriend people who aren't the class role they are stuck looking for? Maybe some people just want to run group content without making friends? Some people just have different agenda's with this wide encompassing video game. Edit: if your forte is making friends I'm sure a cross-server dungeon finder won't impede on any of that charisma :]
  9. Remember when you got your early access email stating how it was time to start your Star Wars Legacy!? Make sure the historians record down the part where you had to abandon your character and start over just because you wanted to play group content!!!
  10. It's because for some people, simply knowing that another random stranger is out there somewhere partying up with another random stranger destroys their sense of community.
  11. Whatever you do don't tell Andryah that Bioware encourages the same endless cycle of "minigames" in the form of flashpoint hardmodes at End Game. The only difference is the amount of potential party members is a lot smaller.
  12. Notice you used the word "play" to describe what WoW encouraged. Kind of the opposite of "not playing" which is what I'm doing right now as I'm waiting for a healer for this FP. I don't know what a "weak sauce cycle" is? People playing an endless cycle of dungeons formed via an automated system really bother you? Would you have felt better if those players sat around a major city spamming "LF1M tank/healer" ad nauseum before they formed their group? Or does what other people choose to do with their time on seperate servers from you have absolutely zero affect on you besides irritating your personal problems and philosophy with "laziness" in accordance to playing a video game?
  13. Pretty much this, WoW made people feel entitled to play content that they were paying 15 dollars a month for. We need to get people to snap back to reality and realize they need to jump through artificial hoops, timesinks, and tediums if they want to play.
  14. Because I need to hear the daily quest giver explain the same thing he did yesterday and the same thing he will tomorrow everytime?
  15. It's immersion. Remember in Revenge of the Sith when Mace Windu was going to arrest Palpatine and they had to wait on the elevator to take them up to the Supreme Chancellor's office? Loading screen tip: Press the / key to increase your engrossment!
  16. Who knows? People have been jerks throughout history, try not to let it mar your experience. There are people of all sorts of backgrounds, values, and beliefs playing this game. I'm almost positive you'll meet people you'll like sooner or later!!
  17. Lmao so true. Anyone can stand back from this argument detached from their emotions and look at it logically and say: An automated cross server dungeon finder helps expedite the process of actually playing the game, if I don't want to use it I don't have to and can continue forming groups with my preferred method of [using guildies or friends or /who'ing people]. Instead people are saying: Well because [anecdote of experience on other MMO] I don't want a cross server LFG because it is a fact (no logical evidence to support this) that it ruins communities (does not define what a community actually is?).
  18. You're preaching to the choir here mostly. A tool should be intuitive by nature. If people aren't using it, why can't Bioware develop a better one? Is it my job to educate the playerbase on how to use the lackluster tools given? It's a failure of design/education on Bioware's part, which is very disheartening when other big budget MMO's all have enhanced LFG tools or features.
  19. 1.1 is the first major content patch hence the 1.X designation. Expect to see bug fixes every week with designations like 1.1.X
  20. Best post I've read thus far. Like I said earlier it's sad Bioware is trying to play psychologist with player behavior by limiting accessibility rather than making content they design more accessible.
  21. It's a bad thing to people whose enjoyment of the game comes from excluding others from content unfortunately.
  22. It's very disheartening to see the design team stance being one of trying to mandate player psychology rather than making fun accessible content that players can actually play and enjoy in a timely fashion.
  23. Not sure if you're trying to say that your personal anecdotes are still a statistical fact? -or- You're suggesting a Gallop poll was done on a sufficient amount of WoW players who have had negative LFD experiences here?
  24. I'm really not trying to insult your intelligence here but this may be some good reading for you! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy#Converse_fallacy_of_accident_or_hasty_generalization Or if you have a bias against wikipedia, a .edu link! http://www.sjsu.edu/depts/itl/graphics/adhom/general.html
  25. Sure but when that purple item drops I'm going to roll need on it for my companion! Awesome point! Sometimes it's easy to forgot how emotionally attached we can become to these games and it explains all the emotionally charged anecdotes and fallacies.
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