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Posts posted by Skauron

  1. You should just be patient.... play another game... go wash your car.. etc. ;) No need for a unsub when you don't get your way in less than a day.


    I have the SAME problem as you do, but I'm being patient. I haven't logged in since this morning as I don't even want the slightest of headaches or nausea again.


    I'm figuring (by track record) it'll take until next week's maintenance to fix, so I'm holding out until then. :(


    Oooh i dunno.. there was a massive outcry on swg when they changed the combat system as i recall.. change a game too much and the reason folk stay playing is gone. This guy is entitled to vote with his subscription fee, if he feels its the only thing the supplier will take any notice of.

  2. If its not bust, why fix it?


    Well, it wasn't.. it got fixed, and now so many of us hate what we see. Every other night since release i've played avidly for hours.. tonight.. i simply couldn't get into the game i'd got to really love playing.. something change.. now if only i could find out what....


    oh wait!...

  3. As i'm playing it tonight i've got a rage bar with plenty of units on it to use, no mobs in range ro sight .. all abilities are lit up. I turn a corner, target a mob, all the abilities go dim, and yet while dim, i can use said abilities such as assault, vicious slash etc. The CD visibility is far too distracting as it is.. i know which abilities were usable, and i knew i had the rage to perform them, but this ui is no longer actually displaying a true reflection of what is actually usable.



    I support the idea of either giving us options in preferences to enable/disable cd/gcd view options, or roll this back.. and soon.


    I've NEVER had cause to post about a patch change, but this one, I totally did not like.

  4. THIS. Yes I 100% agree. Logged in tonight to find a feature that to me seemed like it did not need fixing, suddenly looking horrible. Totally distracting, and definitely on my wish list for 'rollback'. Found myself looking more at my action bar than at the action itself and thinking.. urrrrgh, i hate this!


    While I appreciate the attempt to make it more obvious which spells were on cooldown, I feel the new effects are just making it harder to see which abilities are available. The flashing and washout effects obscure the visibility of the abilities, and the flashing occurs after it has come off cooldown (making it difficult to react quickly as you cannot quite tell if it is available or just part of the GCD flashing).


    All that was needed was to add a dark blue or reddish tinge to the abilities which were on cooldown, as the old GCD effect was sufficient and didn't obscure vision.


    Is anyone else not liking the new effect?

  5. On mission list (L)


    Put those handy radio buttons next to each 'planet' or main heading so you can switch off multiple trackers in one click. This way when you land on a planet you can quickly tailor the planets mission view to suit the planet you are on.



    On the games launcher, it gets really frustrating sometimes if you press enter after the password which i do soooo often. It then immediately checks your credentials and if (like me) you also have the security code keyfob then because you didn't enter the number it then returns you to the login with all blank password and code inputs again. Could there be a mechanism perhaps that if enter is pressed in the password field that it checks to see if a digi-pass security keyfob is attached to the account also an then auto tabs to the input box, thus saving many a frustrating false login from folk.. like me. :) Hope i explained that one ok. I'm over 40.. the force is not so strong in me any more.. help me obi-wan kenobi etc etc... :)

  6. I pre-ordered in July.. and you will not see one whinge from me over not getting in yet. today is only the start, and i am as patient now as I was right at the start, way before beta was even an idea.. i applied for that never got on that.. just got into the last 2 weekends and I was well happy with that.


    Amazes me to see how impatient some folk truly can be though, just like folk who will not queue.. and stamp their feet if they are not getting their own way.


    Tomorrow is another day, if you get lucky then great!! if you don't then don't sweat it.. just wait again. Eventually you'll be in.


    Release date officially is the 20th.. the date you get in early if you qualify is not your decision to make... just be patient or forever expose your true colours.

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