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Everything posted by Kunixp

  1. Didnt look at that but I will. This has never happened before though. Usually if I get a purple schematic from a level 60 item, the purple is level 60 too
  2. When did this happen? I learned the purple schematic of the level 60 armorings, mods, enhancements and hilts and the purple ones are 64. IS this a bug?
  3. Kunixp


    I am running into force management issues
  4. Kunixp


    I am trying to figure out what the best discipline for a Shadow is. I have been playing around with them but I am curious to what the consensus is in the community. Thank you
  5. Kunixp

    Gearing my Guardian

    I know this is a dead subject. but I want to gear my guard to give her the highest health possible. What armor set and sugments do I need to do that? Not trying to do skank tank, but I just want to be useful with her. any positive posts welcome
  6. I love my Merc/Mando in regs. I get owned occaisionally, but its alot of fun to play. Constantly on the move, lighting people up. I dont put too much in parsing and trying to dissect every move. I just go out and have fun with it. if I get owned, I get owned. If not its awesome. Just have fun with it guys.
  7. I play all the classes. I have most of them at 65 and auged. It depends on my mood to what toon I log in to play, then if my mood changes while I am playing its log that one out and play a different one.
  8. I could be wrong but I would do blazing before HS. If I remember right the BB will trigger a higher crit on HS.
  9. I would love an invite to that Camelot game. If anyone gets an invite pm me and I will shoot you my email. Thanks
  10. I have an AMD fx-8320 octa core and I cant find what the chipset name is lol
  11. maybe I am a retard but what is skylake and sandy ridge?
  12. Kate Beckinsale in my living room would definitely be better....BY FAR
  13. ^this. Take out the queue as group option in unranked and I think things will get a little better
  14. They arent. I soloed one today in a wz but I am willing to bet it was just because he was bad lol. one of the FoTM players that have no clue what they are doing
  15. Kunixp

    "Pub pvp..."

    I have my jugg in tank spec. That is a very tempting idea lol
  16. Thanks guys. That is real helpful. I do appreciate it
  17. I am running AP right now but I have the Combat Tech PVP gear. I did use acc on my earpiece and implants.
  18. Kunixp

    "Pub pvp..."

    The only problem I have I see on both sides. One person goes to cap a node, then they leave it unguarded. Its becoming an epidemic. Drives me Bats**t. I am not the best pvper by any means, but I am smart enough to guard a node lol
  19. I have a 65 PT. I am full 208 pvp gear. My accuracy is at 111% right now. What Augments should I put in?
  20. I have most of the vendors and I have a GTN in my stronghold but the one thing I really want is a crafting vendor so I dont have to go to fleet to get the last components for crafted things. That would make things so much easier for me. I keep all of my comps in my legacy storage so the easiness of having a vendor in my stronghold would be awesome
  21. I have 2 as well. I was wondering about these things
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