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Posts posted by SithAceI

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDDPSghZqYE


    You can catch the full explanation of the game mechanics on the Twitch stream from EA.


    Summery is: 20 person pvp fighter battles with additional 20 AI fighters in the same battle! You can also fly the Millennium Falcon and maybe Slave-one its in the trailer but they didn't say if you can though. ;)


    Fell free to discuss and based on this trailer me thinks GSF is gonna take a big hit. :(

  2. Whoah is right!


    And everyone thought Q pops were bad now... they will be non-existent after this drops LOL! :eek:


    Also you all will know were I will be when ya don't see Sithace flying on any servers hehe. :cool:


    Hell I am buying the PC and PS4 versions to play with all you guys on PC and with my Son on PS4! ;)

  3. Hey just wanted to say thanks to the pilots of the Progenitor!


    Not real sure if everyone playing yesterday was qued up up for super serious night or not but had some great matches none the less! Their is a lot of great talent on this server and I highly recommend any other traveling Veterans to drop by this server and que up for some GSF! ;)


    Big shout out for Nutrinos'smw and Samara for allowing me to group up with them and kick some Republic butt with them! Thanks!

  4. I think it boils down to this, while considering what everyone has said:


    Type three GS's are the best SoloQ option when q-ing with pug's.


    They can defend themselves (no need for peels) and can without Ion, only kill targets, not support other players.


    That's probably why when ya see me solo q I am in a Jurg/Condor. When I am in a team I usually run support type ships.


    I think it also lends itself to what you originally flew the most in the beginning. I was always a scout pilot not a GS pilot so when the Jurg/Condor came out it reminded me of a Sting/Flash with a railgun. And I tend to fly it like a type two scout not like a gunship. And I agree its largely a single player ship for achievements and/or stats etc. :p

  5. I still find it interesting that J.J. Abrams had final say over the blur trailer. Makes me wonder what could possible be in it that would give something away in Force Awakens. Otherwise I see no reason he would need to have any say over the KotFE trailer given the difference of a few millennia between TOR and his movie.


    Ya that was way more involvement than even I thought!

  6. SWTOR as canon?


    Although SWTOR was confirmed as not strictly canon at the Star Wars Celebration, the game has still attempted to play within the bounds. So we asked Backus how well this new story, with the new planet and original epic story, fits within current or former canon. Backus reminds that “it is and it is not” because SWTOR is set thousands of years before actual canon; he doesn’t believe the new story departs too far away from the sphere of canon. “We have a very good relationship with Lucasfilm,” he explained, “where we submit basically everything we want to do — be it character or stories or whatever — and they give us feedback on it. They keep us honest and they keep us on point.”


    Backus also spoke about Lucasfilms’ Keeper of the Holocron, the existence of the small council that maintains the lore of all aspects of the Star Wars Universe, and how BioWare has a high level of communication with this group. “Everything we do is vetted; everything we do is absolutely on the up and up with Star Wars as far as lore and stuff.” An interesting fact that Backus shared is that Director J.J. Abrams watched the KotFE blur trailer because he had carte blanche to decide whether what the BioWare team was doing contradicted the story he was telling in any way. He also added that Lucasfilm could draw on any of what BioWare writes for future Star Wars things.


    I just copied the important text for you all. The web site is massively OP. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=15&ved=0CD4QFjAEOAo&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmassivelyop.com%2F2015%2F06%2F22%2Fe3-2015-swtors-upcoming-expansion-builds-on-the-legacy-of-kotor%2F&ei=pXKPVczdBobp-AGy_76IBg&usg=AFQjCNHDpLT29FWZ3q3rZOYPjDGREIbRoQ&sig2=_9GJPmQB9HxXnAIQea8lxw&bvm=bv.96783405,d.cWw&cad=rja here's the link also.


    Drops mic....

  7. SWTOR as canon?


    Although SWTOR was confirmed as not strictly canon at the Star Wars Celebration, the game has still attempted to play within the bounds. So we asked Backus how well this new story, with the new planet and original epic story, fits within current or former canon. Backus reminds that “it is and it is not” because SWTOR is set thousands of years before actual canon; he doesn’t believe the new story departs too far away from the sphere of canon. “We have a very good relationship with Lucasfilm,” he explained, “where we submit basically everything we want to do — be it character or stories or whatever — and they give us feedback on it. They keep us honest and they keep us on point.”


    Backus also spoke about Lucasfilms’ Keeper of the Holocron, the existence of the small council that maintains the lore of all aspects of the Star Wars Universe, and how BioWare has a high level of communication with this group. “Everything we do is vetted; everything we do is absolutely on the up and up with Star Wars as far as lore and stuff.” An interesting fact that Backus shared is that Director J.J. Abrams watched the KotFE blur trailer because he had carte blanche to decide whether what the BioWare team was doing contradicted the story he was telling in any way. He also added that Lucasfilm could draw on any of what BioWare writes for future Star Wars things.


    I just copied the important text for you all. The web site is massively OP. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=15&ved=0CD4QFjAEOAo&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmassivelyop.com%2F2015%2F06%2F22%2Fe3-2015-swtors-upcoming-expansion-builds-on-the-legacy-of-kotor%2F&ei=pXKPVczdBobp-AGy_76IBg&usg=AFQjCNHDpLT29FWZ3q3rZOYPjDGREIbRoQ&sig2=_9GJPmQB9HxXnAIQea8lxw&bvm=bv.96783405,d.cWw&cad=rja here's the link also.


    Drops mic....

  8. You guys are kinda missing the point here about the motivation of my OP.


    Disney owns everything Star Wars including this game. They have already made up their own idea of what is and what is not going to happen story wise. They are about to release 6 movies about Star Wars. As of right now this game IS the only thing going at the moment Star Wars related, besides Rebels. Tying this game into the new content coming out will give this game some legitimacy. And the point is not all about what is and what is not cannon. But economically how do we make the most money with the franchise we have. So tying this game into the new movie coming out just makes sense.


    The conspiracy theory is just my brainstorming on HOW they may or may not tie them together. That is all hehe. ;)

  9. Just re-posting this from my thread in the story and lore forum so my peeps can sound off too. Enjoy! ;)


    Bear with me for a minute but something I have always thought was that they would link the new movies with this game at some point.


    So here it goes:


    Question one is, who is the blurry guy atop the dais in the "The Force Awakens"? (the new leader of the imperial remnant)


    Question two is, if the new "immortal" emperor in the next ex pack is truly immortal then....



    We know that at some point the Republic comes back to reconquer the galaxy or liberate it whatever. So what does a guy who can't die do with the time?

    Whats to stop him from just laying low or in the shadows pulling strings till after Sidious/Vader conquer the galaxy and take over after they die. He's got all the time and patience to wait for his time again.


    So what I am getting at is: the new leader of the empire in the Force Awakens is VALKORION!


    There is your super conspiracy theory! And the commercial windfall tie in to bring in loads of new people after the movie plays. ;)

  10. Bear with me for a minute but something I have always thought was that they would link the new movies with this game at some point.


    So here it goes:


    Question one is, who is the blurry guy atop the dais in the "The Force Awakens"? (the new leader of the imperial remnant)


    Question two is, if the new "immortal" emperor in the next ex pack is truly immortal then....



    We know that at some point the Republic comes back to reconquer the galaxy or liberate it whatever. So what does a guy who can't die do with the time?

    Whats to stop him from just laying low or in the shadows pulling strings till after Sidious/Vader conquer the galaxy and take over after they die. He's got all the time and patience to wait for his time again.


    So what I am getting at is: the new leader of the empire in the Force Awakens is VALKORION!


    There is your super conspiracy theory! And the commercial windfall tie in to bring in loads of new people after the movie plays. ;)

  11. For early am east coast time the RE is best for q pops and GSF in general. Also Harbinger for late pm east coast time too.


    Don't know about bad blood on RE cus I have had nothing but good times and good people on there.


    Harbinger has pound for pound the best talent on any server I have played on. That being said may not be the best for any new people unless you can get in a good group.


    Anyway that's my 2 cents hehe.

  12. We used an acronym in the military called : K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) ;)


    First eliminate rapid fire lasers from the game, they are trash can and nobody uses them. Make ions the default first weapon on the Tier one strike fighters. (And whatever the scouts have next in line hehe.)


    Starguard/Rycer : With what was said above make Ions range 8k, so they mesh with quads and heavies.

    Give all strikes a component that makes Ion weapons in-effective (even other strike fighters ions)

    Give ALL strike fighter's DF as an option.


    Pike/Quell : Make all (non-cluster) missile reticules 50% larger so as to make it easier to keep targets in lock.

    And what is stated above for tier one strikes. Maybe a little less lock on time on protons.


    Tier three strike's are pretty good so maybe just the extra options listed above also.


    I tried to keep this simple and I hope you all will like my suggestions.


    The ion's will help eliminate all other ship types pretty equally well.


    Giving strikes the DF option should help the QQing about DF etc. Then everyone has two missile breaks, everybody happy happy happy!


    The only thing I did not address was mobility, but with ion weapons being in-effective loosing all your engine pool should be a thing of the past. Hell with the ions in-effective and an extra missile break plus larger missile reticules should, even the playing field a bit.


    There Stike's are fixed lol! :cool:


    Here once again is my suggestions to overall strike boosts. So everyone can see how all the suggestions can come together. I do not think that DF would fix them only but all my suggestions together would. The DF thing was just to put off all the people crying about T2 scouts being OP. LOL

  13. We used an acronym in the military called : K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) ;)


    First eliminate rapid fire lasers from the game, they are trash can and nobody uses them. Make ions the default first weapon on the Tier one strike fighters. (And whatever the scouts have next in line hehe.)


    Starguard/Rycer : With what was said above make Ions range 8k, so they mesh with quads and heavies.

    Give all strikes a component that makes Ion weapons in-effective (even other strike fighters ions)

    Give ALL strike fighter's DF as an option.


    Pike/Quell : Make all (non-cluster) missile reticules 50% larger so as to make it easier to keep targets in lock.

    And what is stated above for tier one strikes. Maybe a little less lock on time on protons.


    Tier three strike's are pretty good so maybe just the extra options listed above also.


    I tried to keep this simple and I hope you all will like my suggestions.


    The ion's will help eliminate all other ship types pretty equally well.


    Giving strikes the DF option should help the QQing about DF etc. Then everyone has two missile breaks, everybody happy happy happy!


    The only thing I did not address was mobility, but with ion weapons being in-effective loosing all your engine pool should be a thing of the past. Hell with the ions in-effective and an extra missile break plus larger missile reticules should, even the playing field a bit.


    There Stike's are fixed lol! :cool:


    Just in case you all missed This in all the many pages and the time I posted this. I think it does cover a lot of what people are saying. Or maybe I am just full of it lol. ;)

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