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Everything posted by Crogga

  1. Seriously? I'm sorry I don't have that kind of time. Besides the last three times I did this for two hours, I still could not find anyone. I can't see the content I paid for. And people you know? You're behind a computer screen either way. If I want to be 'friends' with people that's what the guild and friends list are for. Blizzard got it right because access to content >>>> community. You cannot enjoy the game if you can't have access to content. THe last two critic reviews people posted about to tout the game even complained about the crappy lfg system lol.
  2. I can't read all of that right now- it's late and I've had too much scotch. But skimming it I will say that i agree with you like alot of people have on lack of functionailty with say LFG tool. Hell even the critics are complaining about that. Class story- try another. I found the BH not to my tastes either about midway. The JC was more my style and trooper. Class design- it''s transferring SW into a traditionally Dnd MMORPG. NOt an easy task. I think they did pretty well considering.
  3. I have never had that happen in the countless lfd groups i have done.. You choose a roll and that's what you are expected to do. If you don't you're voted out. You had a strange experience in wow and constantly to boot? I'm sorry but I just don't believe that for a second.
  4. People are looking. Read some of the posts in this thread. How long do you want them to look? Two hours? Three? You're stereotyping assumming an aweful lot about people.
  5. I hav'nt seen a server queue in two days lol. What server are you on?
  6. You get to see content. Enjoy the game.
  7. THis post made me lol and for that you receive +1 internet OP. I already tried to make star trek names but was largely unsuccessful:(.
  8. Combat responsiveness is a known issue they are working on. I'm not positive that's the main issue you're having but I noticeit as well on occassion. I would encourage you to try leveling different ways - pvp, flashpoints, etc if you have not already done so. You might also want to watch some videos and check out torhead.com for abilities to see what might grab your interest. I did that some to narrow down what I liked. (i really like grav round lol).
  9. You're behind a computer screen regardless. In the countless instances I have done with wow's Lfd tool, idiots are always a risk no matter your own server or not. But I have been totally surprised by how successful complete randoms have been since it's implementation. Part of that is the design- with it's safeguards for looting and voting. SOme of that is ediquette. Once in a blue moon someone needs on an item that can't use or something dumb and they are kicked. Personally I don't care what kind of tool. I want access to content. That's what I paid for.
  10. You are completely missing my points. It's not an issue of 'being nice' or making an effort. Clearly people are and it's still not getting them anywhere. And you have made no arguement how adding this would gut the game. I'll even take it further why wow's new raid finder is prob not a bad idea. (I left before I actually got a chance to use it). Again, guildies and friends were always first with our guild leader. But once in awhile the poor guy would have to spam for over an hour to fill one slot in our raids. And he had ALOT of people on his friends list too. I could see in a situation like this where the raid finder got us a healer when he otherwise may not have been able to. /shrug. Seems like it would help the guild rather than 'destroy the community' lol. Gotta have access to content to enjoy it. And this game is more heavily sharded...
  11. All a lfd tool does is eliminate the frustration of constantly spamming for a group especially but certainly not exclusively for people that may be guildless, play more casually, play off peak hours, have low pop servers, etc. It has had minimal negative affect in wow in the seven years I played it in my experience and tons more positives. I mean come on, do you think that a game like that would continue to use that tool if it was so bad and didn't have safeguards etc.? Half the stuff I hear people claim it causes in these threads are either exaggerations or flat out lies. As is was in the beginning: guildies and friends first. The everyone else. You 'can' still get people you met on the server. When I played you check your guild and friends list first then queue up for whatever you're missing and do other fun stuff while you wait. That 'community' is still there, but come on.The reality is this is an online game. Even in all the guilds I was in, I can't say I would necessarily want to meet most of them irl... Some of you are taking this idea way too far. I pay to be entertained not to create 'a village' on line. And this archaic hassle is not entertainment when I can't even enjoy the content that's offerred.
  12. What does that even matter. And you can't read people's minds. Millions may be playing (from the server queues I don't even know if that's true), but you have no idea what they are thinking. For all you know they are thinking 'this is really cool' but dam this is a pain in the *** and not fun.
  13. Maybe so BW will get a hint? Most people that have posted, posted WHY they left. The reasons are pretty consistant. I would call that a clue.
  14. Funny. Most of the things listed are why I'm considering unsubbing as well. Maybe come back when it's better. (if that happens).
  15. Riight. THat's how it's going to work when there's other games out there. The standard has been set. It's not 2004 and this game, I hate to say it, is not so crazy awesome and unique that people are willing to put up with it. Look at the number of posts on this issue and even the critics are mentioning it.
  16. It won't from what I'm seeing. It's not even close to the end of the month and I see very few server queues, alot fewer people in areas, and it's almost impossible to get a group. You put in a heavily sharded single player game, then provide no easy means to 'escape' it with a proper lfg tool or dungeon finder. The game feels freakin dead already and then you have to jump hurdles? Pure - i won't even say it.
  17. Well the first thing I would ask is what problems?
  18. "Unfortunately, BioWare does fail in a few areas when it comes to The Old Republic’s social features. The LFG system leaves much to be desired, for one, leaving most players to spam general chat for a group. 7.5/10. " This is from the recent mmorpg.com review. I btw agree with the high B rating they gave the game overall. But this bad LFG system needs to be addressed and it needs to be addressed asap. I don't know how I can come from a game like wow which has a dungeon finder, and yet feel 'disconnected' in this game. It does not feel like an MMO with all this sharding. That's ok with the way it was designed. But you have to have a better method for connecting with other players to counter that. Or don't and leave a ton of people disappointed and frustrated. Whatever. Personally I believe that with the faction imbalances, linear feel, and heavy sharding, this game above and beyond any other needs a cross server dungeon finder. (although the critic was fine with not going that far). Please proceed with the flaming. I'm sure it will benefit the game greatly to make the issue 'controversial'. /sigh
  19. Interesting- low social score. Wonder why that is .....
  20. A proper lfg tool can only help such a heavily sharded game that does not feel like an MMO. The op clearly wants the game to fail.
  21. ok guys I admit it. It was me. I killed wow. I'll turn myself in first thing in the morning.
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