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Everything posted by Xothos

  1. So what your saying is you don't like doing it, so no one else should?
  2. that would be a horrible idea, last thing i need it worldwide trolling
  3. Go to the forums.. change your password, double check your security questions.. profit
  4. I love the game so far... it feels a lot more "smooth" than it did at beta. My fps seems to be higher, love it.
  5. Actually the launch has gone very smooth. I found lag to be pretty much non-existent during my first day of game play. We'll see how it is after all todays invites go out, but im expecting the same.
  6. Still the middle of the work day... lots of people like myself can't log in yet :-)
  7. apparantly you didn't get the memo that the global launch is the 20th. Good game.
  8. They had already said on the old forums that it is being worked on and hopefully will be in soon after raunch, if not for launch. Launch as in the 20th, not early access.
  9. You post is way to well thought out. Most people are going to just cry until they get what they want. I personally got the first invite wave, but have to work for another 5.5 hours. So to all the whiners.... just think, you could have taken my spot since I'm not even using my early access right now. So now you can whine about that :-)
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