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Everything posted by fro_do_fraggins

  1. Personally, the only thing that will get me to subscribe is some multiplayer, non-rails space combat missions. The non-bugs of your list are already in WOW. I'm not looking for another WOW.
  2. This game could have used some editing when it comes to the side quest dialog and choices. Future games should focus on dialog on main quests and come up with something else for the menial side quests. Thank god for the spacebar.
  3. So the leveling experience from 1-20 is designed to trick people into thinking the game is full of voice overs? BW ran out of money and just abandoned voice overs after the starting area? Oh, NO? So what's your point? Didn't AoC have major issues with not enough quests for like 10 levels worth of content? Didn't AoC have issues not delivering on features listed on the box?
  4. The empire would never put up with Jar Jar, let alone let him tag along. What's the attraction to playing humans in MMOs that have non humans? Every game out there is basically you being a good human. It's nice to go the other way. The movies pretty much flesh out how boring most of the republic is.
  5. WOW had a bad launch, but I don't remember their instances having loot issues. From what I remember, they had Stratholme, scholo, BRD, LBRS and UBRS that could be farmed over and over again for the blue tier gear to set up for MC which didn't take that long to come out.
  6. Apparently multiplayer space missions are planned, but most likely on rails. It will take them a long time to get us X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter style space combat. I'm so sick of the typical WOW style endgame and would love me some awesome space combat. Maybe a flashpoint where the first half is space combat and the rest is standard.
  7. Absolutely. I'm sick of going to the hanger, flying to a station and then running to my ship. I don't see the point. At least just pretend the ships are on the planet and not an intermediary space station.
  8. Games are supposed to be fun. Take out the un-fun things like long travels to a dungeon or being stuck with a spec that is subpar for other play modes. Your mindset is dated and hurts the game.
  9. Can't say I did and I just hit 50 last night. This was the msot addictive gaming experience I've ever had. But, somewhere around level 15 I started skipping a lot of the voice overs for the non class and main planet storylines. If you want me to break 5 things or kill 10 mobs just put it on a bounty board or something. They really overdid the dialog on the menial side quests in my opinion.
  10. I only come to the forums when I'm in a queue, or now that I turned 50 and want a break. Most people are just having fun in game. You get the trolls, people unhappy with queues or power levelers for the most part. This is nothing compared to the Age of Conan forums on release. I didn't buy the game, but I had a lot of fun reading their official forums.
  11. I only know of two AAA titles: WOW and SW:TOR AoC, Warhammer, LOTRO and the other also rans weren't AAA in my opinion.
  12. Everyone is waiting for SW:The New Republic. They expect it to have Direct X 10 and anti aliasing.
  13. I haven't had that happen, but I don't trust elevators in MMOs. Just wait til they are settled.
  14. I ran into this problem at lvl 40. There was a quest at the imperial fleet that wanted to send me to alderaan. It was a gray lvl 34 quest. I ended up going there and it led to a lvl 40 quest chain that helped. The problem is that I just ran into that mob and if I wasn't at the fleet I would have totally missed it. Also, heroic 4 mans aren't easy to find groups for and this will be a bigger problem when most people are at the cap.
  15. I bought the game for the leveling experience and its potential. I'm pretty sure I won't be subscribing after my 30 days expire. But I will definitely return when they add something that interests me. The sure fire thing to grab me is great multi-player space combat that's not on rails.
  16. The class quests for sure. Some of the main planet quests as well. I skip the dialog for the rest though. They didn't do a great job of filtering down the dialog for mundane quest lines.
  17. It's unfair because they expect SWTOR to only be released when they have all of their wishlist implemented, even if that causes a year of delay and lost revenue. It's fair to people that are happy with WOW that need more from SWTOR to get them to leave. Why leave a game you like for one that doesn't have things you have come to expect?
  18. I've never cared about this in other games butI'm actually bummed that I got rid of some good looking gear at early levels. I really was surprised to hear that the orange gear system disappears at end game. This is actually a major issue to me in this game. I really hope they add customization to end game gear and add in a dye system. This is the one area where LOTRO shines.
  19. It's an amazing game from 1-50. Well I'm only at 48 but assume the last two levels will be consistent. I imagine endgame will be lackluster for a while but I think this game has great potential. I can see myself casually grinding reputation, or whatever it's called, with my companions. Maxing professions, adding pvp valor, getting better at my class, or rolling alts to boost the legacy. By the time I'm done with that, I'd expect they've improved end game and hopefully widened the scope on space combat.
  20. TLDR. so just responding to title. Not a chance. Nice troll though.
  21. I've loved the game myself. The soundtrack, art direction are great. I love my sith assasin more than any class I played in WOW or LOTRO. Bioware showed how many shortcuts Blizzard took when making WOW. I just wish Bioware had made LOTRO instead of lame old Turbine.
  22. I hate the way the UI makes it look like I'm on my speeder but as soon as I move forward I'm dismounted. They really need to address that. My other pet peeve is when I loot an archaeology node I start my speeder, but end up not getting the loot from the node. I just get the skill up and have to dismount to loot it. I haven't really been bothered by the combat responsiveness yet though, but I haven't pvped a lot.
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