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Posts posted by nDjiin

  1. Why PT's weren't given Jet Charge as a learn able ability I will never know. In fights where you get a large knock (Dash Roode for example) the PT's already mediocre DPS takes a large knock. Every other class has a useful closer apart from the BH. Why on earth is this? I would love a DEV to let us know why this is. I mean I assume there must be a reason. If we dont hear anything then I can only assume they dont want us to know why. Which is troubling in itself.
  2. Agreed. This has been something that Powertechs have been asking for since the game came out. But for some reason the SWTOR devs will not do anything to improve the class. It has been a broken class in one way or another since open beta (and maybe before that).


    They seem OK to put lots of effort into getting it right for the other classes but not BH's for some reason. I have stopped holding out any hope for them to actuality show us some love and have been looking elsewhere for my gaming fix. Sad but true.

  3. It seems that the DPS in SWTOR is ranked in like this


    Highest : DPS only class : ie Marauder / Sentinel, Sniper / Gunslinger

    Next Highest : Healer Class : ie mercenary / Commando, Operative / Scoundrel, Sorcerer / Sage

    Lowest : Powertech / Vanguard, Assassin / Shadow, Juggernaut / Guardian


    My point being the tank classes have 2 tree's that are now almost worthless - so why would they have 2/3 of the skill tree's that are not competitive? Why not have 2 tank tree's and 1 DPS tree. Personally I would rather they fix the DPS on these classes but this doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon.

  4. I actually disagree whole-heartedly that PTs need to do less damage. We don't have more survivability than snipers or marauders, and we certainly can't heal. The notion that our dps specs have better tanking viability and need to suck because of it is ridiculous.


    All I meant was this : when deciding which class to pick , a class that has the extra raid utility (like tanking and heals) is always going to seem like a better choice than one that doesn't. I don't mean for there to be much for a difference - maybe 1 or 2%. This will make up for the extra defensive mitigation or the ability to self heal a bit more than other classes. Again not much, say 1-2% in each respect


    Lets not let this thread get drawn away from the main topic - why we are all here - to get certain classes fixed - preferably before too many people leave the game. My guild has already lost 2 very dedicated, very skilled DPS players (Sin and PT adv classes). They had both been with the game since beta testing but didn't want to waste their time playing a broken class. I suspect this is not a unique case.

  5. This is the reason im stopping playing also, both Powertech and sin dps need to be looked at, we both know that but they just dont balance anything for 6-8 month at a time.


    It's sad im not going to pay a cent to them until they realize that, this game feel like warhammer online all over again, life support and money grab up until its closed down.


    Thats my point - I have no doubt that they will get around to it eventually and the PT DPS imbalance will be addressed (hopefully in the right direction but you never know...) . But how long will this take? I am not prepared to play a broken class for 1 month, let alone a further 6. Why would I continue to pay for a game that I cannot play at the level I want to? I dont PvP that much any more and dailies to not interest me.


    The reason I fork out $15 a month is so I can raid with my friends and guild - but we are a top progression guild and as such there is a lot of competition with in the guild for a raid spot (especially in the progression raids). So what happens when we come to choose the 4 DPS? and we see 5 people of roughly equal talent , ability and gear =- the only difference being class. We bring the players that are putting out the most DPS (assuming all other things being equal for this example). It is not a tough decision when one class is so far behind the others.


    So regarding the changes to the advanced class in 2.0 : My question is not why did this happen (I understand mistakes can be made), but why hasn't this been fixed already?

    It is an old problem that always plagues this sort of MMO but by now you would think they would be more practiced at getting it sorted.


    I feel like I am wasting my time making these posts - but at the same time I feel that at least someone should be making an effort to get this sorted out because as far as I can see it isn't Bioware.

  6. It was said by the developers that all classes should be within 5% of one another in terms of sustained DPS.


    For PT DPS, neither AP nor Pyrotech are within this 5% tolerance. In some cases being as much as 25% out from the classes that are currently at the top of the DPS 'leader boards'.


    In a game that requires very careful stat balancing (in order to get as close to perfect stats as possible) it is bewildering that the developers can ignore the players that they know will be going into their classes in minute detail. I would say a very large proportion of the player base takes the game very seriously indeed and the Powertech players are not exception to this rule. So when some one makes a 500+ word post on how you can avoid breaking a class, I think you should be taking notice.


    It is unbelievable that in this day and age (of huge development budgets) that you can get something so important, so wrong. You have stopped and entire advanced class from being taken seriously in progression raiding and in 8man rated WZ's. How many PT DPS's did you see int e recent clears of NiM TFB? I can tell you that there were NONE before the 30 second increases in the enrage timer on Death Guard's. Even now I doubt that a PT can be part of the team that clears that particular boss fight - with the majority of guilds taking snipers, marauders and mercenary's (and of course their Republic counterparts).


    Blindly rolling out these half cocked class changes with a out any regard to how it will affect guilds and teams that have played together since 1.0 is not something that will keep this game going when u are going up against games such as Star Wars Battlefront, TES Online, The Division, DayZ (stand alone) and a whole host of great new MMO titles due out this and next year.


    No one will continue to play a game that regularly shafts its player base like this. At least they shouldn't. That's the thing isn't it - people have let you get away with this sort of sloppy development and testing for too long. You have chosen to overlook the fact that many players go to great lengths to point out the class issues and in many instances you have ignored them completely.


    As a Powertech player (if u hadn't already guessed) I am thinking how nice it would be to actually look forward to a major match instead of dreading it.


    So I am offering you this advise. Get it sorted. Listen to the people in these forums that have taken the time to lay out (in detail) what can be done about various aspects of the game that are in dire need to attention. Its really not that much to expect from you.


    EDIT : I understand the need for the pure DPS classes (sniper / marauder) to be marginally ahead of the other classes as they lack the utility of tanking or healing - I am not referring to this difference. I am making this post because the difference between the likes of Assassin and Powertech DPS and the top DPS classes, makes them un-viable in may raiding situations, and in the case of the powertech in PvP also

  7. A very nice bit of work you have put together here - BW could do a lot worse than listening to this. I mean for the DPS tree's they are so far behind the top DPS classes that even a 20% DMG increases across the board would not be enough. What were they thinking. I want to raid progression with my guild and I dont have time to learn a class to the level needed - so unless they get this sorted quickly I will be (sadly) leaving. Which would be a shame as I have been where for nearly 2 years now.
  8. As usual this silly forum seems to have no clue whats happening to this class, so I will enlighten. Our one redeeming move that was allowing PT's to hang by a thread in WZ's in the sense of a "unique" and useful ability in our class has been totally nerfed.


    Stealth scan is now LINE OF SIGHT ONLY/ Thanks alot Bioware, you continue to screw us harder each patch. This talent was so cool for node defense and popping annoying stealth behind pillars and such, and now its line of sight like any crappy aoe. What diseased nerd programmer nerfed this? WHO THE HELL WAS COMPLAINING (other then some really weak stealth), that this was a problem?


    Suggestion to Mr. Peckinpaugh: Next major patch make railshot cost half your heat and give it a range of 4m. I know you laugh now, but what if I said stealth scan was about to be nerfed two weeks ago?


    These guys continue to take a big fat turd on us and we do nothing about it.


    Maybe they are planning on removing the class all together - by nerfing the hell out of it so no one will care when it disappears...;p

  9. Viable yes. Good no. Even before the expansion any pyro can tell you that if you want to pad damage all you need to do is spam CGC and incendiary missile on everyone and you will jack up your damage. Last I checked WZs are won by securing objectives, which actually require you eliminating enemies not just massage them.


    While, I do believe in the cheer power of overall damage, if it is not directed towards the right enemies its not useful, because it won't help you secure objectives. As a dps, if you can not maintain an avg. of 35% killing blows from your kills, the damage that your are putting is just inflated. That's all what pyro can do right now, spam dots. If you can maintain 30% killing blows from your kills you are lucky. I actually did the math on my pyro before and after the expansion. Before expansion I had 42% chance of killing a target I land an attack on. After the expansion it dropped to 28%. Try to kill healers with PT now days. Its mission impossible (aside from the healers being slight over the head right now).


    "PTs" are not only dps, they have utility." And usually utility is mentioned as if it some sort of mysterious power. PTs have taunt and pull. Juggs and sins have taunts. If you PvP enough, I do not need to do a comparison between a pyro and/or AP dps and rage jugg or deception sin, to tell you that juggs and sins, are vastly superior in damage output and survivablity. Pull? Sins has it too. And they can all respec to tank spec in hutt ball for pull.


    Also, no offense, most people in regular WZs, barely play their toons to a level of 25% efficiency, so if you lead a pug game, no, it does not mean that the class is "great." How well would you fair against a good pre-made or in RWZ? So are PTs viable. Yes. Are they "valuable" in terms of providing something to the PvP team to help them win the WZ, that other classes can not provide better (if not much better)? No. You want to settle for mediocre?


    its even worse in PvE, because PTs have no utilities as dps.


    I couldn't have put it better myself - I am tired of trying to get the devs to listen and they have systematically reduced this class's effectiveness in both pve and pvp for the past 12 months. The cgc burn and the stat padding that came with it was this class's downfall. It shows us that the dev in charge of class balancing has not done any real research and needs to have a good look at what he is doing.


    Sure the AP tree id now by far the better tree but as far as I can tell it is only doing what the Pyro was doing before 2.0 - stat padding. Great AoE does not equal PvP effectiveness. It will not take much to make this into a class that is equal to the others in terms of 1v1 effectiveness, defensive ability and utility. But it is as though someone doesnt want to make the effort.

  10. The PvP side of things has been progressing very nicely over the few months. Last nights tournament was an awesome success. We are really looking for a geared Healer to come and help us put together a rated team. Currently we have the ability and the people to put a great squad together but we need to spend some time gelling as an 8man team.


    Message me (Kovacs) or DeliriumX on the Pot5 server. Even if you just wanna play a few WZ's and see how we do things.

  11. In a warzone where other classes have their skills on CD the PT is the most powerful class in the game. In a 1v1 it is a different matter. Just stick with it - get your gear right and level up - there are some very nice new skils coming with 2.0 that are addressing a few of the pt's weak points.
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