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Everything posted by JebadiahH

  1. Says a player on Jung Ma, a destination server with a healthy population base. Please don't tell the people on this thread who are, rightfully so, very angry at the fact that they have been left out of the transfer service that the majority of the player base of this game has received. I am sure it is easy for you to say "This is life." and "Chill out." while your server population thrives and players can enjoy them game the way it is meant to be played, but for those of us stranded on the remaining low population servers, paying the same subscription fees as you and not getting the same gaming experience you are due to our servers low populations, we will continue to voice our dissatisfaction as we realize that 80% of the SWTOR player base will get to enjoy the upcoming weekend while we muddle through another 3-4 days of waiting for queues and looking for people to group with. It is easy to tell everyone to calm down when you, yourself, have nothing to be angry about.
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