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Posts posted by Bobty

  1. Simply put they shouldn't be nerfing anything within the first month give or take a week unless it is causing players to be able to grief one another.


    Otherwise you will see all the nonsense that people had to put up with in the WoW expansions

    "yeah this is balanced around max level" *nerfs a week later despite the majority of the community not being max level to refute or confirm the arguement. See the TBC hunter Marksman tree for more information....

  2. ^ this


    Also idk how many ppl realize that buy you can make mods for gear that can't be bought by using commendations.


    I have been reverse engineering every level of barrel from around 30 and all the epic ones are superior to the standard blue ones sold by the commendations vendor of the next level(eg 39 purple is better than 41 blue)


    Doing this on a 4 upgrade slot blaster has kept it easily up to scratch for the ~10 levels I have had it.


    One of the problems is at present that people don't understand how upgrades work, coupled with the ropey filters on the Market mean items definitely aren't selling as well as they will be once the search filters and players knowledge are updated.


    Each crafting crew skill definitely needs at least one thing that is superior both levelling and in end game in comparison to quests/tokens. I personally would argue that this shouldn't take the form of an actual item slot and instead be constrained to upgrade slots and consumables.

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