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Posts posted by Bobty

  1. Strange how some people are making it out to be some horrible game breaking issue if companion loot rolls took priority over what effectively turn into vendor rolls.


    As it stands I tend to just roll greed on the relevant companion appropriate gear and just hope I win it given there was no agreement for the group to roll for companion gear if no one needed it themselves.


    That said one of my friends rolls need on companion gear once everyone has passed without even asking which I disagree with on principle.


    I would say if anything BOE gear should be exempt from companion rolls then it would be fine for secondary rolls to be for companions. This would still also mean the group could trade you for said items if they were happy to. I politely asked if I could have an item(a BOE) a group member won for my companion and the player agreed to trade me for it yesterday.


    *edit* Also has some people have mentioned this discussion shouldn't be exclusive to level 50 players.


    Another thing that is reasonable to bring into play is how some people enjoy gearing their companions and if it is not adversely effecting other players(aside from a couple of 1000 lost from vendor loot) then it isn't really unreasonable to ask that players be given another roll option for companions.

  2. And the Bioware Defense Force shows up right on cue!


    There's simply no excuse for content that's this horribly bugged, especially since it was never opened up to external testing. Bioware's internal QA is terribly sub-par. Hard mode content in this state should never have been released.


    It gets so boring pointing out how bugged other MMOs content was on launch it is beyond a joke.


    But yes, if you live in a rose tinted bubble SWTOR is the first MMO with major issues on launch....

  3. The last boss of the main raid has a mechanic that blows people up, you would think that someone getting payed to make sure these things (which are important) would atleast be playable. Again, theres no excuse for such a huge distaster of a bug on such important content.


    Oh definitely I am glad that WoW never ever had any bosses, especially in say tier 5 that had mechanics so bad they were considered broken...

  4. I am not demanding that it work perfectly at all. I am saying if EV is not ready to be put on live, if it is buggy as hell, work on it and put out the quality product you refer to from Bioware. I am saying work on making content you do have out, in this case EV, work properly BEFORE putting out new group based content.


    We dont need 4 new bosses in Karraga's Palace, we need the operation that is considered complete to work as designed. IMO.


    Well yes, but if I was to play Devil's advocate I would be disgruntled about a lack of endgame content.


    It goes back to my original point which was that there is no reason not to release content, just as much as there is no reason for BW to stop working on existing bugs.


    Unless however there is some fundamental flaw causing current raids to not function properly which will carry over into new content.

  5. I'm a 50 bh tank. I've been 50 for over a week now. Every time i get on i'm lfg. Outa the 7 days or so of being lfg 3 - 4 hours per day, i've found 1 grp. And that was after 2 hours of being lfg.


    Such engaging gameplay!


    I'm a 50 BH Tank aswell. Quite often I am tempted to drop my current group to fill one of the many groups looking for a tank for the last spot(but I don't because I am grouped with friends)


    I would have to assume it varies greatly per server.

  6. Never said stop working on new content. I said don't put bad content on live. Again, developing new content and putting onto live is two different things.


    Its also ta little glib to imply that we are talking about making things work 100%. we are talking about bosses not spawning, not being able to reenter the instance after a wipe and having to reset the instance. This is quite different than occasionally my character appears to be running as though he is sitting in a chair.


    Yes and we are also talking about a developers first ever attempt at launching an MMO.


    I had literally 0 bugs with any single player Bioware game I have ever played, excluding failing to sign in to that console thingy on the Mass Effect menu screen.


    It does sound like people are demanding things work pretty much 100%, given that the game is working pretty damn well as it stands as a whole.

  7. For being to "shy" I am wondering how you are carrying on this forum conversation? It is pretty much the same thing, except you hit more buttons in a flashpoint.


    Yeah pretty much. I suffer from pretty bad social anxiety but online interaction does make it quite easy. granted I struggle some times when I have to stand up against other players, but this is more of an assertiveness thing than anything.


    It really isn't like real life anyway. When things get too hairy you can always quit out of the game, as opposed to sitting there with your skin burning.

  8. Are you saying the peope that design the content don't take part in fixing it?


    There is a reasonable chance they don't, at least not fully.


    For instance the creative team, responsible for all the artwork, stories and models/instances certainly would have very limited input in troubleshooting bugs.


    It is the same as how people in the company I work for who log and work on cases are not the same people responsible for setting up new projects and implementing the systems.


    Whilst I do agree that fixing what is currently broken should take precedence it almost seems a bit glib to say "stop work on all new content till everything is working 100%" as if a script writer will have a remote understanding of how the chest unlock mechanics work.

  9. This thread could be summed up by:


    "WAAAAA there is a useful crafting skill in the game, it should be nerfed."


    For reference I am Armstech and will be for at least a couple of month in the hope they buff it and other crafting skills as opposed to nerfing the one notably decent crafting skill.

  10. One thing I never understand is the "well slicing stimulated the economy at low levels" arguement.


    What so everyone takes slicing up until the point questing brings in decent money? It is such an illogical arguement to bring into play against slicing being OP at low levels it makes me sad(for the people using this nonsensical arguement)

  11. How about give crafting a purpose besides a tedious money sink



    Right now you can buy everything you need and make all crafting gear obsolete... WHY?!


    By making them have some sort of perk they tend to by definition become overpowered for certain classes. I don't think anyone enjoys being forced into a crew skill when raiding, it isn't much better than having a semi useless crew skill at end game.

  12. People won't buy it. Remember in DAoC when you needed a 100% armor to overcharge all your enchanting without exploding ? The cost was prohibitive and most people went to the comparatively way cheaper 99% armor which was 95% as good, so to say, because overcharging was limited with those.

    If the cost of a "perfect"craft is equal to 150 "normal" items, nobondy will buy them, especially because the difference is marginal overall. If you have a full perfect set, things might be noticeable, but by the time you get one we'll be three expansions into the game and you 'll have thrown your half perfect set away for a long time.


    Yeah this is a pretty fair way of looking at things. Problem is the flipside is situations where one crafting skill is massively superior for some or all of the advanced classes(without causing too much furor this may already be the case)

  13. It's quite obvious the interface issues will get sorted after all the engine issues do.


    The purple crafting materials tend to be for purple craftable items.


    If i recall correctly I could make a purple reverse engineered barrel and blaster out of that.

  14. The problem is the sample size at the moment.


    It is like in WoW when people would say "I have 0 hit rating but I did 10 attacks on a target dummy and they all hit so that means I am hit capped"


    Although this example is combat mechanics it is essentially the same as it is probability. Where it was fair to argue that even a sample size of 10 or 100 thousand was not really accurate enough.


    Not trying to confirm or refute the topic but I am certain over time people will be surprised by what is proven to be true through crafting.

  15. Making and breaking weapons is costing me a small fortune. Also some weapons like knifes do not give a new recipe no matter how often you make and break them. I bought an orange pistol for my sidekick with Dromund Kaas commandations and got an orange sniper rifle from a flashpoint. Both of these are vastly superior then anything I can make. As far as I know only making and RE barrels will give you new recipies. I have never gotten a new recipie from any other weapon I made and RE. I think I have RE over 20 green sniper rifles without ever getting a new blue recipe.


    Made purple blaster pistols before, I have a purple blaster rifle waiting for my IA when I start levelling her.

  16. I'm totally disappointed in Treasure Hunting. The demand for the Matts it generates is non-existent. If I wasn't over 360 I would go UT.



    Too early to tell. I couldn't find a crafting material I needed for armstech the other day. Ended up having to spam 15-20 investigation missions to get the epic material I needed.


    I am certain that the market hasn't yet been realised. The Market search tool also doesn't work properly/well which doesn't help.

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