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Everything posted by Hunterkat

  1. All you are telling me is that if you are careful you won't fall for a scam. That does not mean that it isn't a scam, if anything you are confirming it! The evidence is there, there is intent to scam buyers. Please tell me how it is not a scam.
  2. All of you that insist that this is not a scam please stop and use your brain! Of course it is a scam! They are listing things to intentionally try to fool the buyer! That is a scam if you fell for it or not! It is the intent that makes it a scam, no matter if it is a simply avoidable one of not! If you are having trouble wrapping your head around that look at it this way. If a thief tries to break into your house but is stopped by your alarm system but goes down three houses and loots your neighbors house are you going to swear that they are not a thief and it was your neighbor's fault because they didn't have a alarm system? That is how stupid this sounds to me!
  3. Well, I think it has been long enough that I don't have to put in a bunch of spoiler tags but just in case there are spoilers in this post! No I'm not going to rant and rave and threaten to drop my subscription if I don't get everything my way, I love this game. But I'm not going to sugar coat this either, there is some negative feedback. Let's start with the big one, the story. The story is great! It's funny, it's sad, it's intriguing. The story really draws you in and makes you look forward to what is next. I didn't really see my choices in these chapters having much difference yet but I'm quite sure that some of the things I've done are going to come back to haunt me on some of my characters, or maybe even delight me. The problem I had with the story was that it was too generic. First time through it was wonderful on my knight, second time on my agent wasn't so fantastic, third time on my sorc was getting depressing. The story does nothing to distinguish a Jedi Knight from a Imperial Agent, and they are completely different! There should have been something there, something to make it feel like you were playing a knight or a agent, or any of the other classes. Now on to companions. Please add something in the crafting and contacts window to sort my companions by influence level so I can sort them from the ones I like and the ones I'll never use for anything! And once again we have the very generic way my character is treated. T7 should have had a totally different reaction to my knight than my agent but basically they were both treated the same way. Also having the people of the Eternal Empire calling my character Outlander is fine, that's what they are to them, but having Lana or Theron calling them that is just weird! these are people who know them, know who and what they are and even had romantic relationships with them in the past! Having my Jedi Knight who has taken down the Sith Emperor, saved countless worlds, and faced down Revan being called outlander by a former lover is just... weird. Maps, most of the maps in this new expansion are tight and confining. This is very hard to maneuver and many times hard to see what is going on, or find your way around. I don't want to ever do another Star Fortress simply because of the maps. Combat, I believe there is some bugs in the level sync. Level sync really isn't a big deal, I'll survive even though I'm not a big fan of it but there are many times in combat that I'll hit a common mob with an ability and it takes a third to half their health but on the same type of mob it does no damage what so ever. It's not resisted, absorbed or did I miss, it just doesn't register. I notice it on common mobs because those are the ones who suffer the most damage from big shots but I think it happens more often than that. Combats are just dragging out and taking way more time than they should. It really makes all the grinding we now have to do for influence a drag. Last thing on combat, crowd control. It use to be that occasionally you would run into a strong or elite with some form of crowd control, now it's like everybody and their brother has some kind of crowd control! My sniper drops down in cover, fires off a shot and gets grappled. Drops down again and gets knocked back. Before they can regain cover gets grappled again by another one and knocked back. Then halfway through their rotation gets smacked and stunned! I feel like I'm playing Mario pinball instead of SWTOR! It's aggravating! Can you please get rid of some of this? To sum it all up, I, I'm not even going to use the generality of we, I want more personal content for the classes. It doesn't even have to be separated class missions (although I would absolutely love that) just some parts in the main story that distinguishes one character from another. Older companions she have different reaction to characters they have known and worked with for so long. I for one will be really upset if my Warrior's "Little Sister" Vette doesn't come up and give her a big hug when she finally finds her! And please check into combat and get rid of some of that annoying crowd control!
  4. This is a scam, plain and simple! We are not talking about someone who accidently added a zero here or there, we are talking about those who intentionally try to fool buyers with deceptive pricing. This is a scam just like the person on JC who is selling 186 relics for 800k. They are dropping a 208 mod in them to boost their level to 64 so when you search by level they look like higher relics than they really are. It's not about who is to blame, the scammer or the person who falls for the scam, it's about if it's right or wrong. It is wrong to try and scam someone. Con artists use trick mathematics all the time to try and scam people. Check out Abbott and Costello's 7x13=28 skit to see a classic mathematics scam. It's no different than all those E-mail scams. Sure, 90% of the people don't fall for those but they make a fortune on the 10% that do. A scam is a scam. It is when someone intentionally tries to mislead, confuse, or trick someone into giving them more than what they deserve or earn. It doesn't even matter if someone fall for it, it's still a scam.
  5. ]Right now the differences that your choices make are not really apparent. Some of the differences are hard to catch and I look for more apparent differences in later chapters.
  6. Most of this stuff I really don't care about, they are just things to adapt too. but the level sync has me scratching my head. Now I can understand it for flashpoints or instances but planet wide? This totally removes any incentive to ever leave the starting planet! I could make a new Agent and level from 1 to 65 without even leaving Hutta! And the worse part of it is I wouldn't be any better than when I first started. And why worry about gearing through all this, it would just be scaled down anyway. Then lets look at it from a story aspect, something that most of us are here for. I have a 30 something Sith Warrior who has already fought off some of the biggest threats to the empire, been to multiple worlds and crushed their enemies and I have to travel to Hutta to face a powerful Jedi Master. I could actually get killed by some low level Evoki while on my way to face this Jedi Master. Yeah, that's going to make me feel real powerful Leveling is suppose to make you feel like you are becoming more powerful more heroic (or villainous). This blanketing level sync makes leveling trivial. You shouldn't have to battle your way through Nar Shadaa at level 65 just to pick up a few low level mats to make a armor for a alt, or get to a instance for your level.
  7. Ditch the second video card and double your memory. Unless you are running dual monitors you really don't need 2 GPUs and are just wasting your money and heating up your rig. Also, make sure you get a good MB. Too many people get awesome equipment and stick it on a puny MB that can't handle it.
  8. •Outfit Designer •Stay tuned for a blog on this awesome new feature coming soon! I sure hope this is like the one they had in City of Heroes and not just a transmog feature like WoW. It would be so cool to be able to design our own armor!!
  9. I am very much looking forward to this year. one line really caught my attention; You’ll see a greater emphasis on your character’s personal history, and on the choices you make. I don’t want to say too much more since we are still in the midst of development, but what we have planned really gets back to the Star Wars™ fantasy at the heart of our game. This is what attracted me to this game. This is what I left WoW for and never went back. This is the heart of the game for me. As long as the story continues to progress I'll be here and the thought of new class stories sends a shiver of joy down my spine. The PvP crowd will never be happy no matter what you give them but know that those of us that are here for the story are excited for the new year.
  10. Check your gear out closely. Many new players make the mistake of equipping the wrong gear for their class. As a Mara you should focus on strength gear. All other stats are not usable by you. You do not need or even want aim, cunning, or willpower. Companions also have a main stat for their gear, I think Quinn is cunning. It will be the stat that gives them the most bonus to abilities if you mouse over them on the character sheet. Make sure you have the proper gear on your companions or they will be ineffectual. Check the trainer and make sure you have all the abilities for your level, there are two different tabs there, make sure you have your advanced class abilities. Be sure you are not running missions over your level by a lot or doing heroics. If you are well equipped and skilled you can do these things but starting out you want to run easier ones. Missions should be green or yellow but not orange. Anything with a +2 or +4 are group missions, it won't end well. You have your healer now which is a good thing but now you must protect it. Quinn will keep you up but not if he is pulling most of the mobs. If he is under heavy attack he will heal himself and not you and he is quite squishy. A good opener for a Mara is jump then smash. This gets the mobs focused on you and leaves your healer free to heal you. You will not be able to keep everything off him but you don't want two or three common mobs beating on him while you are trying to take down a strong or elite one. Hit tougher mobs to get their attention then turn and wipe out smaller ones before you take the tough one down. If Quinn is dying before you, you are not keeping enough mobs off him. A couple things on companions, healers in general. If you don't have the companion bar up hit ~ and it will bring it up. Make sure the healer is in healing mode, not a dps mode. This gets turned off sometimes and it really lowers their healing. Turn off any attacks that they have on. You are dps, you do the damage and they should just be healing. they will still do some damage but they will focus more on healing with those off. This is my preference but also turn off any channeled stun. This is a rather long channeled ability and you can take a lot of damage while they are standing there stunning one common mob.
  11. There are some really fun animations for the healing/regeneration out there with a Kolto Strike and a Campfire but I'd love to see some of the current ones up for sale for all classes like Seethe or Meditate. I don't always play my toons "by the book" and have dark side Jedi and light side Sith and would gladly pay to have their animation match their alignment.
  12. Here is a comparison of a intel and AMD processor/motherboard combos. This was a quick comparison but would be a good entry level for a gaming computer. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Productcompare.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007671&IsNodeId=1&bop=And&ActiveSearchResult=True&CompareItemList=343%7C13%2D131%2D877%5E13%2D131%2D877%2DTS%2C13%2D131%2D976%5E13%2D131%2D976%2DTS%2C19%2D113%2D286%5E19%2D113%2D286%2DTS%2C19%2D116%2D896%5E19%2D116%2D896%2DTS&percm=19%2D113%2D286%3A%24%24%24%2434%24%24%24%3B19%2D116%2D896%3A%24%24%24%2434%24%24%24 As you can see the difference is over 100 dollars, not much to some but if you are on a budget that can be a lot.
  13. A few things to point out to you. First off Intel systems are expensive, at least good ones are. The one you linked is not a good one, I'll guarantee you that. It might work and in the ad it looks ok but I would never buy a cheap premade. Problems with premade computers; 1, their software bundle. They will dump all sorts of build in 'features' that they are getting paid to include that will bog your computer down and are a P.I.T.A. And are near impossible to remove unless you are highly skilled at computers or just wipe the HD and install a new system and all the drivers, which of course voids any warranty you might get. 2, they use cheap parts. The only part I saw listed that I saw that wouldn't be cheap is the processor. The video card won't be a good one like a EVGA and will last you 2 maybe 3 years. It will be the cheapest one they can find. Same with the motherboard, the memory, the hard drive, the power supply... and every thing else in there. You get what you paid for. If you were looking at a Alienware I wouldn't be telling you this, but those are a lot more expensive than what you want to spend. There are a few decent premade computers out there but not many, and they are expensive. For the price you want to spend go with a custom build. You could get a somewhat decent one if you have someone who can build it for you. But in my opinion you should go with a AMD if you want a good system for under 1k. No a AMD is not as good as a Intel but you won't notice the difference. Intels are for those that want to milk the very last drop of power out of their system and are overkill for 90% of us out there. Not cutting down Intels at all but throwing a Intel into a junk computer just to say you have one is not the way to go.
  14. On the basic silliness of the /facepalm I would still say that mine beats yours. On the fact that you made it all the way to 50 without realizing it you win hands down
  15. I didn't even make it that far before learning that lesson. Mine was on Taris. Saw a body on the ground, clicked it and was dead. I barely got a chance to realize something spawned I died so fast. Then, figuring I'd send my companion in first I did it again... That didn't work
  16. This reminds me of the old joke where the guy buys a new car every time the ashtrays get full that is a good one!
  17. We all have them, don't try to say you don't. A wrong turn here, driving off a bridge there, should have zigged when you zagged... What was it for you when you put you face in your hands and wondered what the hell were you thinking? Mine was on my very first toon, a Imperial Agent. I was running around in awe of SWTOR. Actual conversations with NPCs! Missions that made sense! Space ships and guns/light sabers instead of swords and sorcery!!! And in all this I missed something very important. I made it all the way to level 30 without taking anything in my advanced class... I got my advanced class in the fleet, just didn't think to click on the advance class tab at the trainer! The trainer always had that little plus sign showing I had new abilities to learn but in the general tab there wasn't anything, must have been a bug, or so I thought. I had to totally relearn my class, and oh she killed so much more effectively!! Not getting your advanced class is one thing, many people seem to miss the mission when they get to the fleet. But missing the advance class abilities tab for 20 levels is truly a /facepalm moment.
  18. I won't play WS for two reasons. First, the characters look like something out of a 5 year olds cartoon show. I don't care for that. I'm an adult and like to play games that at least look like they were made for adults. Second, it's made by NCSoft. After what they did to City of Heroes I'll never play another one of their games. Perhaps they had good reasons but it was a dick move and I could never trust them again.
  19. Yeah, the lower level planets would have to be protected. Maybe have THORN security in the spaceports/stations or just not allow a infecting player off their ship to those planets. The Fleet and higher level planets would be another story... Now you could restrict it to one planet or a area on a planet. Any form of travel off world restricted if you are infected. As a Rakgoul you would of course be limited by what you could do. You would only have one maybe two attacks geared towards spreading the plague. Your companion would probably abandon you. They could even add in missions or achievements you can only get while a Rakgoul. I enjoy these the event but I can see many ways they could make it more fun.
  20. Agreed, and you only explode when you die. You can run around as a Rakgoul and attack others to infect them or they can attack you but you explode on them if they are in range and infect them. Oh I can see all the QQ post right now! But it would be a blast
  21. Bumped just in case you missed it the first time
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