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Everything posted by unixbomber

  1. Mmm. Spamming 3 buttons for easy kills without even trying. Balance.
  2. Reference - Today , 04:12 PM | #54 -- Your post 06:10 PM | #56 Formatting paragraphs of text, almost two hours; totally legit.
  3. AoE healing accounts for the majority of it and actually, yes it does work in rated warzones, assuming you have competent tanks and dps that can peel people off your healers. It's not always the class, the player or the healer failing. Winning in ranked warzones is understanding the mechanics of what you're up against, how to counter them and how to maximize your advantage.
  4. I work 40 hours a week, have a girlfriend, my own house and handle my bills and still have time to manage getting easily gear in this game. It's not hard,.... at all. Just looked outside, the sky luckily isn't falling! As a mere mortal, I am safe. Whew.
  5. My friend has hit over a million healed in voidstar on his sage post 1.3, though to be fair, he is using full war hero gear with mods maxed for efficiency.
  6. Honestly, there is very little in this game that actually bothers me but to say lowbies are on equal ground with those in their 40's is living in a fantasy world. Powertech's that can leap to people among other talents vs someone that can maybe use a guard at best, not even considering dps talent trees. A sorcerer dropping kool aid - oh yeah! - compared to spamming 1-2 healing skills? Scoundrels spamming emergency medpack when low compared to dropping the soap. Competent players can still occassionally make a difference as lowbies but are generally the weakest link; in my experience, most sub 50 warzones are won by the teams with the least amount of weakest links. To be fair - this isn't always a level issue. How often do you see teams of sub 20's steam rolling level 40 teams though? The twinks of each level cap are more manageable than pitting players against each other that are far more capable of handling different warzones depending on skill points. Don't mistake what I'm saying as lowbie pvp is broken, I don't think the sky is falling, I'm not canceling my subscription for GW2; I simply think certain aspects could be better and have room for improvement.
  7. Because clearly you've perfected the game and have no room for improvement in your playstyle and are considering your suggestions from a group perspective. Nicely done.
  8. Equal footing... not so much but you can still generally help your team. When they finally further bracket the warzones more, hopefully with cross server queues, it will be much better. Well, better for everyone except those who purposely stay in the high 40's for "quality" pvp instead of hitting 50.
  9. Every class does bring something to each warzone, despite what you may think.
  10. I'd personally take a new map over a redesign at this point. Without the barrier you could just run back and forth keeping heals on people, dropping aoe damage, etc. it makes it a lot more difficult to sprint back to the other door to interrupt if someone dies as well.
  11. This. Plus different maps and tournaments and nightmare modes that have negative consequences to leaps, knockbacks, etc. You also take damage by the ball as you carry it. Bring on the challenge.
  12. unixbomber


    angelina jolie. mmm.
  13. To encourage strategy? It was way too easy to defend before.
  14. As a healer, I vote for the best dps typically or anyone who pulled on something epic. I also don't assume I'm more important than everyone else who is doing their job just because I heal.
  15. I'd suggest introducing a legacy cosmetic gear option to wear imperial or republic orange gear either through rolling a class of that faction or allowing it to be purchased as race unlocks are. Rename the orange gear that appears differently for imperials than it does for republic and bam. New legacy feature and cosmetic / customer gear variety. Less medium armor headbands for the republic and more options for hoods for imperials can't be a bad thing.
  16. Exactly. Nothing to see here. No one play juggernauts. Ever.
  17. Find people to hang out and enjoy the game with, if you're not having fun you're doing it wrong.
  18. I fear good tank juggernauts. Thankfully there aren't many.
  19. Agreed. As a pvp player who casually does the pve content I think the tool is awesome for doing some of the raids I would have otherwise skipped.
  20. I believe a communication failure would consist of 24 hours previously saying, "surprise maintenance tonight! nevermind, maintenance postponed! not happening! nevermind, maintenance happening!" followed by the server shutting down the next night with no warning or indication ahead of time that another maintenance was even required. It screams that the company is run by incompetentence and is piss poor customer service at its finest. I'm not even mad but that's the truth of it.
  21. Cosmetic color differences only.
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