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Posts posted by Dralor

  1. Biggest issue I’m seeing in regs is people just not playing the objectives.


    But match making is also pretty bad, think I only had one close game today and everything else was a complete blowout one way or the other.

  2. It depends on what the goal is I guess. The thought of grinding out 30 sets for every possible map or circumstance sounds like torture to me, so I went with a set that provided a decent benefit in the overwhelming majority of circumstances.


    I agree, which set did you pick? :)

  3. Don't know about lvl 50 but on lvl 40 I do good job as operative. You just sux. Zero movement, zero planing. As operative you must take advantage of your cloak.


    1. If you are outnumbered, wait for someone to appear. You can choose when you want to engage combat.

    2. Always attack busy players. Helping your team mates is better than 1vs1. Simple because 2 people can kill 1 person fast and in 2vs2 when one is down fast, second is just dead meat.

    3. Use your abilities god dam it. Hidden strike put them on the ground. Then 2 quick attacks and stun them with knife. And you have another 3s when you can damage them.

    4. You have vanish. If you are in group and have team mates support - use it IN BATTLE just to put enemy on the ground for another 1,5s.

    5. Flashbank is nice in crowd because you can deal 1-2 attacks before they resume.

    6. ALWAYS run like crazy around enemy. Especially ranged. Half of their attacks don't work because you will be behind them.

    7. You don't use your keyboard. It's hard to use CTRL + digits or SHIFT + digits. So use it for secondary skills. All important attacks, buffs and stuff should be put under Q E R T F G Z X C and additional mouse buttons!

    8. You should have shield that give you 15s of immunity or take moderate amount of damage if you are operative.


    Operatives are fine even after they nerfed us twice. It's you who need to learn how to play. I don't agree with second nerf but first was ok. It was stupid when I could engage 2 players, kill one, vanish and kill other one without serious problems.


    Have fun being terrible at 50.

  4. Concealment is terrible, you really need to play lethality these days to kill anything. Healing is still better even if one of the most important talents is broken.


    I've had a pretty average damage around 500k per game before the surge nerf. My best post tripple nerf was 719k on a voidstar. (this is as lethality)


    That being said, the spec still sucks. Yes the class maybe? can do okay damage, but it probably has the worst utility in the game. The single target damage of concealment is also lower than that of the most similar melee classes, lets say assassin and marauder. Both of which have 3 superior defensive cooldowns compared to the two jokes an operative gets.


    I don't know how they can fix the class without breaking it again but it needs some love, in utility or survivability if not damage.

  5. I mean, if you are a republic player you cannot even touch ilum. You are limited to warzone pvp where the other side is up roughly 7 dailies a week in addition tot he weekly. Its just going to keep getting worse if bioware doesn't do something to help the underdog.


    If it was even as close as a 60/40 split it wouldn't be so much of an issue but its like 80/20 or worse.

  6. I understand there are various reasons for it happening, but if the republic population wasn't so small it would be easy to fill those slots. Having 50s on both sides I've seen it from both viewpoints.
  7. Everyone knows Ilum sucks, the zerg wins, smaller faction can barely ever get daily weekly done etc.


    This has always been an issue with WZs as well but it is getting worse as the game loses subs. It really isn't fun for either side (or at least I hope) when the Republic can barely field 6 players a game. It takes anyway any form of competition and continues the snowballing of PvP in favor of the Empire.


    Are there any plans to create faction based incentives for PvP or anything of the kind to fix this issue? Even if it is just increased valor gain or something for the side that is down 4 or 5 to 1 it might help even things out.


    This is not a self correcting problem, and very few players will reroll out of the goodness of their heart of the need for a challenge. Please look into this.

  8. Lots of detailed posts in defense of OPs and Scoundrels, almost nothing in terms of offense.

    There might have been one in the above heap of dumb comments, but overall it seems that those that like the nerf just posted exaggerated responses that required little to no thought. Then when confronted with an intelligent post, they replied that it really was just "QQ" and that now they have to play the game like everyone else. When really, they can't, because they don't have what everyone else has now.


    But then again these are MMO forums, and how could I expect anything else.


    Pretty much, even though it did need a nerf they went a little too far. Will see which class/spec the people on the forums try to crucify next.

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