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Everything posted by Dulwaithe

  1. It's not misinformation. That might work for sages if you cast something into shock, but as a shadow if I cast project and then use the animation for shadow strike, they both hit at the same time. Sorry for the double post.
  2. Using the fact that damage is delayed is hardly a broken mechanic that only shadows can take advantage of. And just because you're unable to see the use for it doesn't mean it's useless. The burst is a big deal. If you're infiltration, being able to unload 12k burst in 2gcd's (project -> shadow strike -> force breach, if they all crit with cd's up) instead of 3 gcd's is huge. I agree that either shock or project should be changed to preserve the mirror, but arguing that it's because project is "broken" is just silly. Also, it's not a big deal in pve at all, if you're dying just because your project is hitting a second later, you're doing something else wrong.
  3. I get tired of posting this over and over... The delay on project isn't necessarily a bad thing. It makes it a lot easier to set up burst to kill a target being healed. Project -> another skill. They both hit at the same time and the target has much less time to react to the damage. Are there downsided to the delay? Sure, but not all of us want project "fixed."
  4. It's really a personal preference thing. I like the rock animations much more than the lightning animations.
  5. Didn't read most of the thread, but champ commendations are far from useless. Battlemaster gear is horribly itemized, use your champ comms to buy the appropriate piece to take the mod/enhancment out and put that into your BM gear.
  6. I like the one I put in my sig. Also the line that Guss says when you enter the Ancient Prison Caverns on Belsavis, though I forgot to write it down
  7. You could always spec for the shared tree on your commando. Is it less viable, honestly I have no idea, but if it's more fun, who cares?
  8. I re-'d a number of purple recipes while leveling up. It wasn't too bad overall. Thankfully, they can be crafted while you're offline and you get quite a few of the non blue/purple mats while running around in the world. Also, picking and choosing the slots where you have worse gear helps.
  9. To clarify my answer, you take less damage in columi gear as opposed to tionese gear solely by virtue of columi gear having more armor on it (or defensive stats if you're a tank). The game doesn't look at your gear and modify the damage simply because it's columi vs. tionese.
  10. From what I've heard, crit and surge are good overall for output until they start hitting diminishing returns. However, as a healer, burst healing is only effective if it's not overheal. From this viewpoint, power (and a moderate amount of alacrity) are good for consistency. Of course, I'm not a healer (or sage even) atm, so please, correct me if I'm wrong. Personally though, I've always valued being able to consistently heal damage.
  11. PVP gear usually has less endurance than pve gear, iirc.
  12. You're probably better off (pvp-wise) as kinetic if you just hit 50. Infiltration and balance are quite gear reliant (not that kinetic isn't, but at least you won't evaporate immediately and have utility in guard + slows + taunt).
  13. If you want to play something complicated, try out balance. 8/2/31 Keep FiB on cd Keep Twin Disciples up Spinning Slash < 30% Shadow Strike on Proc Force Breach & Sever force dots up Mind Crush procs Double Strike Saber Strike Make sure you're pooling some force though, don't want to be running on empty when you can be spinning slash them or need to rebuff dots + FiB. Edit: You're doing it right, btw, though I have no idea if other classes are similar.
  14. Sorry, but you're just bad if you're letting them pop defensive cooldowns when you're about to burst. It's obvious when an assassin is about to burst too. Both classes need to either wait out the cooldown or burst out of a stun (or low slash).
  15. Most of the battle master stuff is poorly itemized. If you want to progress your gear you should probably be pulling power/surge augments out of scoundrel gloves and using those. You could also try pvp balance, I'm enjoying that quite a bit, and it comes with a different set of gear (2p force master/more crit). Also, I believe as far as itemization goes, the champion saber is better than the battlemaster saber, at least for infiltration. Good luck! Edit: I believe a lot of infiltration people mix in a couple pieces of rakata gear, as going above ~500-550 expertise isn't terribly beneficial, so from a progression standpoint it might be worthwhile to look into adding some pve pieces to your set. You could also just pvp for the fun of it
  16. Yes, I agree. Crit is more valuable for balance than it is for either of the other two specs. That being said, I wouldn't go over 300 crit rating.
  17. I'd take mind over matter even in a leveling build. There's enough tech/force abilities on mobs that 5 seconds on resil is amazing. There'll be times where you'll be glad to have the root break too.
  18. Most of the points in infiltration are wasted, imo. Why move 15 points faster if by dropping everything there you can aoe slow all your enemies by 30%? Also, not having force pull is a bad idea. If you want to use shadow strike, I'd just run the normal 31/0/10 build and move a point or two from Psychokinesis into Infiltration Tactics. Also, the self healing from harnessed shadows is pretty useful in a pvp situation where most of your defensive stats aren't particularly useful. It's a decent idea, but most of the best talents in kinetic are at the top of the tree.
  19. I want to say it's 300 crit rating and around 270 surge rating while power scales off into the blue. Someone correct me if I'm wrong!
  20. I believe you have to do Soa on Nightmare till it resets. You can do it!
  21. I guess I'll post my keybindings in case it gives anyone inspiration. I have pretty large hands, so that's helpful. Also, only level 44, so have a couple more abilities to pick up. F1: Defensive Screen F2: Scrambling Field F3: PVP Adrenal F4: Relic 1 F5: Relic 2 Shift 1: Smuggler's Luck Shift 2: Cool Head Shift 3: Sweeping Gunfire Mouse Wheel Up: Flurry of Shots Mouse Wheel Down: Trickshot/Wounding Shots 1: Vital Shot 2: Sab Charge/Blaster Whip 3: Charged Burst 4: Speed Shot 5: Haemorrhaging Blast maybe quick shot as SS, I forget Q: AoE dot grenade (forget name)/Accuracy debuff grenade E: Aimed Shot R: Frag grenade T: Distraction S: Leg Shot F: Cover G: Execute Z: Escape X: Armor debuff C: Flash Grenade V: Dirty Kick Shift + Q: Pulse Detonator Shift + W: Dodge Shift + `: Recharge & Reload Movement: W,A,D,Shift + S: forward, strafe, strafe, back Random other keys for other stuff. I've forgotten some of them, but hopefully it'll give people some ideas. I also shuffle my keybindings around so the stuff I spam are on the side bars and the stuff with cooldowns are on my bottom bars. It can be a bit disorienting at first though.
  22. Interesting. I'd still like to be able to aimed shot -> sab charge like snipers can, but w/e. I guess gunslinger burst is larger than snipers then, assuming the offhand hits.
  23. I'm not a fan of force wave's delay, but am pretty sure the mirror ability has the same delay. I like projects delay, it makes it a lot easier to set up burst. Project -> another hard hitting ability and they both hit at the same time. You're doing it wrong if you're using project in a time sensitive manner. Use force slow to interrupt caps and set up your burst better on healers. As for the whole they vanished thing, I'm pretty sure I've had project hit people after they vanished and gotten a message saying I've killed so and so. I could be mistaken though. Animations are changing at some point so project and shock will have the same delay (or lack thereof). I'm not particularly happy about it, but hopefully it'll cut down on some of the whining.
  24. This is correct, read the ability description. Also, scatter shot is not 20% more damage (lol?). It's 20% armor and only worth applying against targets that you really, really need the burst (as if you just want damage, use anything else) or targets that will be alive for a long time. It only adds a couple hundred damage to your abilities, assuming you're not targeting a tank.
  25. Bursting out of cc at 44: Sab charge Cooldowns (relic) aimed shot + trickshot charged burst + speed shot.
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