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Everything posted by canuckly

  1. i can in the time i have been playing since the 1st month of release i have been disconnected like this twice where the last time took about an hour to go back on not that big of a deal except for you whiners and impatience kids in all my time playing since release i have experienced lag maybe once a week non of the times have been game breaking so for the people that complain about disconnect issues and lag issues maybe they should check their connections instead of taking the easy way out and blaming ea or bioware because their are people out there that do realize that its their connection unfortunately its a select few the rest want to continue to bash ea and bioware
  2. i do all 6 new heroic space missions every day with the grade 7 space upgrades and have no issues so yes the issue is your play style use your emp blast and the right time and your 10 second cloak at the right time conserve your missiles for main objectives when your able hit your shield boost to recover your shield faster and dont forget to do a barrel roll once in a while
  3. so lame was just about to finish section x weekly
  4. in canada i have called three times for removing my security key or forgetting my password and security questions and being locked out all three times were around 11am-2pm pst i have never waited more than 15 minutes
  5. no just no if they could revive star wars battlefront 3 then i think there would be quite a number of people behind that idea
  6. ya the estimate wait time doesn't tell you anything look at the number while the que bar is going down
  7. if your loading screens are more than 10-15 seconds then you need to look at your setup because i have never had issues i know some people say use a ssd i dont and i still have load screens 10-15 seconds but then again the loading screens is just another complaint for the whiners
  8. are people still complaining about this every singe piece of space gear is available from the gtn or fleet vendor you do not have to pay a dime to get the grade 7 equipment and the people saying the jump from grade 5-7 was forced on use to pay for this stuff well there is actually artifact equipment that you can buy past grade 5 which probably would be considered grade 6
  9. not happy with whats going on but this has been the first time for me when i couldn't log into my server the harbringer
  10. people do know you can get every grade 7 space item via credits and comms and even the items from the cartel market you can buy again for credits off the gtn so you never actually have to use the cartel market as hard as that is to imagine but i guess people just want to keep complaining about how hard the space missions are that you need to spend real money to purchase the upgrades when you dont i never spent a dime
  11. then go play LOTRO or WOW or Guild Wars 2 no one is forcing you to play this game and contrary to popular belief people do enjoy this game no matter how much you whiners complain about it they still play it so do us all a favor and leave
  12. then leave the game im getting sick and tired of people still ripping this game while the majority is still enjoying it so do us all a favor and leave
  13. this is great news for my bank account joking aside the people going ape about this decision need to wait til its actually implemented before making you asinine comments if you want to quit go ahead quit don't need to come on here and rant about how crappy this game is to you how you feel this game owes you so much and how your going to go play guild wars 2 or how about go play diablo 3 and tell me how that crap fest turned out at the end of the day people will still support this game maybe the end game content isn't good enough for your high standards but for people that love star wars and enjoy a good story this game has gone above and beyond expectations bw and ea's biggest mistake maybe turning this game into an MMO and not just making KOTOR 3 but we will see what happens this fall
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