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Everything posted by Eegorr

  1. Ehhh..... no..... there are plenty of games out there without any potential 'for me' what so ever. The Sims for instance.... every sports game in existence.... they can even be popular games without any potential. This one genually has it. If it doesn't for you, then that's absolutely fine of course, but I'm very much enjoying my time here. For the time being. Any MMO has to progress of course.
  2. If you run ahead of the pack of course it'll be lonely at the top. I love the game.... what worries me most is the on rails space shooter. If they give us a proper exciting space battle system with free flight and with more interesting mechanics than choosing whether or not to push the left or the right mouse button (I want to handle shields and power distribution and have my team mates man my turrets) then I will truly be hooked to this game. It has so much potential. Anyway. Take care, bye bye, I don't want your stuffs but I'll keep playing because I'm having a blast for the time being.
  3. It's actually very difficult. Mind you, I'm not making any excuses for Bioware releasing buggy software, there are companies that continuously produce bug-free code but they are a rare exception. The problem we have when writing programs is that we don't have any rigorous formal background to fall back to. If you compare writing a program to building a bridge for instance. When we build bridges we have teams of engineers that do lots of calculations on all sorts of things. Sure there is best-practice involved here as well, but there are also plenty of mathematical models to calculate how much weight the bridge will support before collapsing. Once the bridge is complete, we are reasonably confident that it won't collapse under its own weight, or when we send the first train across it. We have been building bridges for thousands of years. We have very few such methods available for software. Software correctness is usually 'verified' by testing, testing and yet more testing. For complex systems it quickly becomes impossible to think of all the test-cases and things invariably fall between the cracks, and bugs are introduced. We don't have many mathematical models to fall back on. There are several being researched, but the average programmer today is scared ******** of mathematics and goes into a tantrum when he sees a greek letter. Programmers are typically not engineers -- they are much more like painters or sculptors and they heavily resort to best-practice and testing to ensure that their code is correct. They don't really have many other options. We have been writing programs for a few decades. Once again, this does not excuse any company for releasing buggy software, but skilled programmers are hard to come by and they are necessary in order to keep the complexity manageable as the size of the project increases.
  4. Sorry. But that's just trolling. Just do the very simple maths. This game is much more affordable than a new computer, and if you meet the minimum specs it should play relatively smoothly with all the bells and whistles turned off. Otherwise it is not minimum spec. The graphics settings are lacking at the moment, and the OP has every right to point that out. Not everyone can afford a new computer nor should they have to. I fed the troll. I probably shouldn't have.
  5. Naturally we would want something great, but what we have no is a very poor shooter. Shooter on rails is poor by definition (my very subjective opinion of course). We will most likely never agree on this, but this has sooo much potential. It can still be action packed, it can still be great, but a spaceship on rails is just wrong and not very enjoyable (again, my very subjective opinion).
  6. I'm clearly in the minority, but the space combat (while it has potential) is a step in sooo many wrong directions. A shooter on rails? Please, it's not even in the least bit challenging or interesting. It can be sort of fun as an arcade machine, but not to represent what space combat is in the Star Wars Universe. If we mix this with something from the X-Wing or Tie-Fighter games so that we have to do something moderately more intereseting than deciding wether or not to press the left or the right mouse button that would be great Gah. I sound whiny. Dinner is comming and then I'll be in a better mood. What would make this great would be Free flight. Let us pilot the ship and controll it completely. Let us manage ship recources. Let us choose whether to put the energy into guns, engines, or shields. Much less arcady. Let us target enemies, fly after them, attack them, make it more dogfighty. Keep the capships large and intimidating and let us target their different components (expand on what's in there now) Let other people man the turrets of our ships. Let them have the on-rails experience and I'll be happy to line you up for those strafing runs. PvP and PvE naturally. Let us customize exterior and interiror of the ship Expand crafting components for the ships -- make it more like a second character. Let some people craft weapons, others armour, others mods. In fact. Let everyone choose a second crafting skill as long as it is for ships . Now. The game can still have the camera from behind if desired. Especially for people manning turrets this can maybe make things more interesting. I love space combat. It's an inherent part of the Star Wars Universe. I'm just soooo affraid that this on rails shooter is what they will expand on in stead of putting something solid and interesting in there.
  7. No.... we can only walk on water.
  8. I get a bit misty every time I read these posts. Unfortunately, I never played SWG and I think I might have enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong. I liked WoW a lot, and this game has a lot going for it.... but can't we sort of combine the best of all worlds. I really agree with you that crafting should be about the journey itself. The thing with a journey, however, is that you want the destination to be worthwhile. At the moment, this is not the case. If we had crafters that could craft really epic gear, then crafting would be worthwhile. This gear could even rival raiding gear as long as it was difficult enough to obtain. If a guy spends five months farming for the epic recipe or five months farming raid bosses is really equivalent in my book -- this world should be large enough to encompass all types of players, and it's when it does this that we really can get something epic -- a world for those that like PvE, PvP, Crafting, Raiding, Social stuff. Preferably, these people shouldn't be dickwads towards the ones that they don't feel are 'playing the game in the right way', but maybe that's too much to hope for. Once again. Thanks.
  9. Stickies guide is fantastic. Go for it
  10. I think you put this very well. What concerns me a bit is that crafting doesn't seem to be viable at 50 today, but this will most likely be balanced out in the future. I've actually been very lucky with my blue RE, but purples..... not lucky at all, I have absolutely no statistics but it seems to me that the chance of getting a purple is very small (and getting the right one, which is one out of five if I'm not mistaken) is even smaller.
  11. Thank you OP. Well put. I agree with everything.... except.... come on.... surely we're allowed to bash the pandas, I mean, that seriously is going to kill the game (probably not unfortunately). There are several things to discuss about this game. But we must be able to do it without making up lots of statistics (at least in such blatantly obvious ways) and name calling. Lots of us have many concerns with this game, but lets discuss them in a civilized manner.
  12. Look. It may not be finished (more content may be added, QOL-stuff may be added) but the stuff that IS in there should work. Whereas I disagree with the OP about the severity of the situation, I agree with the overall message -- it is a problem when customers excuse companies for releasing buggy software. Noone is saying that MMOs shouldn't evolve, or that they aren't massive undertakings to code, but stop making excuses. Not even Bioware is making any excuses.
  13. There are several unwritten rules, and WoW had to enforce them by not allowing people to roll for stuff they couldn't use. In the case you describe, if it was an upgrade for his character, I think he was in the right. Everyone makes mistakes though . But look, it can be a problem, because I also get tunnel vision with ninjas because I'm just so fed up with them. It can be that they're noobs and just made an honest mistake or just didn't think things through properly. We've all been there and we should all behave in-game (and on the forums). Just talking things over should solve these things. If it doesn't the person will end up on my ignore-list just for being the ninja that he is. Talking to people will get you a long way. But you know this .
  14. No, I really don't think you have. I think you are mistaken. If you have then you have found a bug in the game and you should report it. Need > greed no matter how high the greed roll or how low the need roll.
  15. No, need for companions carries a lot more weight than just vendoring the item. But naturally never need for a companion over a main toon. If I find an item that I need for a companion I will wait and see if anyone needs for their main, and if not, those who need it for companions can need, and finally everyone else can greed. As I said, we need a 'need for companion' button. Also, need should bind an item to you.
  16. Look, you are describing a ninja, and these people are insta-kicked from the group and put on your ignore-list. Of course such behavior is unacceptable.
  17. If someone in the group needs an item and you need for a companion, then he has every right to be pissed. Ninjas aren't suffered lightly, nor should they. If none needs, then of course its fine to need for a companion. To be fair, you seem to be a very sensible sort (I don't mean to flame you in any way), and it's always better to have rules clear from the beginning, but this 'need for companion over main' thing is something I would never tolerate in a run that I was in. It's common etiquette really. This has been mentioned before, but there should be a 'need for companions' button that falls between need and greed. As for the OP. Greed is there for a reason. There is never a time where it's wrong to greed, and its never selfish. There are several times when it's wrong to need.
  18. Isn't the fantastic thing though how well it works? I'm having a blast. So I completely agree with you. GOOD JOB BIOWARE
  19. Even with the voice-overs this game contains nothing revolutionary. This is not a bad thing. It has taken stuff from WoW and from KOTOR and Mass Effect and combined them. Everything you find here you will find in other game. On its own this is not at all a bad thing. I for one love the VO. A game doesn't have to be revolutionary (hardly any games are) to be good. As for the bugs.... I will never defend companies that release buggy software. But the current bugs do not hamper my game.... when i get around to end-game that might change, but that will be a while. I'm leveling slowly with friends at the moment. We've played since christmas and we are around level 17 at the moment.
  20. It's not the least bit over the top. Ninjaing isn't ok at any level and people need to learn manners.
  21. We do get this a lot where people complain about either LS/DS chocies (which I'll admit often are completely bonkers), but there is no reason to not play the way you want to and get the conversations going in the way you want -- as the OP has found out, you can always change your companions affection towards you and you can always get LS or DS points afterwards. I think it's a much bigger problem that you often don't have appropriate choices -- kill the spy or let him live (and betray the empire or the republic) but no option to hand him over to the authorities, even when the conversation takes place in a major city where thy would be easily accessible. At any rate, This game isn't perfect as we all know .
  22. Yeah, if you just look at the thumb-nail this is what it looks like. But it is funny that they would actually create the graphics for it if you can't wear it.... although I'm sure it shares the graphics with other items. Anyway. Thank you for all of the responses. Things are clearer now.
  23. I beleive there is, but for my original question, has anyone else found patterns that are only for the other faction through underworld trading?
  24. I don't know why everyone is complaining. Sure you can have an unlucky streak, but I still make a lot of money through my slicing missions. You just have to know which missions to take. It was in desperate need of a nerf, and of course some people who are hit by the nerf will always be complaining, but this nerf was necessary.
  25. I thought we could trade with them and that there was a neutral AH at Nar Shadaa.... am I mistaken?
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