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Everything posted by AeonWeapon

  1. Yeah, that's what i was getting at in my last post too, kind of
  2. I'm not saying I never witnessed "good community" in MMOs, but I will say, I don't care about community, sorry, I have other priorities, and that doesn't make me bad or antisocial. In fact I may be more truly sociable than some people who try to force community, because I understand have to have simple, healthy, fun social interactions with people, without complicating things. I just want to play the game and have easy going interactions with people. Some of us don't want to have to forge deep-seeded and complex relationships with people in a video game just to play it. I'm very cool with people, I don't screw anyone over and I'm a good sport... but I don't want to spend my time and energy forging relationships and community and having to be BFFs with people, attached at the hip, in order to team up with them. That's no real friendship anyway, it's an association for mutual benefit. Hell I'm not usually into guilds even. I'm not saying I'm not sociable, and I am friendly, and I love to do as much as possible with a group... but I keep the social aspect very casual and simple. And that's my right. I should not be forced to get closer to people than I am comfortable with to play the content in the game we're all paying the same amount for. You can't force people to socialize the way you feel they should. Hell, in real life I don't get that close with most people, but my friends still love me. Because real friends understand you and the way you work, and accept you for it. If they tried to force me to change my ways, tried to force some heavy, complex relationship on me that required alot of my energy, they would quickly lose me as their friend.
  3. I played Anarchy Online too, the flying vehicles were great. After AO I played City of Heroes, where you got travel powers, like the ability to fly, teleport, run with super speed, or super jump over buildings... This made traveling alot of fun, added value to the scenery, and allowed for maps with a vertical aspect, like tall buildings and things.
  4. I see where your thinking is coming from, but if you think about it, this is a bad idea, sorry. This would create a quota system, so to speak. You know how at the end of each month you have to especially look out for cops, because if they haven't written enough tickets that month, they have to find absurd reasons to hand out tickets in order to fill their quota? Many people would use up all their "good and bad tags" at the end of the week before they were replenished, just for the sake of using them up. This would result in them tagging people as "bad" for trivial reasons, some would even tag random players as "bad", who they haven't had any interaction with, just to use up the tags. Some people would tag people just for being in the enemy faction. Think about it. It might seem silly to a rational thinker, but many people are not rational lol, and they would really do these things. I understand where you're coming from, but this wouldn't work in practice.
  5. Completely wrong. DCUO had a great "dungeon finder", so does Rift, City of Heroes has it for certain missions. Works fine in all these games. The MMO world does not revolve around WoW, and your limited MMO experience with WoW does not qualify you to speak for half of the TOR community who come from other MMOs besides WoW.
  6. Page 100... 56 days left of my paid play time, ticking away with still no way to have a decent shot at playing end game content. 56 days left for Bioware to put in this tool and keep me as a customer.
  7. Nope, but it's obvious if you read through all the threads about it. Most people aren't senseless and against moving faster for no good reason. The average person actually is rational enough to know that improvements are a good thing.
  8. /agreed Not to mention that the toggles are broken for some companions. As a madness sorcerer, I play a multi-target-CCer, CCing 3 mobs at a time and picking them off one at a time. But then they give you the companion Khem Val, who you have for the majority of leveling until they start throwing the other companions at you late game. Khem Val has 2 AoE melee attacks, and I always turn them off, because if I don't he frees my targets from CC. The problem is, Khem Val's toggles don't stay set to my preferences. Every time I get on a vehicle, take a taxi, or send him away on a crew mission, as soon as I get off the vehicle, out of the taxi, or he comes back from his mission, his powers are all toggled to the default settings and I have to turn off his AoE attacks again. In some situations, it's a minor annoyance, when I get off my vehicle I have to set up his ability toggles before going into battle. In other situations it messes everything up: for example, I get knocked off my vehicle by that group I didn't see off to the side, I quickly CC the group, so they don't kill me with my low sorcerer health. Khem Val then runs right over and hits the group with his AoE and frees them all, because when I was on my speeder his toggles reset (it is especially stupid that his AoE is usually his first attack, because it is a steal-health ability, at the the beginning of a battle he has full health.) I actually don't know if there's companions other than Khem Val that have this toggles-reset-to-default problem, none of the other sorc companions do.
  9. Most people don't agree. You're the minority on this issue for sure.
  10. Bioware: I know you guys are working on improvements and additions. You plan on putting together a bundle of improvements and releasing it all together in the next patch.... in March. I really think this is a bad idea. As you guys fix/improve/add features, you need to put it right into the game, instead of waiting to have more things to release together in a bundled patch. Some features are needed so badly and so immediately that a wait until March is too long. More players will leave during that time if they don't get the supporting features they need to make their play experience better soon. The flashpoint finder tool you're working on for example, that needs to be hotfixed into the game ASAP, so everyone can play endgame FPs, not just a select elite. People are getting frustrated. And open world pvp needs to be fixed so we can do our daily missions. Alot of people are at end game with little or none of the content they want to play reasonably available to them, and every day more of these players are quitting to play a game they have more fun with.
  11. They said they're making the mods removable already, with end game pve and pvp gear. But first they're putting a system in place to make mods specific to gear type, so for example, if you pull the mods from a pair of boots, you can only put those mods into another pair of boots. There was a dev post about it, don't feel like digging for it, but you can go find it if you want to read it.
  12. There's not 1 million players on one server. derp.
  13. There's like 32187421787849327 threads about this. Bioware... make our speeders speedy, k? thx.
  14. Atlantica Online had equippable mercs, and you had up to 8 with you at once, you could recruit 20 total. You could team with 2 other players, and each of them had 8 mercs with them, for 27 characters in your party. They solved any loot issues by auto-distributing loot equally. Just saying Neither TOR nor WoW invented the wheel, look under the surface at games other than just the more popular mainstream ones and you'll find alot of great MMOs that just have less recognition but have alot of great ideas... and alot of good tested solutions to problems (I still think TOR could learn a wealth of good ideas from City of Heroes.)
  15. Yeah but I think the point alot of us are making about TOR is there's not even an incentives to team up. It needs that.
  16. Yeah, and maybe EA got greedy and forced the game out on the shelves when it needed at least another year of development to include many, many much needed features that keep players interested? They sold us an incomplete product, now they have to listen to their customers shout for all the things that should have been included BEFORE they started taking our money... Their own fault and now they have to deal with it. And Bioware's fault for getting wrapped up in EAs slimy greedy corporate hands. And Lucas Arts' fault for giving this project to an EA subsidiary, to a company that wouldn't care about giving the star wars fanbase the quality product they expect and deserve, that only sees the fans as a money crop to be harvested.
  17. Yeah i played for a bit in the beginning too, then quit and came back and they had all that sorted out. You can still solo, but there's really no reason to, because it will take you 10 times longer to level and be far less fun. You were never required to be in a team, but I always played with a team, and most people really did, because the leveling process was slowed to a crawl without a team.
  18. I really want the gambling part, and I've played alot of games in the past where you could gamble your in-game money, but it seems that these days now there's concerns about "online gambling" regulations? Even with imaginary money? wth? lol
  19. Weirdest/funniest part to me is: She says: We're not friends He says: Why? just accept it, I'm not going to do anything wrong. Wow, that's just a bit creepy. "Just submit to my friendship, resistance is futile. I'm not going to molest you." Lonely people with no social skills man. So desperate, don't know how to just let a friendship develop, or not, just let it happen if it's going to happen, or not happen. The more you try to force things like friendship, attention, sympathy, the more you will get the opposite of the desired effect, people won't want to be your friend, will ignore you, and won't care about you. I'm guessing this guy doesn't get alot of second dates lol.
  20. LOL "You must socialize with me! We have to be friends! *shake* It's a tight knit commmunity! Come on! Be social! Why aren't you social?! You must be social! *shake*" *get restraining order* Yeah... you can't force people to be your friend... we can be cool and all and play a game together, but we don't have to be lovey dovey BFFs forever. That's what real life is for... sometimes Personally sometimes I find dealing with friends and girlfriends in real life and maintaining relationships to be trying, to be work, to keep me from important things I need to do for myself, and in a game I'm not looking for any of the work, any of the seriousness, any of the responsibilities or requirements of real life. In a game I'm escaping real life for a while to do something mindless and fun which does not require alot of my mental or emotional energy.
  21. Go play City of Heroes for a week, it's free to play now. Join teams in that game, see how it works, and you'll see what team-oriented MMO is all about. Just because WoW was a certain way doesn't mean all MMOs are like that. WoW did not invent the wheel.
  22. Wow... uptight jerks like this greeting the new player... very nice. The dude was making a half joking post, get a sense of humor.
  23. Like I said, I bought a 60 day time card, which began ticking down after the 30 days that came with the game, I have 57 days left. Bioware has exactly 57 days to put this feature in the game if they want me personally to buy any more game time, and I have a feeling that there's alot of other players on the same calendar as me, people who bought the game + 60 day card. And I'll be very annoyed even if they do put it in but it takes a month or two, because I'm wasting my 57 days, sitting at level 50, unable to do any of the endgame content because I can't waste an hour in hopes of finding a team and likely not even get one. This should have been in at launch, and it should be hotfixed into the game some time in the next couple weeks, not added in the March patch!
  24. Join this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=220671&highlight=gladiator+pit
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