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Everything posted by NRN_Hawk

  1. So, I'm CE buyer of the first generation, subbed since Day 1 Early Access, 2nd wave, RotHC Early Access... and the list will probably get longer soon. Why can't we get a discount on those Renames or some other consumables? At least once every half year or even once per year... I already spent 2x 1000 Coins on Legacy Namechange. I know we get 500 coins for free, but I don't ALWAYS want to spend ingame credits for packs or any new cartel items. I'm regularly buying like 1k coins a month, sometimes more. That's not much, but then again... look at how much money I've already spent So please, some discounts would be ok I think for Subs? That way you can keep that ugly Speeder reskin that farts gold. I like getting free mounts, but that thing is an insult against every Subscriber! Thanks for your time. inb4 trolling: please don't, this is a serious matter...
  2. So, I'm CE buyer of the first generation, subbed since Day 1 Early Access, 2nd wave, RotHC Early Access... and the list will probably get longer soon. Why can't we get a discount on those Renames? At least once every half year or even once per year... I already spent 2x 1000 Coins on Legacy Namechange. I know we get 500 coins for free, but I don't ALWAYS want to spend ingame credits for packs or any new cartel items. I'm regularly buying like 1k coins a month, sometimes more. That's not much, but then again... look at how much money I've already spent So please, some discounts would be ok I think for Subs? That way you can keep that ugly Speeder reskin that farts gold. I like getting free mounts, but that thing is an insult against every Subscriber! Thanks for your time. inb4 trolling: please don't, this is a serious matter...
  3. Yay Operation Muscoles. I'm still working on that 0 rating on my jugg. Will Courtney be with you again pleeease? Still deciding on a toon for tonight, how does PT tank sound?
  4. They should just add single mods and armorings to buy, maybe shells without mods for those who want that ugly thing. I don't want to start at 0 on my Conquerer alts again....
  5. For those who haven't played it yet, I like it.
  6. People run around using 46 blue mods in rankeds and BW even says it's ok... can't wait for more of this >.< I'm just close to getting my alts to full conq, the more you have the longer gearing takes.
  7. Time to pull out my old comment again... BW is trying hard to make me unsub. They're trying harder with each patch. Personally, I don't want to grind another 2 sets of armor to get a good set on my Tank, plus I hardly have my alts geared and every time they get to it a new set comes. No thanks. I'll just play some new huttball and then it might be it.
  8. I got some 86k ms lag earlier until it kicked me out of the warzone, then it's been stable again.
  9. NRN_Hawk


    Where's my Cilas OWPVP Ally and Contender Title?
  10. /sign I'm so tired of relogging all day
  11. Hello there. Beastmode was founded after Zombies made a change in Guild policies to more casual and renamed when the old guys left. So right now we are recruiting for team ranked players. We're in need of the following classes: Highly wanted: PT dps Sniper Medium: Healers, all classes Tanks PT, Sin Playing when enough people on want to play, usually during midnight server, as I get up around that time. Guildpage live now: http://beastmodepvp.shivtr.com - still work in progress tho Hit me up ingame if you need to know anything else.
  12. Btw. I have a second huttball video, 5 - 0 full match, but I sucked at passing in that, 3 interceptions -.- ^https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWp46oDGTV4 enjoy!
  13. /sign That's what I usually say very often. Keep the sets even and the fluff for the skill.
  14. Thanks. Yeah, I wish they'd finally make huttball it's own thing and make it ranked. I'd play it almost 24/7.
  15. Yeah min exp or at least some rule checking if that guy has all augments or something is definately needed. Also that long needed lockout time, refill on dc and whatnot. Just had another one on my op who's almost full conq, but at least fully augmented. Last man standing on my team being Concealment atm.
  16. Note on this: just had another epic fight on my dps op Healer dies after 10 seconds, first leaves, second leaves gg
  17. Title says it, first thread in suggestion box went somewhere else so I post this here again. IMO basing rating for solo ranked on just wins and losses is totally unfair and not working. It's the right thing for an actual team, but not on a random group with players matched by... I don't even know if anything is matched, maybe tank vs. tank rest anything or something. Then we have: quitters people who throw games with /stuck afks (sry happened to myself two times bc of pop taking the wz automatically) Pub "premades", not blaming them, it's because not many pubs playing are on at certain time so it just happens 26k hp guys without gear or augments and stims and maybe some more things I forgot right now. So the fair thing would be like taking all stats into account for solo ranked, not just who won what and lost so often because most of it is pure luck like regular warzones, just that solo 4s ranked are just that, ranked. Speaking for all solo queuers who feel the same way I do. inb4 get a team: I'm trying to get my guild ready and more active on that
  18. With all the stuff going on with the Cartel Market ruining the crafting, bugs, exploiters and cheaters and other annoying behavior, long playing on dead servers before server merges and f2p, supporting the game for more than two years, staying when many many others say the game is dead and leaving it, trying to help and improving the game, testing it and many more things subscribers do like paying the fee AND buying cartel coins... they have to weigh us with GOLD. So, can't have enough fluff. @PVPers vs PVE vs RPsolo vs whatever: there are people like me who play like all aspects of the game, the childisch PVP only and PVE only discussions all day are just laughable
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