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Everything posted by Hexdoll

  1. No...its people don't pay attention before gear cost much less and most of then grinded it out at that time. back when you could only bank 1000 wz coms
  2. I am doted out of force cloak all the time ....so much is broken.
  3. In very narrow circumstances that might work...if the other players stun is not on CD or the Mara brake free is on CD. One crit are you high ....3k at 90% reduction...what class can do a 30k crit?
  4. 20% less of an OP ability. the ability ensures no close fights for mara ......both at 30% guess who wins.
  5. Mercs are easy to solo with just pop out Mako and you will never have any problems at all...but end game and pvp forget it, they are the worse class in swtor period
  6. Merc now have no reason to play Huttball as they bring nothing to the table with their one and only stun being nerfed to 10m....vanilla bad dps is just does not help a group in anyway....but there is really no reason to play a merc pve at the moment either.
  7. what are you talking about.....yeah 60 maybe in recruit gear, 80 sometimes if you are not rolled. average the cost of a BM piece of gear and its about 1400 - daily = 1300 and even at 80 coms, that is 16.25 losses per piece if you do it all in the same day. So lets say it takes 20 min per game, which it does with queue time......that is about 5 hours 25 min of grinding per piece @ 14 pieces that around 75 hours of not fun to still be under geared.
  8. How bout you look at the damage reduction on a Mercs heavy armor and a Mara med armor before you spout that nonsense they are the same...but Merc get one damage mitigating shield on a 2 min cd and that one shield is the only CD defence they get vs the one minute cd on cloak of pain plus saber ward on a 3 min....not to mention the other defensive CDs a mara gets......wow you must of never played a merc.
  9. can you even buy a 600w + without a 12v rail nowadays?
  10. God mode gear is a loser for the game, it been shown time and time again to be the case...but because of greed or aloofness the devs/company, they want you to do a serious grind for three months to even be competitive. You created an awesome custom gear system that would of at least made player more competitive faster if you implemented it into pvp by offering mods vs. gear sets, plus the side benefit of not looking like everyone else in pvp. you have to grind WZ for 14 to 15 games to get one piece of BM just to still get face-rolled in a full set by WH, I personally feel the hill is much to long and boring to climb as I have seen this system kill pvp in other games, and not too sure I want to do it again just to have the devs change it right after I grind it out and having no fun doing so.
  11. When the majority of players hate something but you like it.....do you think the players are just bads or you are mistaken? Because a games life blood is the people willing to play it and you sucking up will not make the game any more fun for anyone, so why do you bother?
  12. Is just yet another big advantage for pre-mades to coordinate stun to lock out heals or anybody for that matter. Coordinate three stuns while capping and nothing can be done in a pug, it not fun sitting waiting for queue just to have to leave because its pre-made vs. pug...really its a waste of time.
  13. Afterburners: Rocket Punch now immobilizes the target for 4 seconds instead of knocking it back. is a nerf
  14. Lighting is very sub par damage in any context....hell madness three dot out strips lighting strike spam and that is very sad.
  15. they just need to change the dots delivery time to 9 sec so it isn't pathetic for pvp and make managing force a bit more of a challenge in pve.
  16. Or it could be one of the above...its stupid in the first place to have CC for some classes and then make others immune to it, when its the only defensive tactic for some people...then other classes defensive tactics only effect the player and can not be shut down (cough* the 2warriors oh ***** buttons)
  17. Sounds like someone never played anything else....but that probably is not true....though it is suspicious when someones only WH geared is always their warrior if they have one.
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