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  1. PVP didnt happen, stupidity happened. PVP is not 20 lvl 50 toons camping a revive point for 2 level 30 toons. Most games have a level restriction to prevent this sort of thing from happening while others may not prevent it but place a negative reward system for such stupidity. I am not surprised that some people feel this would be ok. Just because it can happen doesnt mean it should. I am sure from some sort of psychological level it could be explained why people would feel the need to do that sort of thing...maybe their mommy didnt hug them enough or they were picked on in real life or they feel Inferior or 1000 other things. I am not opposed to a lvl 50 or even a group of lvl 50's killing me while I quest, but to sit at a respawn with 20 lvl 50's and grief 2 lvl 30's over 2 hours isint PVP its just wrong. Even though my 8 year old daughter had fun. That should be a clue to the maturity and mind set level required....8 years old, yea thats the ticket.
  2. I had this similar situation happen on the helm server....some guild called against all odds was griefing me and my wife who were 30 sumtn at the time, they were all 50. We kept spawning at med center they were there killing us over n over...I finaly let my 8 year old daughter play for about an hour. The funny part was she had fun and they thought they were really doing sumtn. They were talkn smack while my daughter kept spawning over and over. She enjoyed it. I finaly talked some guildies and several other rep players to come help. Several peeps showed up and just rolled the nubs. It was halarious they looked like such chumps. After that I was able to finish questing because they didnt seem to want any more. I dont think this guild is even active any more. I agree though there should be some sort of negative reward for this kind of stupidity.
  3. I feel your pain. I play a sawbones and I get wrecked by lighting. I can have all my hots on myself going spamming my heals trying to run to break los and I still die. I need to l2play i guess. Heaven forbid if there is more then one, like that never happens. /sarcasim off
  4. Opinions are like bungholieos....everyone has one and they all stink. Open world pvp is there now, its just not used because atm there is no reward or purpose other then to grief or personal satisfation. You dont have to participate in either open world or WZ. Open world should have a purpose so that players can choose which they would like to do. We are on a pvp server not a pve server the more pvp options we have the better. You shouldnt limit our options just because some people may not like open world pvp, they dont have to do it. Give me options, please dont let the narrow minded views of those that dont like open world pvp prevent me from enjoying it if you give it purpose.
  5. I think the reply speaks for itself. Open world pvp is different things to different people. like your reply, people show how much of an idiot they are when they try to label others because they enjoy a specific play style that they themselves might not enjoy or agree with.
  6. A wise man once wrote "I can sit here and keep my my mouth shut and let them think I am an idiot, or I can open it and remove all doubt" Thanks for removing everyones doubt.
  7. Expertese is there to provide balance. If your in a guild that can blow thru all content then you will own WZ. With expertese you have to pvp not pve that makes it fair.
  8. As a smuggler hybrid healer there are a couple of classes that can keep me stuned/ cc'd until I die. Especialy if my cc imunity is down. I have noticed alot I seem to be cc'd with full resolve. I know the difference between snare and root and cc. I am not sure if its class specific bc my sage friend says he never gets cc'd with full resolve. Regardless no class should have the ability to keep somone stunned interupted or cc'd till dead.
  9. I have been stuned with lighting while resolve bar is on way down as well. My main concern is not so much with resolve its self but that the mechanics dont seem to work. I should not stay chained stuned and killed while stunned. All of my cc effects even my cybertech nades all break the cc effect if taking damage after 2-3 sec. I understand there are movment effects that can go on you while resolve counts down, but even if 2 or more sith are on me I should be able to do more then go grab a drink or a bio while they kill me.
  10. This guild needs a name change. Any guild that would sit on a republic med center with 15 or more level 50's just to kill 2 level 38 toons over and over for more then an hour should be required to change thier name to against all common sense. I let my 7 year old sit in my lap and click revive over and over for more then an hour. My daughter laughed and really enjoyed it. I am glad to see my 7 year old and this guild are on the same level. I really enjoyed it when a group of republic came in and wrecked the entire guild. I was rolling laughing at the bodies of this dumb guild scattered every where. If your gonna be stupid enough to take advantage of broken game mechanics and camp a base you should at least be smart enough to be ready for people coming in so you dont look like the idiots you really are. Get rolled
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