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Everything posted by agape_

  1. TROLOLOL this guy is so funny he makes these threads for fun just to see how many posts he'll get, i implore everyone not to respond.
  2. agape_

    WZ Pugs

    Then get back into your hole and stay there
  3. agape_

    WZ Pugs

    Lol Cashavelli is so incredibly stupid I just have to share this story. Chasavelli is so stupid his own guild doesn't want him, I remember him actually begging roydenstorm to be let back into resevoir dogs after they booted him. Hes also tried to 1v1 people and getting the **** kicked out of him. Not to mention his awful performance in rateds, i wonder why no ones picked him up yet
  4. agape_

    WZ Pugs

    i see what you did there
  5. agape_

    WZ Pugs

    opfotm worst. pvper. ever.
  6. agape_

    WZ Pugs

    http://i.imgur.com/FhiJcSH.jpg I agree
  7. The vendors on the capital planets do not sell bind on legacy weapons, k thx.
  8. If you don't have the gear / skill don't flag yourself, on other thought keep flagging yourselves nothing is more hilarious than 2 people killing a group of 8 people.
  9. pretty sure people who hate me don't matter
  10. PS you can find them in warzones
  11. http://www.twitch.tv/tuloc/c/1888698 doing ranked tonight with 6 powertechs against bros at 3:30 pizzashark gets hit with 5 thermal detonators. http://i.imgur.com/HUCvtaF.jpg discuss
  12. http://i.imgur.com/yfVkCcH.jpg (clip of the wonderful rated match) in order to dodge the queue effectively top gun you need everyone to leave
  13. Who are you again and why you try to make a point of defending fail machine. Btw post something better quality not so good in link.
  14. Can't we all just go back to trash talking war machine again?
  15. It's these kinds of threads that people with huge epeens enjoy sorry abbster you just not that well endowed
  16. didn't you know my epeen so large needs thw whole server constantly stroking it
  17. Just wondering which toon you play that has the highest number of player kills. Mine is the power tech with 64k player kills since they started recording it.
  18. Pubs: 8am - 5pm Imps: 6pm - 3am Not sure why this happens though imps play at this time cuz it's after work, pubs plz explain why you play off prime time
  19. watch the link if you can stand it 10 points to whoever tells him what's he doing wrong
  20. Agreed I think hes a coward probably very bad at this game, I ask him to give us proof he doesnt suck before he writes in teh forum again
  21. A player on hostile takeover thought infiltrate was a hack when 3 powetechs came out of stealth and pwned him
  22. some are actually ok to watch
  23. lulz lowbie pvp isn't even real pvp
  24. This might be the funniest and most absurd reply i've heard yet. The very notion that any war machine player could own me is ridiculous, maybe you owned someone with a similar name, hell maybe one of you rolled an alt with a similar name to mine and owned him. I'm pretty sure everyone on the server knows you pvp but the point of this thread is to make sure you know where you are on the scale.
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