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Everything posted by Jenovan

  1. Not of relevance to this week, but slightly older... the Full-Healer (an AC-only title for Sages/Sorcs) Maintenance Dodger (or Downtime Dodger)
  2. I'm guessing that the problem is that, when you go to click on the item, your cursor is the target reticle for the boss and not the clicky-hand? I'm not sure there's a simple fix for that -- it likely has to do with the graphical bounding box for the boss. :/
  3. Someone had another thought on this in another semi-related thread -- Harbinger was down and brought back up yesterday. Maybe they got an inadvertent update? OP is not mistaking the CM for collections; the single dyes and baton were on Harbinger yesterday. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=665127
  4. Once upon a time, the blaster that Blizz gives the Bounty Hunter was a legendary (with non-legendary mods), but I think mine got downgraded to non-legendary after a major patch. Guess it really didn't matter, since the mods weren't legdendary, but it was kinda neat to have something with that indigo border hanging out in my cargo hold
  5. Jenovan


    I don't think you understand the complaint. Here: Right now, the title floating above my Guardian's head is: "Kazmeia Knight of the Republic" It kinda looks like her name is Kazmeia Knight, and she represents the Republic. :| A comma would properly separate these elements into her name and her title: "Kazmeia, Knight of the Republic" "Kazmeia, Black Bisector" <-- currently in-game and proper Generally, I give a pass to random blips like this in the game, but on a player title, and one of the (IMO) nicer ones a Knight can use early on, it's very visible and very annoying. Interesting discussion. Personally, I can (and do) enjoy English aesthetically, both reading and writing it. Words can have a pleasant flow, in addition to simply presenting information. I do feel that, in order to build that flow, an author can take some liberties with the strictest grammar — but they should also understand why that grammar is there, and what rules they're breaking, and perhaps consider why they're breaking it. One run-on sentence to illustrate urgency? Sure! Several run-on sentences because you don't like commas? Eh... (Commas are pauses, and pauses matter! /petpeeve)
  6. Yes -- the good old "tennis-ball-bounce" sound effect was a little disconcerting the first time my merc took her Varactyl for a jog around the fleet That, and the rider's extremely stiff upper body posture are my only quibbles. I've been wanting a Varactyl mount since I first saw the critters in the game, well over a year ago
  7. They were moved in Wednesday's patch and are now near the cargo hold.
  8. Nice! Does the "memory" apply to all items, or only items of the same type? For example, if you listed an Artifact Fragment for 1k, then listed a Nextor Crystal, would it fill in 1k as the unit price for that, too?
  9. Sweeeet changes, thanks guys! There's always one. I predict: "Why are you fixing the GTN, you should be fixing {my personal peeve} instead!"
  10. Poking around a bit more, it seems that there are 3 orange swords of the OP's desired type -- one is specific to Bowdaar, and the other two are BOP quest reward type things... the former makes me wonder if this skin is only available to the Smuggler. :/ It'd be a *possibility* for the Warrior or Inquisitor as well (for Broonie and Khem Val), but other than that, it doesn't look good. :<
  11. OP, maybe advertise for an Armstech on the Harbinger server forums to help you out? The schematic of the vibrosword you linked to is one of the earliest things an Armstech can learn (provided they get the schematic, which IIRC drops from Investigation quests). I imagine they may not be on the GTN because they don't sell well. Love the concept you're going for, though! Edit: Ah, I see you're looking for one "like" that. I've seen those very infrequently in-game, perhaps -only- as quest rewards. :/ I know what you mean about it being hard to track down info about specific items, bleh.
  12. Ha! I love that guy, great suggestion. Put me down as another vote for Cytharat. His whole demeanor and situation screams companion to me: he doesn't seem to be in an official position that would prevent him from being a companion, he has a need to redeem himself, he's ready and willing to follow your lead, and he respects your PC. (Not to mention the already-established romantic potential...) - I despise Thana Vesh more than I like her, but I do think she'd make a decent companion. - I'd take Attros Finn from the Consular story on Coruscant in a heartbeat. - Likewise, Sanju Pyne from the Imperial Agent's Balmorra arc.
  13. What I've found is that it's a waste of time to dig anywhere other than the center-top of the volcanoes... but if you happen to miss, and hit the side, the directional indicators do work. It's generally easier to just aim for the center, though. As far as Hoth GSI dailies go, I still prefer this one to the "scan for a random ship part" one.
  14. That seems strange -- my BH's Matrix Cube is augmented, and has been for quite a while. If it's a bug, it may be a new one. :/ Out of curiosity, how exactly is it not letting you augment? Does the "add augmentation slot" dropdown menu never light up? Can the Matrix Cube not be brought onto the modification workbench?
  15. Inconveniently, you do need to have the entire set equipped on one character to add it to Collections. :/
  16. Agreed -- not that I wouldn't love more convos with my crew, but most of their storylines were tied off with neat little bows, and it'd feel awkward picking up again. I *would* like to see more companion input in story quests, but I think these were pretty much limited to class story material in the past, and would probably remain that way, unfortunately. (20+ potential companion reactions to a faction story point? I'd love it, but it seems unlikely... Then again, they DID go and give all the companions unique barks relating to different locations on Makeb, so...) Same here. It was, kinda-sorta indirectly, my love of Dragon Age: Origins that led me here. Not Star Wars (I was never really a big fan), not KotOR, which I never finished, but another Bioware story where I played the story I wanted to tell. (Did you know that if you solo the False Emperor, you get a few tidbits of unique dialogue with Malgus? It felt incredibly epic and completely appropriate for my SW to take him on with only Quinn for backup.)
  17. I hate traveling on Corellia. Why are there SO many paths that lead to closed doors? ~_~ It's almost as bad as Belsavis's Magical Transportation™. But, I do hope that we see more planets available for bounty-chasing in later months
  18. Umm... are you in the right thread? No one said "we were led to believe" anything. ZH was stating that a number of players were (and still are) vocally assuming that VO costs are an issue. That is a fact (the players spreading incorrect assumptions -- you see it come up constantly in these "why no more story" threads). He then stated that BW has already refuted this. That is also true. You are on the same side of the argument. Going on... TL;DR summary: I, too, would like to see new class content in some form, even if it's single quests in the planetary arcs, as some have suggested. I would love to see some discussion from the devs about the why's and why not's of future class content. Longer commentary: Let's talk about Makeb and "group content" for a moment. Someone(s) on the petition mentioned that "group content" was where things were heading now. I leveled my main (Mercenary) with a partner (Operative). We did the planetary quests together, bonus series, flashpoints, all that -- but in defining our characters, we always had our own class stories to fall back on (and to share). We're both fans of Bioware storytelling, and have spent plenty of time dissecting our class stories and mulling over the choices we made and the paths we took. When Makeb was released, when I understood the scope of the story, I told my partner that I wanted to do the storyline by myself. Why? Because this was not a simple supplement to my class story anymore -- it was the only way to advance my character's story and career that I was going to get on this planet. I wanted the choices made to be hers, not fought over by dice roll. My partner was sort of put off at first, but later agreed that it had been a good idea to play separately, because he was analyzing his choices carefully, same as we would have in a class story. In other words, in the absence of a true class story, we tried to make Makeb into one. That may fall flat if/when we repeat the Empire side again (I know I will on other characters; I don't know about my partner), but still... When I needed to bring my Jugg tank to a guild run of Toborro's Courtyard, a group of us rushed through the Imp introduction quest. I was annoyed to have to share this content, to not be able to shape the beginning of my Warrior's tale on Makeb as I wanted (because he'll surely be running the rest alone). Apparently, I don't want to participate in "group" story content in the absence of class story content. I doubt I'm completely alone in that. "Avengers-style storytelling"? Okay, that's cool. But most of the Avengers had/have their own movies (or comic books, if we're staying in the printed realm), too -- and not just as a prelude to their joining the Avengers. On another tangent: I understand the argument of "but your character is the best/gone rogue/Council member, etc., there's nowhere else to go" -- really, I do -- but, at least on the Empire side, there are always going to be new challenges. Others have mentioned the Sith Warrior's and Agent's quandaries already. Surely the BH has challengers or rivals? I'm sure the Inquisitor's position on the Council is tenuous (aren't they all, really); there could be all kinds of challenges thrown at them from other Council members or ambitious up-and-comers. There are places to go with these storylines, IMO, that don't require making the characters bigger-er and better-er or elevating them to demigod status.
  19. It's very likely you've had all the conversations allotted for Chapter 1, yes. Once you roll into Chapter 2, you'll probably get spammed with a few
  20. Wow, really? I'm guessing that's with the phone app then? The keyfob has never presented an issue for me logging in the site with the game running, that's how I normally buy CC's. (Mind, having to reauthenticate is a pain anyway, so not having to do that will be fine with me. )
  21. From what I understand, yes, they do. (Can't really try it myself, don't have any below-55 characters who would be able to fend for themselves on Hoth!) While the idea of varactyls being as rare as thrones or skiffs (and probably more popular than both) makes me cringe a bit (time to start saving credits again), I'm glad to see they'll be in the game! Here's hoping we see a few color variants, too.
  22. agreed... Looking at the physical features of the "then" and "now", there are a lot of similarities in shape and structure, but the new fur texture and color fail to be appealing. I understand that they fixed his coloring once already (I didn't notice, since I use the black customization on my Aric), but it seems like the "fix" coloration still isn't saturated enough. I wonder if tweaking that would help. The one facial feature I think I see the biggest change in is his eyes. The new model's eyes seem bigger, and farther apart because the bridge of his nose is wider now. I think the bigger eyes might add to the disconcertingly creepy look. :x But I still wonder if thoughtful use of coloration might help that.
  23. Usually if I get a stale maintenance message like that, a hard refresh (Ctrl+F5 in Firefox) will get me the up-to-date version of the site.
  24. My favorite boots! IIRC I have Jaesa in a pair of that same model, so they are probably available as adaptable? I don't remember off the top of my head what the set might be called, though. I'll check at home this evening, assuming someone else hasn't responded by then. EDIT: It's the Sith Raider set, available directly from the Cartel Market (not packs).
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