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Posts posted by Perringaiden

  1. pretty sure they said before that only you would be able to see your own damage.


    BioWare never said you'd only be able to see yours. People support it with quotes about "You'll be able to review your performance" but no-one's ever shown me a yellow post saying you can only see your own stuff.

  2. BioWare Devs, now that Gabe A. has let the cat out of the bag on Combat Logs in 1.2, is there any more details you can give us?


    Questions I have:

    1. Will it be viewable in game in real time? - No
    2. Will we be able to save it out to disk for later review? - Yes
    3. Will it just be "my" details, or will it be everyone in X radius or within party etc? - Yes
    4. What will be the format? (i.e. will it have enough to be parsed :), or will it simply be text?:mad:)


    Edit for answers from Ops pane,.

  3. I believe that is because there is no direct link between Sydney and Asia, the tunnel goes back to the US and then across to Asia. It really quite dumb and we had the same problem with Global Agenda getting Singaporean servers.


    I would be curious though, from anyone in the know, if there is a link between Perth and Asia? If so, that would be a better server location.




    Turn on all Cables and you'll see a multitude of connections. The difference is though, that the Southern Cross cable is like an 8 lane highway, and most of the other cables are like side streets if not back-alleys.

  4. When you purchased an out of area copy you took a risk because you were too impatient to wait for the game to come to your area. Be thankful its not like most MMO companies when you would be stuck in the US unless you purchased the "Australian" edition of the game!


    This is not about the fact that people got in early. Its about the fact that BioWare time and time again fails to manage customer expectations by hiding the 'bad news' until the last possible moment, then springs it on everyone causing angst at the time its most painful.


    If they'd told us "We're opening servers in March, but won't be able to give you transfers till April", back in December/January then by now people would have come to grips with it and not sat with baited breath for when they get to use the shiny new server with their character, only to be told "Yeah you still have 56 days of waiting, meanwhile those people who haven't been supporting SWTOR with subscriptions through your 'Gamma Testing' get to start straight away"

  5. If it's for a balancing reason, why can't they let us transfer naked characters? I've just hit lvl 43 on my main, and i'd be happy to be to an aussie server naked, with no credits, no gear, and with no quest history if it meant, I could just keep my lvl, social, and valour ratings.


    I wouldn't. I have Social 1, Valor 1, but have 4-piece Columni and all the gear trimmings, a lot of credits, and a lot of time invested in Codex entry completion.


    I wouldn't move if it meant that I lost all my investment of time.

  6. So far BioWare has been silent on Legacy questions....


    Given the way that BioWare works, if they're not giving you good news immediately, the news will be bad. Like the botched transfer information about not happening till late April.


    My bet is you lose it all if you level another alt past the legacy point on the new server, prior to Transfers turning up.

  7. Yea ATM I think Bioware has a lot of very annoyed Aussie, Kiwi and other players ... they had pobably better sort this very soon ... they really needed to put this info out way earlier ... a massive fail managing player expecttions. :mad:


    Yeah, we got told:

    You'll get an e-mail in the week following launch.

    This was interpreted as:

    You'll get an e-mail on how to transfer your character in the week following launch, whose instructions you'll be able to follow straight away.

    Its an interestingly bad choice. Better would have been to release the servers later if Transfers weren't ready.

  8. I think its a HUGE mistake and will be bad for all. The last thing we need is to split the servers up even more. The Aussies that transfer will trade a better ping for low population servers with zero economy. Those of us left on the US servers will lose geared players and crafters and it will change the dynamic ALOT. Its a lose/lose scenario imho.


    Given that we'll all be coming from many servers and compressed into three (though the majority are on Swiftsure or Harbinger) we'll be trading a better ping for more people online at our own times. Not a bad trade IMO.


    I don't care if a server has a high pop period of 2000 players, if that occurs during my work day and has died off to 100 by my evening.

  9. So, in your opinion, if your game is not listed on a site like "Curse", then it does not match current Standards. Of all the MMOs out there, how many are listed and how many are not? Are there more listed there or the latter?


    No I'm saying that most major MMO's went down the addon path, to allow people to adjust their UI to their preference. SWTOR chose not to do that so they need to supply the most common features that Addons cover in other games, such as threat and DPS meters. Read the response don't make up your own interpretation please.

  10. That's what I was getting from that. Games that come out nowadays are such a myriad of differences that there really can't be a set standard. That applies to all games, MMOs included.


    Perhaps its that the major MMO's I've played over the last 10 years, have all progressed, though looking back, Addon's are probably what caused the similarities, since people made the same addons to make up for what they were missing.


    Thats why if you look at a site like Curse, you see addons for:

    • World of Warcraft
    • Rift
    • Age of Conan
    • Warhammer Online


    The things 'you don't have that I want' can be made by the people that want them. SWTOR doesn't want to have addons (yet), so I'm (as are a lot of other posts) asking for those features produced by Bioware.

  11. Dear Bioware,


    I have some bad news about my subscription. But before I give you the bad news, I thought I'd go over some of the things I've seen in SWTOR to-date.


    * Storyline

    I've completed the Smuggler storyline and almost completed the Trooper storyline, and I've found both of them to be interesting and compelling, in that I want to keep continuing that character's play so that I can see what happens. However, except for a few noteable exceptions, the quests in between are essentially "Kill X mobs" or "Pick up X things". The light grid on Balmorra I found to be both a bit frustrating, and interesting at the same time. Frustrating because I had to work a lot to decipher the answer, and interesting because it wasn't just "Kill X and loot them", so on the balance I'd say that quest is good. You really need more of those diverting quests to keep people interested. Story's great, but its punctuated by long periods of "Grind, grind, grind".


    TLDR: Quests that are not your traditional "Kill X" or "Gather X" take more effort, but the community you pitched at are the ones that will appreciate it more. The ones that you already have of this style are well done.


    * Character Skills

    Both the Scoundrel and Vanguard toolsets are too big (though Scoundrel Healing isn't that bad by itself). I have 3 bars filled with skills, and without modifiers I can't really find suitable keys on my keyboard to reference them all. Couple that with no accurate way of determining what skills are the most worthwhile without heavy math and no proof of being right, and its frustrating to know whether you wiped despite doing the best job you could, or you wiped because your ability to kill the boss was not much better than a Weak mob's ability to kill you. Scoundrel is a bit easier as a healer, because you can see the rough effect on people's health bars, but as a Trooper, I don't know if I'm ignoring a skill that would mean I have no threat issues at all, or whether the other guy is just really good, because I have so many skills.


    TLDR: Trim the skillset, either by more focus on the Advanced Class and less general, or by simply removing the very similar abilities. The plethora of skills seems great at first, but you soon start discarding them, or just randomly hitting whatever's lit up.


    * Feedback and Logging

    I'll brace for the "You want to be elitist" and "I like my care-bear no-stats world", but I've spent a lot of time in games with DPS and Threat meters. I don't really care about harassing other people for bad DPS, (I'd prefer to help them) but if I have no way of comparing Healing fight by fight, or Damage fight by fight, or even track threat, then I have no idea whether any of the items I'm getting really improve me. Any statement that "Scoundrels should go Crit/Surge, not Aclarity" etc is purely based on unprovable maths or colloquial experience. Except for "More Cunning is better" I have no real way to assess sidegrades etc. This means that once I 'feel' that I have good gear, then progression is simply a case of "When I've killed all the bosses, I can stop playing". Without fine-grain feedback, there's no way to see incremental progression, and so people will get bored faster as they feel that "they've gotten to the end". Combat Logging is also really needed for progression. People will also get frustrated with harder bosses, as they a) can't kill the boss and don't know why, or b) will rage at the 'other people' in their PUG group as being bad, because they can't imagine that they are bad (defeating any "we don't want you to rage when we're not high on the DPS" argument).


    TLDR: Without logging or statistics displays, people will get bored and/or frustrated with progression not marked purely by 'new' kills.


    * End Game Raiding

    End Game raiding is done well. Surprising, given what I've said above, I know. We have two major Ops, plus the Hard modes of the instances we've run while levelling up. Both of the Ops are interesting, with Eternity Vault linking in well with all the time we've put in on Belsavis, and Karagga's Palace touching on some of the Hutta/Nar Shadaa level Hutt involvement. However, as with the previous section, wiping for no apparent reason, or taking 3-4 wipes watching Fraps vids to work out how someone got 1 shot is a bit more effort than a casual player wants to go to. For those of use who don't want to go and read someone else's webpage to discover what the hell is going on, there's very little in the way of feedback unless you look in the right direction at the right time, with the right mob targetted, standing on one leg, with a piece of cheese on your head. The fights, once you work them out, are very interesting, with relatively unique mechanics like the Soa Platform Game, and Gharj's Sinking Islands, but the normal modes take more time to work out for people who want to see the content, not faceplant the content. Leave that for Hard Mode Ops.


    TLDR: Read the Feedback and Logging section to ease the pain of mindless frustration progression


    * End Game Non-Raiding

    I have the maximum Armorings, Barrel, Enhancements and Mods from Dailies, I'm struggling to keep going to get the Implants (Cybertech'd the Earpiece) simply because the dailies are BORING. This is where you need to focus the interesting quest types.

    - Belsavis Dailies: Kill Sith, Kill Leaders, Kill Rift things, Kill Guys In Complex, Kill Guys in Cave, Kill Elite Guys in Cave to click something, Kill Elite guys in cave to click something, Kill Droids in Complex, Kill Sleen in Complex and Weld Door (a bit interesting), Kill guys in cave so that you can Kill a big guy in a Tron Cube.

    - Illum Dailies: Kill Elite Guys, Turn in Quest (yes there is zero effort involved besides travel), Kill guys in cave to get items, Kill Turrets, Plant bomb and use a single Freighter Flyby to kill resulting guys, Kill guys to loot items then click on panel.


    This is all from memory, so I may have missed a "Kill Guys" here or there. Examples of interesting quests from other games: Vehicle Bombing Runs or Machine Gun Turret killing, Dance Dance Revolution Quest, Triage test (defend/repair multiple towers being attacked by weak mobs, or act on elements that have varying time limits before they disappear)


    TLDR: If you're going to make interesting quests, the dailies that people will do 400 times are more important to do it on, than the levelling quests that people will do a maximum of probably 8, more likely 2 or 3 times.


    * End Game Storyline

    Can someone point me in the direction of it?


    The Bad News:


    I won't be cancelling my account any time soon, so you'll have to put up with me, because there's a LOT of potential in SWTOR, but we really need to have it brought up to 'modern standards' soon, instead of being analogous to World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade (circa 2007). Bug Fixing as a priority is great and the right thing, but some of the 'quality of life' features for end game really need to arrive soon, or you'll start hemorrhaging players sooner rather than later, as they hit 50, try a few Ops and go "Ok, that's painful, what else can I do? Nothing?"

  12. The Key Bindings have two entries "Self Target Modifier" and "Focus Target Modifier". Since these are modifiers, could you please allow the actual Modifier keys on the keyboard to be used.


    I'm used to using Alt plus the normal key command to heal myself or target myself. The advantage of being able to use Alt, Shift, or Ctrl, is that there's one of these on each side of the keyboard. This means you don't need to use two hands to do the key combination targetting. It essentially defeats the purpose of having that, because its faster to re-target (which is still annoying) tnan it is to lift a 2nd hand off the mouse to select the buttons.


    And for all the WASD players in the peanut gallery, you have 48 keybind slots, you can't comfortably bind them all around your movement keys. Plus some of us don't play like you do, and I'd like more comfortable playability.


    (Originally posted back in Customer Service before we had a suggestion box)

  13. I believe that 1 long thread on a forum, in which over 15-20 people have individually commented on their need for this service will definitely motivate Bioware to realize our need.


    When your thread reaches 25 pages of individual commenters, maybe. 15-20 people in a subscriber base of over a million? Even if 1% of the community reads the forums, 20 people is 0.2% of the people reading the forums. Or 0.002% of the people playing the game.

  14. we should not have to wait


    *do not want to. "Should" implies you're entitled to a service which you're not.



    They will see how dissatisfied we are and we will get results!!!


    This is a known issue, and they'll do it eventually. One short thread on a forum isn't going to change that. Especially since we're only a little over a month into the game, so it'd take less time to re roll and arrive at exactly the same position, than it would to develop the feature.

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