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Posts posted by Perringaiden

  1. We are no longer accepting new requests or modifications to character transfers for the Asia Pacific launch of of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Existing character transfer requests will begin processing on April 24, 2012, 8:00PM EST, 10:00PM NZST, 6:00PM HKT, 6:00PM SGT and may take up to 7 days.


    At some point during these 7 days, there will be a period of time of up to 3 hours where we will begin processing all requested character transfers associated with your account. You will be unable to play any characters that are on servers involving your character transfer requests during this time. If you are logged into one of these servers, you will be automatically logged off that server until the transfer is complete. If you are unable to log into any of these servers past the 3-hour window, please contact Customer Service


    You will be notified via email when your character transfer requests have been processed. Unsuccessfully transferred characters will remain on their original server.


    The transfers have officially begun! Post here if your transfer has gone through, so we can see how fast they're happening. Also, post when you submitted and where you came from, so we can see if it tracks.


    In B 4 "forums =/= all players", its a representative sample, better than nothing.

  2. So you do a FP hard more great its done, you do it nightmare great its done. There is no reason to go back into that FP after the first run. The gear is useless, ontop of that its a horrible grind to get it. There is very little MMO feeling in this game. The voice over is cool, the quests are fun but the overall feel of the game is more of a first person epic alt rolling adventure. The PVP is very WoW orientated, look they even tried to put in a rated system like the Arenas. The gear grind just turned into a gear abortion. Balance changes that made it totally unbalanced. When you are on a pvp server and the most people on a open pvp planet is 3 then there is something wrong with this game. Everyone rerolled fatman just to have some sort of feeling of a full server. Anyway there is nothing else out there right now and nothing to come in the future. Maybe that is the reason why I am so disappointed in this game. We were told this game was going to have a ton to offer, but in the end they fell very short. To much time spent on voice acting, and pretty worlds, not enough time on real game content and overall pvp


    You sir, will never enjoy MMOs beyond your first. Go find a DM and play D&D if you want a never repeating experience. Tha might take having friends with imagination and patience tough. Hmmm better keep QQing for things you'll never get.

  3. Also, from the DevTracker, if you're paying attention:


    As I've mentioned before, the character transfer system for Asia-Pacific servers is not the final system - it is in fact essentially a prototype for the final system, designed to transfer a small amount of characters (relatively speaking).


    The final character transfer system is in development now and is a high priority for the development team. However, as this is a complex technical challenge with many 'moving parts' it will not be available until some time after the Asia-Pacific character transfer process is finished. When we have more details and a more accurate ETA to share, we will do so.


    "The final character transfer system is in development now" - Rejoice and be merry.

  4. I dont get it.. im absolutly loving this game.. it is so awesome.. why is there so much complaining about it?


    Because too many parents never taught their kids that screaming and throwing a tantrum wasn't the best way to get what you want. Since they don't have EVERYTHING they wail and moan and hold out their hand. Patience and gratitude is a factor of Nurture. Which is so lacking these days.

  5. They are offering server transfers in Asia, why not in US, or EU servers? If you can do it on one set of servers, you can do it on them all.


    They have server transfers (Asia or something), and let's be honest here, it's not like the technology is super secret impossible to code or anything. It's a matter of priorities and allowing players to do it.


    This is what really annoys me about this whole thread.


    a) I agree that they made a mistake by opening up too many servers, because everyone QQ'd about the QQueues. So in being nice to their customers, they shot themselves in the foot. Then their customers turned around and screamed blue murder at them for shooting themselves in the foot.


    b) The Asia/Pacific transfers have not happened. They are *about* to, in a small scale test that will validate whether the technology they've been hurriedly writing (since they shot themselves in the foot) even works. The APAC transfers are a ONE-OFF, SINGLE-SHOT, CORRECTION MECHANISM, because they didn't provide APAC servers when the game was released. They are not designed as a commercial ad-hoc transfer system, and BioWare has already said that part of the system they're using for APAC transfers will be scrapped before they go live with ad-hoc transfers, because the APAC system is for "Whole Account Character Transfers". There is no 'favourtism' or bias towards APAC getting transfers first, its to move a population to where they should be. And once that one off occurs, they don't get transfers again till everyone does.


    c) Character Transfers, in a system where there's not enough servers is not needed. In a system where everythings running relatively smoothly, its not needed. If they hadn't shot themselves in the foot bending over backward for all the people screaming about queues, they wouldn't need it. Therefore it takes time to retask engineers to write the software. To free up testing resources to imagine every scenario, develop the test cases, and test the system. All of those resources are taking away from what the majority of players want, more content. And before anyone says anything about unlimited wealth, there's a saying in SW development. It takes 9 months for one woman to make a baby. But if you have 9 women, you still won't get a baby in a month.


    You'll get your transfers. I'll personally guarantee it, on no more basis than BioWare has said that they're working on it, and so far, they've not dropped something the said were working on. If you're bored, go play another game, go re-roll on another server, drop your sub and say you'll come back later. If you really feel that strongly, vote with the only thing that matters, your cash.


    But mostly, quit demanding that BioWare magically instantaneously create something out of nothing on your say so, when they're working s fast as they can already to do it. Show a little respect to people who have made something clearly good enough that you didn't walk away a week after playing it. If its a bad game, you wouldn't be here stamping your foot like Veruca Salt.

  6. Another part of this is the shortness of the event, coupled with the requirement to do at least 6 days of quests to get the entire containment gear set, means that anyone who didn't dilligently get every single reset of dailies, can't complete the event.


    Whether you change it for this event or not, please keep it in mind for the next event. If you require 6 days of dailies to get the gear set, or pet, or mount etc, then give people at least 12 days of event.

  7. The technology is already in place, obviously as the Asia people are doing it now. BW just wants to delay as long as they possibly can, until subscription losses force to them to open up transfers.


    Because the initial attempt at transferring us Asia/Pac people was "so" successful, with broken web-pages and many confused people. "Already in place" is a bit of an overstatement, but I'm sure they'll pander to your QQ once they get the bugs ironed out with us cannon fodder.

  8. How many CE copies were sold? I mean if it was 20,000 of them, you're still asking BioWare to pay for development time for the 1% at the cost of the 99%. CE's a nice-ness thing, but not something that should afford us continuing benefit in the way of better gear or performance items.


    Things like different skins or colours I can agree with, as long as it doesn't take resources away from the main game too much.

  9. Something I'd like to suggest while we're in the height of the game's first real World Event, is learn from other games mistakes when it comes to Event items (especially pets).


    Pet Collecting, Mount Collecting, and other similar non-performance based collection hobbies give your players an additional base of varied activities to do during those times when they get bored of Ops, Flashpoints and levelling alt #5. As it stands now in SWTOR there's very little of that sort of thing once you have all your datacrons, and you've purchased all the pets available to you.


    The Rakghoul event has been slated to go for 7 days. While that sounds like plenty of time for active players to get their stuff (I got the pet yesterday without too much effort), for those casual players who log in once or twice a week, or can only play for an hour or two a night, time critical events are just too difficult. However, those subscribing low-activity players are your best market for free money, since they pay just as much, but put less stress on servers.


    So my suggestion is to not exclude them, and new players who aren't yet in the SWTOR family, from being able to get at least the pet. To do this, all we need is a section of the Dune Sea, or a small separate area like was done with Black Hole, where the plague continues to exist despite scientists's best efforts. Have a few dailies there, that allow you to get 5 or 10 DNA, and move the vendor there. Change the plague so that it doesn't infect others, to limit its continued exposure, but give people that enjoyable explosion when they spend too long there. If necessary, remove the crystals from the vendor, though given the ability to get them elsewhere, I don't think that's really an issue.


    This way, those casual players can still get the things most important to them (pets, mounts etc) without the face of the major game world being changed permanently, and BioWare gets another satisifed customer.


    And to all the "But I want to be able to say I was there and they weren't" people, the more we welcome new players and point at all the fun stuff to do, the more they'll stay and play, so that we can continue to have all these fun events.

  10. I say about 5 PvE 5 PvP 5 RPPVE & 5 RPVP and we're good


    1 of each. Any more and we get into the stupid situation that the main US shards are in. Way too many servers and everyone spread out. Even WoW with its massive userbase only has about 5 Oceanic PVE servers. We're no-where near the population. Anything more than one is just shooting ourselves in the foot.

  11. LFM Giggle


    So...'sound fatigue', I read that somewhere, think it was a dev post that rolled up in one of my RSS feed.


    Who's sound fatigue? Wasn't mine. :rolleyes:


    I now get sound fatigue, despite the removal of the giggle. I've had it happen a few times where certain strains of sound (attack effects or voices or ambient) just stop. I'd have preferred the Giggle.

  12. MERGING would also be way easier for Bioware to deal with rather than 750k server transfer request.


    Or they could open up transfers, let people move away from some servers and onto others, see which servers drop and which rise, then merge the smallest ones after that point.




    merge first and you will lower the amount of people wanting to transfer witch would be the smartest thing to do.


    BioWare has an incentive to make more transfers than merges. Merges are FREE, transfers are PAID. Paid elements mean that the cost of creating that element get paid for.


    Since they have to write the Transfer code anyway to do a Merge, then its better to get the transfer code paid for, than encourage people to wait for a merge instead of transferring.

  13. Nooo, im sure a lot of the players currently on are playing on both, id rather have one heavy server than end up with 2 standard ones in peak time


    I'm expecting the 2hr queues we saw at launch on Harbinger, and freeing up Dalborran's to transfer across should make them fall out evenly. I'd guess there'd be more ill-will if suddenly the almost always full Dalborra suddenly became always Queued for long periods.

  14. Apparently the Suggestion Box of Entropy is the right place for this


    As a player on The Harbinger, from the start of the North American release, while being an Aussie, I've been stuck halfway between Dalborra and The Harbinger for the last month and a half. And I've noticed that during our peak play times, Dalborra is FULL and The Harbinger is usually HEAVY or VERY HEAVY.


    With the tranfers coming up soon, there's going to be a large contingent from The Harbinger and The Switfsure that till be transferring over meaning that Dalborra and to some extent probably the other servers will be hitting heavy queues. Everyone wants to play on our timezone, and with very low pings, so there won't be that many not taking advantage of the transfers. That will mean that Dalborra and probably Master Dar'Nala will be FULL [Long queue] constantly.


    After all, we're not a small contingent, and we already blew out Harbinger until the AP servers were released.


    So BioWare, can you please tell us you are, or if not already then seriously think about, opening up at least an additional PVE server and PVP server. And when you do, it'd probably be best to open up transfers from Dalborra and Master Dar'Nala to the additional servers.


    Help us settle evenly, smoothly and most of all happily, so that we can ensure everyone gets to enjoy the game with their friends from pre-Redzone and post-AP release. If nothing else, it'll be a good PR exercise. We don't want to see another badly handled one.

  15. Not the fking point what was promisted is a no show fk this this screwed.

    I HAVE CANCELED MY ACCOUNT. going some where where they will keep there promisers


    We were promised we could, no time limit on when. Then we were told "probably" late April. If you can find an MMO that keeps its "promisers" in line with the massively extrapolated promises you believe you got, then I'd like to shake their hand and invest. Their ESP app would be impressive at least, and their instant-code tool would be a marvel.


    Meanwhile back in RealityLand, we will continue to hope that BioWare can meet the goals that they have set for themselves (end of April), be slightly disappointed if they can't, but remain completely un-panty-twisted.

  16. I just started to read this for fun and found myself laughing hysterically. The idea of server transfers from day 1 would have killed the new Aussie servers which were mostly newer people starting who would have been dominated by the new 50's with tons of credits crafting and farming whatever they wanted and leaving little for the new players as the release in Aus was around the new servers. Get over it, tough crap.


    And now, a month or so later, we'd like to join all of our friends who started playing and now have L50s, so that we can all raid together, instead of being split by the Red Zone boundaries.


    That said, with 1.2 dropping our transfers will be 'soon after'.

  17. Reposted from the PTS forums before they get deleted, this is the compiled list of the suggested and requested changes to the Combat Log, as it appears on the PTS at the time of posting.


    Make sure to let us know what kind of improvements or changes you would like to see from the data stream.


    -- Georg


    Suggested Combat Log Improvements

    • Full date stamps including date.
    • Timestamps from the server's clock preferably in UTC - Also for merging multiple logs
    • Chat logging either in the same log, or a separate log.
    • Logging 'only combat' or 'only raids and flashpoints' (similar to WoW's Loggerhead)
    • More enemy information such as:
      • Strength(weak, normal, strong, elite, etc.)
      • Level
      • Current/Total Health
      • Mob Unique ID - To differentiate between two specific mobs of the same type

      This could be added when combat starts, or when an enemy joins combat.

      [*]Attempted/Interrupted Ability Activation

      [*]All resource events, not just special events.

      [*]Remove all delimiters [{(<>)}] from text descriptions for ease of parsing, or change all delimiters to [].

      [*]Slash commands and/or hotkey binds for starting, stopping and inserting custom text into the combat log.

      [*]Provide an 'official' specification, beyond the images provided to fan sites.

      [*]Enemy-to-enemy actions such as healing each other, or buffing each other.

      [*]Entire group/ops logs or environment logs, for a total picture and to ensure no events are missed.

      [*]Ability to determine who is in the party/ops group, either join/leave group events, or a way to manually dump the set into the log.

      [*]Event when zone changes occur.

      [*]DoTs and HoTs should somehow be able to assign to the starting ability itself, atleast by it's name - so we can get the matching total damage/DPS numbers for that ability (starting damage + DoT)

      [*]Custom save location for combat logs.

      [*]Log Header information containing Player Name, Guild Name and Server Name

      [*]Individual log files for combat vs bosses, or flashpoints

      [*]Combat Log format version header information - For parsing old logs when formats change.

      [*]AFK and PVP flagging events

      [*]Loot information

      [*]Issue enviromental damage (e.g. Fabricator's Incinerator) from a different source than the player.

      [*]Indications of absorbtion and by what effect, for shields and bubbles etc.

      [*]Indications of over kill, and more importantly, Overheal

      [*]Standard encoding format, e.g. UTF-8 instead of machine default.


    Combat Log Questions

    • What do the ID's represent, and is there a complete list of them? And translations in each language?

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