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Posts posted by FAAmecanic

  1. Unsure how it could have ruined the game for anyone. It never prevented anyone from doing anything. You could still do the planetary and side quests, or whatever else you wanted.


    I mean, yeah, make it an opt-in per character, definitely. But ruined the game? Only for minds that allowed it to.


    You would significantly over-level each planet...making it more of a faceroll than it already was pre-12x XP (with crafting good gear it was a faceroll as it was).


    12X XP may have been a bit much because I was over leveling planets by 3-4 levels, add side quests and planet quests... that would be even larger.

  2. Having already seen every class's story, I can follow along without having to wait for every scene to play out and just watch the good parts. I mostly leveled on alternate servers from my home base. Stealth classes really make it that much easier as well as max rocket boots and reduced quick travel time.


    As for those who don't want an event, they said that the lack of toggle was due to time constraints. If 12x XP ever comes back in any form as an event, it will certainly have a toggle. Just like it will if you can get it as a legacy perk or something similar.


    Ahhh forgot about spending some credits/CC on legacy boosts! Drat...I may have been able to level faster as well..lol :o

  3. Sigh here we go again with the "Aarrrggghhh no!" Posts.


    What a lot of the "Nononononononononono!!!!!!!!!" players don't seem to be understanding is, the majority of us asking to keep this as a -choseable- legacy perk/purchase et cetera, is that yes we understand you enjoy slogging through every swamp, and spelunking every cave, and can't understand why we don't, let me try to spell it out for you:


    The first time was fun.

    The second time was "ok, didn't notice that last time"

    Third time was "ugh when did that guy get that lump of spinach in his teeth"

    Fourth time was "sigh there are even more leeches stuck to me this time around."


    Do I need to explain fifth and up?


    People play this game for fun. Much like reading books, you read a story, enjoy it, and generally go and get another book to read (start a new character and class to see their story) would you enjoy your next book so much if they copy pasted half of the -last- book you read into it as timefiller? As well as copy pasted into -every single book you ever read afterwards-?


    Now I reread books all the time, but only ones I enjoyed reading in the first place, and usually after I have read other books with different content.


    Yes we get you don't want noobs zerging to end game and showing up in your flaspoints/ops/wzs drooling, picking their noses, and herpaderping into fire/mobs/et cetera. But let's be honest, stupid will be stupid, and we had this long before 12x xp.


    "But no one will group with me for FP/Heroics WHAAAAA!" Ummm, I didn't do it before 12x xp, what difference does it make with it? A lot of this is "This will make people not do what -I- want, so no they can't have it and -I- get things to go the way -I- want them to."


    You want endless time sinks, go play Dragon Age; Inquisition, and see how much time you spend picking flowers and ore compared to actually questing ^_~


    As for people leaving because they are bored, it will happen in any game, this is just a fact of mmos, its worse in this game because I know a lot of people who stopped playing because they wanted to see the rest if the stories, but refused to go through the tedius planetary chains ad naseum, so no matter how it is, people will be lost somewhere.


    ^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^ all of this....


    I was a open beta player and as you can see in my last post had 7 lvl 55 players. And LOVED playing just the story.


    Again if the devs had a requirement that you have a level 55 in the faction you want to 12x XP level, this would ensure total noobs wouldn't be ruining your FP/OPS/WZ.


    And aside from WZ PvP.... that's what a guild is for FP/OPS. It always amazes me how many are so against guilds but will be more than happy to play FP/OPS from a queue with total strangers (I hate PuGs personally, maybe because I always have bad luck with PuGs and get the one tank that is clueless on how to tank).

  4. No 12x needs to die. Call us elite players or hardcore players or whatever you want, but those of us who actually play the game don't want it dumbed down with a bunch of pay 2 win 12x players who will ruin the game for us. As I stated before, I wouldn't mind new players being supercharged to 60 with some sort of 1 time exp boost but allowing everyone to level multiple alts to 60 will absolutely ruin the game for the rest of us who have actually spent the time and effort playing the game. There is a reason why WoW only allows their level 60 boost as a one time only perk. Those players who are only interested in the story can always start a new legacy and use the boost again. That way 12x doesn't impact those of us who played the game for over a year. It sucks when you spend so much time and effort in something only to have some noobie pay money to suddenly to be a the same level as you in a matter of days. I don't think that's fair.


    I think most are supporting the idea that you either have to have a level 55 Toon or level 50 Legacy. Which means the player would have to play at least one time and have a max level toon for the side (one for Empire and one for Repub) they want to do 12x on a new toon.


    Me personally I had 7 level 55 toons before this event. The only story I hadn't seen yet was the smuggler and counselor... I just finished the smuggler thanks to the 12x. It should be an option.


    I have played this game since BETA...and frankly last year stopped playing because 1) waiting on new FP and Ops and 2) the three toons I had below level 55 I just could not muster up the strength to do all the SAME planet and side quests AGAIN...


    IF the devs put this in as an option after you have at least 1 max level toon.... I would probably level my counselor (last story to see), a marauder, and another Smuggler (Gunslinger vs. Scoundrel. that would guarantee my sub money for at least another year (between new content and leveling those toons). Without it I will play the new content for 5-6 months maybe and unsub again.

  5. NooooOO!oo!00! Not an "event"...please NO!!!! Please add it as a PERK...something I can opt for when I want, not an "event".


    Agree.... if I ever want to trundle thru the grind of planet and side quests again I should be able to tick the "I love pain" box...lol


    Kidding...the one poster above put it best...make it an option. It did ruin the game for new players coming in the game this past month and 1/2... which is sad. But now they can start new toons and REALLY enjoy grinding to level 60 LOL

  6. I was happy to see the event, but it literally burnt me out. Since it only took a little over 10 hours per character, I finished off 7 or so in the first month and didn't play again after that.


    I think it would be a nice event to bring back for a week each year or something, but I don't know that I agree with other threads wanting to make it permanent.


    10 hours?! Holy cow.... It took me playing Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat and part of Sun to get my Level 14 smuggler to 55 (not full days..probably 20 hours or so.)


    You must have skipped thru every conversation.... and that misses the point of being able to do story line mission only IMHO (goal was to enjoy the story...even the devs said they took great pride in the stories). But to each his own...if your fun came from leveling in 10 hrs then cool...still shocked at 10 hrs though! :eek: I saw some in chat saying you could level from 0 -55 in 8 hrs.....

  7. repeating planetary and side quests up to 20 times is the exact opposite of fun, but repeating the same level 55 FPs and dailies hundreds of times IS fun?


    "Logic" apparently...


    Apples and oranges. Repeating the same Lvl 55 FP is just as boring as the same planet and side quests...except the planet and side quests take A LOT longer for you to get thru to level.


    I VERY much enjoyed finally playing thru the smuggler storyline. I stopped playing SWTOR about a year ago and came back just to play a story line that I never passed level 14 due to dreading the grind.


    I can guarantee that if BIOWARE implemented the 12x XP in some form (ie of you have a Lvl 50 character on the Empire side you get 12x XP boost on any new character...and the same for Republic) you would see a return of old players that just got burned out, but would like to see the other story lines.


    The only negative I see to this event that BIOWARE would have to address is the economy is somewhat screwed up now. I made GOBS of credits off of selling green and blue gear. Add that to free abilities and Im sure this is an impact.


    If BIOWARE doesn't allow some type of "story line only" type leveling experience, I can guarantee I will play the new expansion for a few months, then unsub again for another year (or next expansion). If they do extend it I will probably finish my consular (only story line I have left to see)...and will probably role a marauder and gunslinger....guaranteeing at least another 6 months of play.

  8. I understand the need to keep players grinding and engaged in a game with limited content, but this grinding Elite/Ultimate comms so I can buy 2-3 pieces of gear so I can rip out the Armor/Mod/Enhancement is more than a grind IMHO.


    For example...why would a tank EVER need Alacrity??? Yet I have seen tank gear (cant remember which one) where the mod and enh had alacrity vs. absorb or def.


    And another issue this brings up....there is gear that is lvl 72 and up that would actually HURT my Assassin tank...so I have to use lvl 69 gear.


    Are the devs ever going to look at this??

  9. I confused everyone by bringing my Sith Assassin into this...lol. I even confused myself :confused:


    What I am leveling now is a Sith Juggernaut. I realize the deminishing returns as being the reason armor isnt available to Cybertech until level 33... and Im fine with that. But MODS cannot be built by Cybertech at ALL. Even at level 50 there are no guardian mods available to craft.


    sorry for the confusion.

  10. To me it looks like an oversight by the Devs. Now the question is can/will they fix this? I'll need to check to see if I can fashion armor/mods that the End as a primary and Willpower secondary (Not sure if I knew enough about crafting when I leveled my first toon...a Sith Assassin tank).
  11. Why can I not craft Guardian Armor with my Cybertech until LVL 33?? And I cannot craft ANY Guardian MODS at all.


    Im a tank and am leveling up two other tanks right now and this is very very annoying! :mad: Was this an oversight by the devs? You can craft any other talent's armor and mods...just not ST/End needed by that type of tank.

  12. .Why should i waste another couple of month for gearing up my new character if i want to change faction or simply switch to other game role?




    I have done the Daily/Black Hole/ OPS grind on two lvl 50 toons...I have 7 other toons leveling now (only because I like to play a variety of roles and fill in when my guild needs a specific class). Why should I have to grind for all 7 when I can and should be able to pass on those High level mods/armor/enhancements from one legacy toon to another.

  13. Please stop all the spam from stupid people posting stupid **** on general chat, I think BioWare should ban the accounts of ALL stupid people who post stupid **** in general chat and should cut off their hands so using a computer becomes more difficult.


    Again its not just in general chat.... they are whispering to players as well. So please go take your rittalin, it will help your ADD.

  14. Welcome to Free To Play.... this was annoying as hell in another "Star XXXX" game until the devs figured out how to block most of it. Hope the devs here will do the same.


    I dont mind the general chat spam...mostly garbage in there anyway. But its the friggin whispers that are annoying and needs to stop.


    Oh and try playing on JungMa to the poster that said they have seen one spam in 2 weeks. Gen chat is full of it and I get at least one whisper every 10 min....

  15. The way I see the end-game in SW:TOR is that for groupers you have the Flashpoints and Operations, for PvPers you have the Warfronts and the soon incoming ratings system, and for soloers we have Space Missions, Lorebook and Legacy system. Whether you like those systems is another matter but that's what seems to be in BWs minds.


    Looking at how some of the other leading MMOs have handled solo players:


    Rift has Chronicles which are 2-man instances but quite frankly after you've done them once or twice they become very stale and outside of that it has nothing for players who don't want to group. For casual players who don't mind grouping but just don't want any commitment to their group it has Invasions and Instant Adventure which are excellent.


    WoW really doesn't have anything for solo players except for dailies, achievements (of which many require groups) and running instances they have over-leveled and have done 1000 times if they've played for any length of time. LOTRO has the epic storyline (which like TOR is released in chapters but unlike TOR is the same for all classes), skirmishes (which are really good fun) and dailies like everybody else.


    SW:TOR has the class storyline and once that is finished we have dailies, Space Missions, Lorebook and the Legacy system. I think SW:TOR is some way behind games like Rift and LOTRO in terms of small group content but is similar (or better for altaholics) for pure solo players. If you aim to fill your legacy you have months of soloing available.


    What I'd love to see in TOR is something like the skirmish system in LOTRO (which is what I hoped Chronicles in Rift would have been) but with the addition of them allowing you to develop your companion storyline. Instant Adventure in Rift is also excellent and would work really well in TOR for casual players.


    Star Trek is the same. Finish your storyline and you have Dailies, Special Task Forces, and the occasional Episodes releases.


    Difference is if you decide to you want to level up a Engineer, thier story line is the same as the Science character you just max leveled. At least SWTOR gives you unique story lines on each major class.

  16. Yes I Know it is an mmo, yes I know mmo's are group games (although mmorpg should never mean forced to group).


    I love to socialize and all that but..


    Each of my characters that hit 50, don't get me wrong loved the story, spent most of the time doing the missions with my wife so we could experience each others...but at 50 with the "interlude"


    What I see in 1.2 being added

    New pvp conten (group)

    New flashpoints (group)

    New warzone (group)


    Oh yes we get a few rp emotes etc but..I see nothing new solo able story wise, It is like once I hit 50, all these flashpoints etc not one of them caters for solo or two player grouping...


    A huge amount of content not there simply because I enjoy playing this game as a storyline mission game solo or with wife.


    Also lets talk about companions, all through the game we are paired with them we learn there stories we find there flaws and do missions with them but end game content flashpoints etc are a no go..



    I honestly do not mind if certain content or hard modes are there but please put in a lower loot lower xp and lower reward version so we can atleast experience the stories and fun of these flashpoints without having to have a stranger with us.


    Not trying to be offensive here but you should look at joining a guild. There are quite a few out there that are "mature" guilds.


    Mine for instance is Kessel Shipping LTD. I think the youngest player we have is 24, with most of us in our later 30's and early 40's.


    Dont be shy....we are all gamers like you and your wife. We have jobs, kids, responsibilites (although my wife may argue that point when it comes to me..heh heh)... and we like to play games.


    Not trying to recruit you or anything....but if your interested in joining us PM me. We all just like to group up and do storyline, or Warzones and have a good time.

  17. I was dead serious in my previous post. I don't use the GTN, and don't know many people who do. On my server, where there's 150+ people on Fleet at any given moment, you'll see maybe five people at the GTN. The game simply does not cultivate a player economy, at all. The only people who partake are the ones who do so because they simply want to, not because there's any driving purpose to do so. I'm fairly confident, based on my many years of cynicism, that when talking about a number of people doing something because they want to, and not because they're driven to do so by game mechanics, that that number is going to be pretty small.


    If there was a real player economy, do you think Legacy would have been designed to just be a lot of huge credit sinks? Really think about that for a moment.


    On the flip side, every single person I know in game has had sound issues since 1.2 (all jokes aside, that number is far more than the five people I see at any given time at the GTN on Fleet). Which is why I think it's far more important to fix. /shrug


    Sound issues here... and it starts the minute I log in. Mostly missing sounds.

    And graphics glitches galore (Ashara runs with lightsabers always out, or lightsabers disappear entirely, I never sit in my seat when going from planet to planet in my ship...Im always sitting on air in the hallway)....


    But all those are minor compared to the hugely annoying bug of having to un-equip and re-equip my companions everytime I get off my speeder, zone into a different zone, recall ......

  18. Mark my words now: TOR will *never* go totally F2P. Not even EQ2 has...



    I sure hope you are right.... because with F2P comes all the microtransacitons. THis is the reason I left Star-Trek Online after being a beta tester and Day 1 player. It got out of freakin control..... that coupled with the incredibly stupid idea that you have to run the same STF (Flashpoint equiv) 20-30 times just to get one piece of elite gear. But thats a whole different story...

  19. First of all, thank you all for reporting this. Unfortunately, it looks like this specific fix did not work as intended. We've removed the patch note and this will be updated in our known issues list. A fix will be coming in an upcoming patch.


    Apologies, and thank you for your patience.


    Annoying bug yes... but it happens, especially with updates with this much content. Change 1 line of code and you break hundreds or thousands.


    thanks for the brevity of the response... most of us know the Devs are working this issue. IM just glad there is a response and to know the dev team is working it is good enough for me.

  20. Im getting sound issues all over the place, even when I have just logged in and at my first planetside battle. Missing lightsaber sounds, missing dialoge, missing environment sound., missing personal and taxi speed sounds. All intermittant. This wasnt happening before 1.2.
  21. Considering I have a level 44 Sith Assassin and a level 45 Repub Trooper, and Im deep in consideration and looking forward to leveling my next two (probably a Bounty Hunter or Sith Jauggernaut for the Imp side, and maybe a smuggler on the Repub side), I would say the OP's post is opinion, and doesnt match my opinion.


    Im loving SWTOR, loving the storyline, and can honestly see by the time I have say, 4 level 50 toons, BIO making so many changes to the game that it wont be the same game when I get to that point.


    HOWEVER they will need to move fairly quickly on Endgame material, as they will loose a significant amount (like the OP) that like to get one main and one alt max level.....


    Guess it all depends on your perspective.

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