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Posts posted by FAAmecanic

  1. Or, there's always Option 3. Do the required PVP, get carried (and learn nothing because you care little for said content), and contentedly ignore the cries of those genuinely interested in said content that a carebear is ruining their fun (and justifiably so). See? Everyone loses. That's what makes games fun - shoehorning content.


    Exactly.... god forbid they tie a companion to a HM Operation. Then we would have the same idiots that complained about how a level cap ruined HM Ops due to all the people that didn't know how to play their spec REALLY in a uproar.


    See...same applies to PvP. PvP will now be inundated by people like me that hate PvP in SWTOR, that will just stand (be stunned and killed) over and over just to check the box.


    What FUN Biofail created!

  2. Or, just queue up and mill around a little bit to keep from getting an AFK boot.

    Now you're at 1/20, you didn't have to PvP, and you got a little cash and some comms you can spend on decorations.

    Lather, Rinse, Repeat.


    Hey, maybe you'll get lucky and your team will win without your help and it'll count double.


    Personally, I usually watch Russian dash-cam videos on YouTube while I wait for the match to end.

    Those people are crazy!


    Pretty much how Im doing it (minus Russian Dash Cam vids).


    I PvP plenty in games like DayZ where I like to PvP. I tried PvP back early on when SWTOR came out and didn't like it.


    So being as Im being forced to PvP I just run around and get stunned/die. I really don't make an effort to do much of anything.


    And being as companions have been gimped to the point where one does not matter over another (I HATE this change btw).... I could care less about most of my old companions. Well...if I could shove DOC and the goody goody Jedi Ashara the Twilek out an airlock I would PVP my butt off to get them back just to kill them :)

  3. Welcome to any MMO that has gone Free to Play. It gets overrun by immature 14 yr olds and adults that act like immature 14 yrs olds.


    I generally ignore fleet chat because of this. My tip to you...even though you are a solo player, is find a good MATURE guild like I belong to (Rebels of the Empire)...although my guildmates would tell you Im probably the most immature in the guild :p


    Our guild is mostly comprised of adults that have jobs, kids, spouses...etc and is very kind and helpful to the newer members.

  4. This. Customization and companion customization was always one of this game's major strong points. The new companions have such a rich storyline and tie into KOTFE so well...but without being able to customize them it kinda feels like I'm just "borrowing" them from the main story. It doesn't feel like they are truly part of my crew/alliance.


    I also will most likely be using a lot of them for crafting only once I can access my old companions, unless there is some sort of patch to fix this. We'll see :D


    AMEN....so much this. Between the dumbing down of main character stats and the generic'ization of our companions...this game feels like it has lost a lot of depth.

  5. Quoted for truth. I don't know if you've reached the Fallen Empire content yet, OP, but basically BW designed the end of the last chapter in such a way that to bridge the gap to the upcoming 'next' chapter you're encouraged to rerun H2 heroics repeatedly to raise your influence.

    What this companion nerf has done, for that part of the game at least, is increase the downtime you have whilst running those heroics. To restate what Quraswren said; they made something that was already repetitive, exponentially more tedious and boring.


    QFT squared here..... I only started the new expansion 2 weeks ago. Finished the story on one toon (Pub main) and painfully doing it on one more (my IMP main)... and pretty much bored to DEATH with the grind. And I have 12 toons! Only logging in now to run Ops with guild..... sad really. Used to play every day.


    I don't have a problem with the Planet Heroics...other than they take MUCH longer to clear now (especially since my mains are heal and tank spec'ed and DPS numbers for comps are nerfed to hell). BW really needed to figure out another way to gain "influence" with your alliance other than grinding Heroics. How about giving a good amount of packages for OPs and FPs as well as crystals?

  6. The only thing that will speak to BIOFAIL is numbers. Subs going away, and F2P folks not logging in and spending money.


    This Open Beta player is about to be one of them. Not just because of the companion nerf.... because of all the stupid, asinine, wholesale changes BIOFAIL made to the game that I love. All the dumbing down of character stats, the neutering of our companions to where you only really need 1 companion, and the absolutely horrible crafting systems they now have in place.


    Too many good MMOs out right now...and a few good sci-fi MMOs coming soon. My $$ will go elsewhere.

  7. Your generalizations about "casuals" are inaccurate. Many casuals, myself included, have multiple crafters. A few of my alts I don't log onto much until I need them to craft something or gather more materials to restock the vault. Most of my alts I enjoy playing and leveling thus I need to craft stuff for them from time to time on other alts. I had three Cybertechs, each specializing in different attributes. Now I have only two and I enjoy playing both of them, though I am not sure how much crafting they will do...


    But you're right, the new system is more efficient if I wait for the components to be completed. I find it to be a pain in the inventory to craft while doing missions though. In other games, I can log in and craft or gather or adventure. This game just has crafting and gathering as background noise. With these components, it's an irritating background noise. It's too bad that BioWare couldn't use the imagination they put into combat into crafting as well.


    Amen on crafting being sooo irritating background noise now.


    I have 11 toons on Jung Ma.... all have (had) crafting speicialties that I focused on getting max companion affection on those that benefitted my crafting most on that specific toon. Now that is just thrown in the garbage with the new influence system and in essence knocking my "max influence" down to almost nothing that I worked VERY hard at since game launch. Add to that the added materials that need crafting before you can craft..... screw it.... its too much of a pain now. Something I USED to enjoy (especially while leveling new toons) is so completely annoying that I just can be bothered by it.


    The same reason I never got into crafting "Conquest" stuff and Stronghold supplies.... it was too annoying for me to spend the 1-2 hours a night I play and the 4 or 5 hours on the weekend. Now it applies to crafting everything else....


    -1 to BIOFAIL for a horrible, unimaginative crafting system made worse.

  8. Day 1 player and I have to say I absolutely HATE the new crafting.


    I like change but this was just wholesale stupid what the devs did.


    And this is just one of many things I hate about this new patch. I hate the dumbing down of skills for my character and my companions. Now with companions it feels like just "pick the companion that looks good with you" vs leveling them with you and picking the right companion for the job.


    The only thing I have liked with the new expansion is the story.... and sad to say it may not be enough to keep me subbed.

  9. I will say I love the new story Arc and its execution. But that is pretty much it.


    I HATE the rest of what Bioware has done to our game.


    1) The dumbing down of stats to "mastery". So now every character feels like a cookie cutter with different animations.


    2) The dumbing down of companions to do all three roles. And the limited abilities they now have (compared to what they were). I LIKED outfitting my companions. It made them feel like I was helping them while helping myself by gearing them up.


    3) Crafting.... I haven't played with this long enough to really comment. Other than I tried to take a quick 20 min look and realized it is way different.


    4) the MASSIVE changes to stats and gear. While I understand that if you play a MMO this happens in every MMO, This change felt way to drastic compared to the past expansions. Its almost like I have to relearn and balance ALL my stats over again vs. just tweaking them.


    This is just a few of the issues I really don't like. Im sure I will run into more as I play. Havent had more than 10 hours in game since 4.0 released due to me moving.

  10. Ughhh.... Please BW...Fire your artists..... Really.... 18th century earth PIRATE looking weaps and armor is the WORST idea since the Lady GAGA dancer Assassin (I guess it was Japanese themed) armor back in beginning, and the Heat Pipes coming out of your back Bounty Hunter gear (Columi).....


    Here is an idea....why don't your artists design armor sets and let the player base VOTE on the ones they like best???


    I could be wrong but I bet the majority of the playerbase does not like this current Pirate Theme.....

  11. My sage still runs around in his Tionese set....I just keep ripping/updating the mods. I wear it not because I like the look; rather, I do it because it's just so preposterous. I giggle a little whenever I look at him. And I get random whispers from people (usually on fleet) either reminiscing about the set, or asking where the heck I found it. Amuses me.


    As does my Commando Field Medic and Juggernaut.. both in Tionese as it looked awesome (well except for the big claws on the Jug boots....those look dumb). I get more people whispering me in fleet when Im on my commando asking where I got the cool gear....


    However....the Tionese/Columi/Rakata gear for the Shadow just looked horrible. Like we should have been dancing for Lady GaGa .... some (most!) of the costume artists need to be fired. I mean the newer 192 gear is just stupid as hell....who wants to look like a PIRATE in Star Wars..... ughh.

  12. IMO the combination from previous threads on the story mission requests throughout the years, and what we have discussed on the x12XP subject to be the best option for the devs to look into.


    I can see an option to reset the story mission series. its a hard trigger in the game. one that could be reset. the missions follow a path, its a 0 value when you first start a new character. as you complete missions within the story each mission generates a 1 value to show completion. all that would need to be done is a small string of coding to turn those all back to 0's. then another line to remove mission rewards from the completion announcement ingame.


    this will keep those missions you have not completed yet as 0s and their rewards still available. its not a lot of work to code in. test and tweak as needed. but is there enough interest to convince the Devs to do this? I think so



    Story Mission Reset Switch:


    • the leveling process doesn't change.
    • the option to reset the story missions as many times as you like.
    • able to reset the mission series at anytime.
    • but once reset, no mission rewards, credits, XP is given from previous completed story missions
    • Alignment gains and loses are active since they apply to choices and direction of story lines
    • Companion Affection stays as it can impact the story a small amount - mostly your decisions on options
    • if you reset at the end of chapter 1, beginning of chapter 2, you still receive xp, credits, rewards for the story missions you have not completed yet.


    so the leveling process can continue "where you left off". but once completed, you are not rewarded a 2nd time.

    this will prevent farming of anything from story missions. in case anything of value is actually added to a following line later on :rolleyes:


    added the alignment. it does impact story line choices and thus should still be active.

    companion affection stays


    making a new thread just for this to gage interest Link to Thread


    Agreed..... thumbs up here. I will accept having to grind out a new toon if I wanted to have a different advanced class (which I wont do except on BW sanctioned XP boost events).


    But that's because Im a Glass half full kinda guy....

  13. The entire concept of MMOs being group only, or having to be required to group in order to enjoy it, is old and outdated. MMOs cover a vast array of different styles of play. While group content is certainly a large part of the genre, it is not the ONLY part, especially in SWTOR where there's such a huge investment in the story aspects of the game.


    Part of the reason The Elder Scrolls Online has crashed and burned (F2P announced less than a year of going live)....the Veteran rank areas (which amount to 4x the amount of the non veteran rank areas) FORCE you to group due to insane level of AI difficulty. Coupled with a horrible grouping mechanic that if your friend/guildie didn't run EXACTLY the same story arc with you...you couldn't group with them. FAIL.....


    The best part of TESO was the first 50 levels where you could run solo..... forced grouping stinks especially the way TESO implemented the grouping with friends.

  14. And to clarify a bit, in my post I am mostly talking about endgame grouping that relies on players knowing their characters and their skill sets from the inside out. This, however, does not validate the fact that there are many, MANY "traditional" 60's out there that have no clue of what they are doing. As for complexity, I am (almost) sure you'll agree with me that the Sniper class and, for example, the Assassin class are worlds apart - the game is not as dumb as you are making it out to be either ;).


    And as I stated waaayyyy back on page 4 or 5 (lol).... a lot of players (myself included) couldn't play their class after grinding up the hard way. We had to rely on good guildmates, reading forums, or understanding fellow players to help us learn our class. This was my first MMO as far as traditional tank/dps/heal roles. I had NO CLUE how to play my class in a HM Op, and PvE story missions did little to train that.


    A unknowledgeable player will still be pretty bad after hitting level 55 if all they have done is PvE story/planet missions.


    Well said.....Yojiro


    Bottom line.... a player, to be good at HM or OPs has to do some homework (for gearing), and also have some good coaching by someone to understand the intricacies of his/her new class. I did get pretty good at my assassin tank (good enough to be my guilds off tank and main tank if our main was out)...but when I went to play my Pyromech Bounty hunter I had to learn a lot all over again (gearing, rotation...etc) PvE didn't teach me that....I did.

  15. To give players a perk to level up faster at x12 XP on all toons, will cut down the time it takes to level up, players will interact with each other less during the level up process. Sure we will group up for end game, but not everyone is there for end game. With less of the player base interacting, the game fails to be an MMORPG. Instead it slowly turns into a MMOFPS with end game content. Part of the draw to MMO is the level up process, story lines, interactions between players, meeting new people, crafting and end game content.


    I would honestly say when leveling my 9 other Alts the old fashioned way I rarely ran Heroics or FPs, and skipped planet quests when I could. And Im sure Im not the only one.... So this argument all the anti-12x XP'ers make is somewhat moot.


    I would say I don't need 12x XP if I could change my characters Class from say Scoundrel to Gunslinger. Or Sentinel to Guardian... if that makes any of you feel better. At this point I have seen all the story lines (except counselor). And would be awesome if BW would allow you to re-run storyline missions (with no gear, credit, or rewards other than seeing the stories un-interrupted). My only 2 real motivations for wanting 12x XP.


    Second, how about if they set it up so that to qualify for the boost, a player would need to have leveled at least one of EVERY class (AC) to 60, completed EVERY story at least once (since it is possible to reach 60 without completing a single story line) and reached legacy level 50. It would also cost 3,000,000 credits per character or 2400 CC's.



    I'm betting that you will take issue with those requirements since you obviously would not qualify for the boost, but will instead propose some other requirements which you will "MIRACULOUSLY" meet.


    Actually I would qualify if I leveled my Counselor to 60 (sitting at 40 now where he will stay), as I have done EVERY quest, on every Class except the Counselor. 3,000,000 credits...sure...I have spent more than that on Hypercrates and got JUNK. And I have been Legacy lvl 50 for 2 years or so now... But if you mean I would also have to have one of every subclass (forgot what they call it).... then whats the point of a 12x XP???


    I would like to create a gunslinger as my scoundrel bores me...don't like his rotation. But I wont. Once I get my Empire and Pub toon kitted with at least full 192 gear...I may stay subbed to run OPs or I may not. However BW could keep my money a bit longer if I had then Kit out a gunslinger...



    And for the record...call it lazy if you want (to not want to grind after all the toons I do have). I call it boredom. I quit TESO because after I got one toon to VR14 (which if you think SWOTR is bad to get to lvl 60...you aint seen nothing), I could not stomach the grind. I will just take my $$$ elsewhere again until an expansion releases.... as Im sure a lot of us 8-10+ SWTOR toon folks will.

  17. ITT: : People argue over whether 12xp makes you rush content while posting ways how to rush content without it.


    But then again people are silly


    ^^^ This ^^^ At least SOME ONE gets my point of what difference does it make if I have DEV sanctioned CP boosts (Cartel, Guild, Legacy...etc) or 12x XP.


    You get a cookie!

  18. You are so selfish and entitled you refuse to see that this has been addressed, multiple times, and you continue to focus on just what you want.


    - It increases social separation in the game. This creates an even more drastically tiered leveling experience.

    so what....I run with my guild 100% of the time. I don't PUG because I don't have a lot of game time due to real life commitments and for the most part my guild knows how to play their roles. Also what makes this argument asinine is do you think for one minute Im leveling my level 40 Counselor (my 10th or 11th toon?) Hell no....I cant /wont do the planetary missions again. Ill wait for the next 12x XP or not level another toon. So there goes your theory of empty planets, empty FP queues...etc etc

    - It overly rewards the 'haves'. Why do you get to skip content you think is onerous (the process of leveling up you want to go by at 12x the rate and at a significantly reduced time to achieve the 'end'... its not about 'skipping the planetary quests it's about skipping doing the time investment you have to make.. doesn't matter how you make it, be it PVP, KDY Runs, Etc, you want to be allowed to skip ALL of the time investment for leveling) while everyone else who doesn't meet your qualification still has to do this activity you dislike? What because you've done it before you shouldn't have to do it again? Ahhhh...the real crux of those that are butthurt by those that want 12x XP (or just a way to do story missions). WE LEVELED THE HARD WAY SO YOU SHOULD TOO. Sorry bud...but tying to legacy level 50, or some other manner that ensures you have paid your dues is more than enough.

    - It further depopulates already depopulated lower level content, making the MMO experience even weaker for new players who, lacking life/people to interact with, etc are less likely to be 'attached' to the game and stay on as subscribers/preferred players and this means a shrinking player base that likely accelerates its depopulation to the eventual end of the game where it may stagnate for years with minimal investment from EA while they take the money of the diehards but do little else. See number 1 above.....

    - It creates a very easily exploitable method to make and play FOTM classes, damaging the end game experience for _everyone_. At least now there is a somewhat tedious investment to rush a FOTM class to the end game. Adding 12X exp removes that/significantly reduces that. I think you mean FOTM being if there is a OP class the devs haven't nerfed the servers would be deluged by these OP characters (ahem..sorcs....ahem). Valid point here.... but this is the only one I will agree with. However there is always going to be balancing issues. and BW is pretty good with the nerf bat.




    My 2 cents.... in BLUE


    bottom line for me....its not about privilege. Its about keeping my sub. I unsubbed for the last year until SOR came out....once I get to the first tier of gear with class bonuses.... I will probably be gone again. The 12 x XP would have been the hook to let me try classes I haven't tried (ie I have a lvl 60 Scoundrel...but would love to try a gunslinger...but I will NOT level him, cant stomach the grind to 55 again). And as I said I have a level 40 Counselor that I will probably not finish....


    BW could keep me and many other vets by making experimenting with new classes and specialties, or seeing class stories I would like to see without interruption ...but not with the current grind. So my $$$ will go elsewhere again when I get bored. Which will be sooner than later.


    So to the one poster that said I wanted light speed to lvl 50.... after thinking about it...he is partially correct. So I can experiment with different classes. The other part is story....

  19. IMO, it's not that one is "valid" and the other is not. It's more that one is a way to bypass the side planet quests and the other is a demand for a "light speed, easy mode" way to level, a way to avoid the minimal effort of leveling.


    A better way to say it might be that one is simply finding a DIFFERENT kind of effort but the player is still willing to put forth the effort to level and the other is looking to AVOID the effort required to level.


    It is a fact that this game already has in place a means to accomplish the goal of bypassing the side planet quests, IF that is the TRUE motivation of those demanding a 12XP boost.


    Many of the people demanding the 12XP boost are claiming that they only want to bypass the side planet quests and that there demands have nothing to do with a desire for a "light speed, easy mode" means of leveling. Yet, it has been shown time and time again that they can bypass those side planet quests WITHOUT the 12XP boost and still get to max level. The existing means of bypassing the side planet quests is not good enough for many of those demanding the 12 XP boost, though, despite their claims that they only want to bypass the side planet quests and not have a "light speed, easy mode" way to level.


    This leads me to believe that the TRUE motivation is to have a "light speed, easy mode" means of leveling and not simply a desire to bypass the side planet quests.


    Honesty goes a LONG way in my book.


    Ok so just asking (and Im not trying to be a smart alec here)....


    What is the difference in me using Guild XP boost and Cartel XP boost during a 2x XP event. A boost is a boost...and if that gets someone to level 50 in 10 days vs 5 days.... you are still "boosting". What impact does that have on you or anyone else for that matter?


    Now if I was asking for 196 Gear to be easymode that's a different story as it devalues something a player has worked for I could understand that..

  20. I never said it would be "light speed, easy mode" leveling, but he CAN level without having to do those pesky planet side quests IF that is his TRUE motivation.


    IMO, it is NOT his TRUE motivation, nor the TRUE motivation of those demanding the 12XP boost.


    Yes ...again after leveling 10 toons I would like to 1) finish the counselor storyline which I have started..but have parked for the last year (yes...I missed out on the full 12x XP time because I was unsubbed and not paying attention) and 2) I really would like to level a Gunslinger (not a fan of the scoundrel).. and wouldn't mind seeing that story line (as well as all the others) in an uninterrupted, smooth flowing, single player experience.


    That is my motivation.... why would I lie about it? This is a GAME for christs sakes.

  21. If your only concern is to bypass the planet side quests, then by your own admission, there already exist multiple ways to accomplish this goal and a 12XP boost is not needed.



    You are correct..... but you are twisting my words. Why is one way valid, to bypass the planet missions with the intention of doing only the Story Line missions, and the other way not valid.

  22. Nice sidestep.


    It seems to me that you cannot answer his question and therefore wish to try to deflect attention away from it, rather than simply admit that you cannot answer it.


    Ill answer it....


    And not because I feel entitled or that Im an elitist, I have done the planet quests 10 times already (6 on Imp side and 4 on Pub). I would like to just see the Story without breaks in-between that ruin the continuity of the story for me.


    And I will say again...whats the difference if I get a 12x XP boost to do this, or I just BUY XP boosts for Space On Rails, GSF and/or PvP until I hit Level 50 ...then go do my storyline missions? Either way I bypass the planet quests.

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