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Everything posted by Strah

  1. being a merc, i can pretty much DESTROY any sorc 1v1. I just kill them faster than they kill me.
  2. Source? Afaik they said quite the opposite.
  3. Was actively leveling armstech, scavenging and investigation. Got my speeder and had a leftover of 25k. You are doing something wrong.
  4. It's something wrong with YOUR system. gtx260, phenom quad x4 3.2 ghz, 4 gb ram. Everything on high, smooth 50-60 fps.
  5. funny how me and my friend have 2-manned all content so far ( level 34 ), cleared all possible flashpoints several times as well. Me being a bh and him being a jugg. those healing companions are quite good if you keep them geared.
  6. 2.4 k tracer crits followed by 2k rail shot crits and an unload inbetween? i MELT people. The only problem is sniper, since they can outburst me, and outrange me.
  7. If you like big guns, lots of lasers and tactical attacks, then you've picked the wrong class. Trooper or IA is what you "like".
  8. Some people don't realize they play BIOWARE'S game on accounts that belong to BIOWARE. If Bio want to ban someone - they've got an absolute right to do that without no apparent reason. And in this case - they do have a reason.
  9. Get everyone in at the same time - servers crash, nobody plays. Get LOADS of people in at the same time ( aka stress test ) - nobody can quest properly, gameplay experience ruined for the majority. Do it the way they did - fair but square, mostly the people that waited for this game for the longest can play, but not that many. Either way people are going to complain, however the last option doesn't ruin the game experience for anyone, it just delays it a bit further. I'd rather play it later and have fun, rather than play earlier and rage about the lags and 100500 people killing my questmob.
  10. Yet he is much smarter than you. Ironic,isn't it?
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