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Everything posted by Newyankalt

  1. Meh too many players with all the best stuff vs noobs. Impossible to get yourself into wanting to play more GSF. I tried and then I leave to never touch it again for 3 months. When the time comes I'm just going to Fly around, and avoid being seen get my 5 matches done with
  2. Meh not a good reason unless it's my guild premade... Have no interest in spending an extra 20 minutes helping random conquest objective that does not concern me.
  3. Nah nobody even plays BT3 currently. I'd see no point to bother with making things bigger then BT3. But they won't ever change body types and faces ever anyways.
  4. Favorite: All the starter planets are very good, nice stories. Least Favorite: Belsavis
  5. It's a targeted thing, if you're asking cluelessly about it don't bother, it doesn't affect you. Now as for the coins it said Subscribe by July 7th. Said nothing about being rewarded the coins on that day.
  6. But still the Chiss Jedi is way better then wannabe Darth Maul with *****. However Consular story is too boring to play light side and Warrior... Kill everything!!!! Probably will play a light side agent sometime later this summer. But the other 2 classes are my main toons for the event achievements.
  7. I'm playing dark on my consular and warrior
  8. Except you don't always have a 65.... Try 4 DPS that are between level 17-28 on Czerka Core Meltdown. 2 of the guys have never done the FP before... No chance. We couldn't get past the desert boss.
  9. Healers should still get queue priority I live in Canada but play on Red Eclipse, I used to have friends on that server but they have since moved on from the game. Anyways I am often playing at not the most active times. Like 40 people on fleet and I have to wait 20 minutes for queues. But try doing some of these FPs with 4 dmg dealers and you will fail... I had 2 Sage dmg, Sentinel and myself Sage Healer on D7 and we where struggling. They where lowisg level and I was 55 but yeah Healers and Tanks should still get priority IMO...
  10. Tacticals with 4 damage suck... I decided my main Light vs Dark toon would be a Healing Sage. I have done almost every tactical needed for the achievement now and I end up carrying almost every one of those.... Most comps will be 3 dmg and myself as heals. I even had some idiots with the nerve to get mad at me because they ended up dying a couple time... These people always end up being Sentinels though, I mean you're playing a Sent on a tactical expect to die.... Most of the time I just want to tell them to **** and be happy you have a healer to begin with, but I'd rather not get into some long argument with someone who doesn't know how to play that class.
  11. Only because the others died in the defense of the Empire.
  12. Yes solo modes but I actually did both solo before level sync. The one beast with the panels on Lost Island was tedious but with some tweaks it could be better
  13. Well the Sith classes could easily crush her, she seemed like one of the weaker council members. Probably survived for being a coward not fighting
  14. Kaon and Lost Island should at least have story modes by now. Was quite surprised when I saw Directive 7 had a story mode but this FP arc did not. Pretty sure they don't even have tacticals either so I imagine hard mode for first timers doesn't go well.... Idk I don't run HM FPs. At least not since before KOTFE, used to a lot back then.
  15. How are EV, KP, EC linked to Dread Masters? Still out of all the operations those 2 make the most sense as Story Modes.
  16. Solo Operations for DF and DP make sense IMO because of that quest at the end of Oricon. Plus they where a pretty big focus in the story for around a year from ROTHC to Forged Alliances. All the other Operations I don't think solo modes are needed, a lot are stand alone stories that have not as much impact story wise.
  17. As a Smuggler I found the choices to be rather simple. First I saved the Imperial Admiral, she was clearly the most important figure of the 3 IMO and it helps build ties with the Empire. In the message after apparently Empress Acina was greatful of the choice as well, so that worked nicely. Secondly I saved the Republic (Tai), the Smuggler has ok ties with the Republic but not as strong as the other 3 republic classes so saving him made sense to make the alliance stronger. The Zakkul woman didn't seem useful and I feel the alliance has already exhausted its potential on Zakkul, who was really left to recruit? Already took Scorpio (was useful for awhile I guess ), Kaliyo, The Scions, Havoc Squad. Didn't think saving her would have much benefit overall at the current point. The alliance needs a unified Empire and Republic against the true enemy to win. These choices overall will have minimal impact but I did like my reasoning for my actions.
  18. LOL you read them?? And keep track of the prices... Mailbox has that ignore user button, just click that instantly.
  19. No I'm sorry I don't keep track of the latest prices credits are being sold at... I don't buy them.
  20. Some people are getting very expensive items like the new lightsabers for free in the packs. They go for 20-30 million on my server... 400CC is not a bad price to pay... You can spend 25 000CC and not pull one of those, they're quite rare.
  21. The HK rewards are not bind on legacy. The Nico Blasters and Duster are however which is why they are not in collections same with the pilot outfits
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